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+++ b/jdk/src/java.base/share/specs/serialization/class.md	Sun Apr 23 21:33:29 2017 +0200
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+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+# accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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+include-before: '[CONTENTS](index.html) | [PREV](input.html) | [NEXT](version.html)'
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+title: 'Java Object Serialization Specification: 4 - Class Descriptors'
+-   [The ObjectStreamClass Class](#the-objectstreamclass-class)
+-   [Dynamic Proxy Class Descriptors](#dynamic-proxy-class-descriptors)
+-   [Serialized Form](#serialized-form)
+-   [The ObjectStreamField Class](#the-objectstreamfield-class)
+-   [Inspecting Serializable Classes](#inspecting-serializable-classes)
+-   [Stream Unique Identifiers](#stream-unique-identifiers)
+## 4.1 The ObjectStreamClass Class
+The `ObjectStreamClass` provides information about classes that are saved in a
+Serialization stream. The descriptor provides the fully-qualified name of the
+class and its serialization version UID. A `SerialVersionUID` identifies the
+unique original class version for which this class is capable of writing
+streams and from which it can read.
+package java.io;
+public class ObjectStreamClass
+    public static ObjectStreamClass lookup(Class cl);
+        public static ObjectStreamClass lookupAny(Class cl);
+    public String getName();
+    public Class forClass();
+    public ObjectStreamField[] getFields();
+    public long getSerialVersionUID();
+    public String toString();
+The `lookup` method returns the `ObjectStreamClass` descriptor for the
+specified class in the virtual machine. If the class has defined
+`serialVersionUID` it is retrieved from the class. If the `serialVersionUID` is
+not defined by the class, it is computed from the definition of the class in
+the virtual machine. *I*f the specified class is not serializable or
+externalizable, *null* is returned.
+The `lookupAny` method behaves like the `lookup` method, except that it returns
+the descriptor for any class, regardless of whether it implements
+`Serializable`. The `serialVersionUID` of a class that does not implement
+`Serializable` is *0L.*
+The `getName` method returns the name of the class, in the same format that is
+used by the `Class.getName` method.
+The `forClass` method returns the `Class` in the local virtual machine if one
+was found by `ObjectInputStream.resolveClass` method. Otherwise, it returns
+The `getFields` method returns an array of `ObjectStreamField` objects that
+represent the serializable fields of this class.
+The `getSerialVersionUID` method returns the `serialVersionUID` of this class.
+Refer to [Section 4.6, "Stream Unique
+Identifiers"](#stream-unique-identifiers). If not specified by the class, the
+value returned is a hash computed from the class's name, interfaces, methods,
+and fields using the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) as defined by the National
+Institute of Standards.
+The `toString` method returns a printable representation of the class
+descriptor including the name of the class and the `serialVersionUID`.
+## 4.2 Dynamic Proxy Class Descriptors
+ObjectStreamClass descriptors are also used to provide information about
+dynamic proxy classes (e.g., classes obtained via calls to the getProxyClass
+method of java.lang.reflect.Proxy) saved in a serialization stream. A dynamic
+proxy class itself has no serializable fields and a serialVersionUID of 0L. In
+other words, when the Class object for a dynamic proxy class is passed to the
+static lookup method of ObjectStreamClass, the returned ObjectStreamClass
+instance will have the following properties:
+-   Invoking its getSerialVersionUID method will return 0L.
+-   Invoking its getFields method will return an array of length zero.
+-   Invoking its getField method with any String argument will return null.
+## 4.3 Serialized Form
+The serialized form of an ObjectStreamClass instance depends on whether or not
+the Class object it represents is serializable, externalizable, or a dynamic
+proxy class.
+When an `ObjectStreamClass` instance that does not represent a dynamic proxy
+class is written to the stream, it writes the class name and
+`serialVersionUID`, flags, and the number of fields. Depending on the class,
+additional information may be written:
+-   For non-serializable classes, the number of fields is always zero. Neither
+    the `SC_SERIALIZABLE` nor the `SC_EXTERNALIZABLE` flag bits are set.
+-   For serializable classes, the `SC_SERIALIZABLE` flag is set, the number of
+    fields counts the number of serializable fields and is followed by a
+    descriptor for each serializable field. The descriptors are written in
+    canonical order. The descriptors for primitive typed fields are written
+    first sorted by field name followed by descriptors for the object typed
+    fields sorted by field name. The names are sorted using `String.compareTo`.
+    For details of the format, refer to [Section 6.4, "Grammar for the Stream
+    Format"](protocol.html#grammar-for-the-stream-format).
+-   For externalizable classes, flags includes the `SC_EXTERNALIZABLE` flag,
+    and the number of fields is always zero.
+-   For enum types, flags includes the `SC_ENUM` flag, and the number of fields
+    is always zero.
+When an ObjectOutputStream serializes the ObjectStreamClass descriptor for a
+dynamic proxy class, as determined by passing its Class object to the
+isProxyClass method of java.lang.reflect.Proxy, it writes the number of
+interfaces that the dynamic proxy class implements, followed by the interface
+names. Interfaces are listed in the order that they are returned by invoking
+the getInterfaces method on the Class object of the dynamic proxy class.
+The serialized representations of ObjectStreamClass descriptors for dynamic
+proxy classes and non-dynamic proxy classes are differentiated through the use
+of different typecodes (`TC_PROXYCLASSDESC` and `TC_CLASSDESC`, respectively);
+for a more detailed specification of the grammar, see [Section 6.4, "Grammar
+for the Stream Format"](protocol.html#grammar-for-the-stream-format).
+## 4.4 The ObjectStreamField Class
+An `ObjectStreamField` represents a serializable field of a serializable class.
+The serializable fields of a class can be retrieved from the
+The special static serializable field, `serialPersistentFields`, is an array of
+`ObjectStreamField` components that is used to override the default
+serializable fields.
+package java.io;
+public class ObjectStreamField implements Comparable {
+    public ObjectStreamField(String fieldName,
+                             Class fieldType);
+    public ObjectStreamField(String fieldName,
+                             Class fieldType,
+                             boolean unshared);
+    public String getName();
+    public Class getType();
+    public String getTypeString();
+    public char getTypeCode();
+    public boolean isPrimitive();
+    public boolean isUnshared();
+    public int getOffset();
+    protected void setOffset(int offset);
+    public int compareTo(Object obj);
+    public String toString();
+`ObjectStreamField` objects are used to specify the serializable fields of a
+class or to describe the fields present in a stream. Its constructors accept
+arguments describing the field to represent: a string specifying the name of
+the field, a `Class` object specifying the type of the field, and a `boolean`
+flag (implicitly `false` for the two-argument constructor) indicating whether
+or not values of the represented field should be read and written as "unshared"
+objects if default serialization/deserialization is in use (see the
+descriptions of the `ObjectInputStream.readUnshared` and
+`ObjectOutputStream.writeUnshared` methods in [Section 3.1, "The
+ObjectInputStream Class"](input.html#the-objectinputstream-class) and [Section
+2.1, "The ObjectOutputStream Class"](output.html#the-objectoutputstream-class),
+The `getName` method returns the name of the serializable field.
+The `getType` method returns the type of the field.
+The `getTypeString` method returns the type signature of the field.
+The `getTypeCode` method returns a character encoding of the field type ('`B`'
+for `byte`, '`C`' for `char`, '`D`' for `double`, '`F`' for `float`, '`I`' for
+`int`, '`J`' for `long`, '`L`' for non-array object types, '`S`' for `short`,
+'`Z`' for `boolean`, and '`[`' for arrays).
+The `isPrimitive` method returns `true` if the field is of primitive type, or
+`false` otherwise.
+The `isUnshared` method returns `true` if values of the field should be written
+as "unshared" objects, or `false` otherwise.
+The `getOffset` method returns the offset of the field's value within instance
+data of the class defining the field.
+The `setOffset` method allows `ObjectStreamField` subclasses to modify the
+offset value returned by the `getOffset` method.
+The `compareTo` method compares `ObjectStreamFields` for use in sorting.
+Primitive fields are ranked as "smaller" than non-primitive fields; fields
+otherwise equal are ranked alphabetically.
+The `toString` method returns a printable representation with name and type.
+## 4.5 Inspecting Serializable Classes
+The program *serialver* can be used to find out if a class is serializable and
+to get its `serialVersionUID`. When invoked with the-show option, it puts up a
+simple user interface. To find out if a class is serializable and to find out
+its *serialVersionUID*`,` enter its full class name, then press either the
+Enter or the Show button. The string printed can be copied and pasted into the
+evolved class.
+>   ![*serialver, Serial Version Inspector program*](images/class.gif)
+When invoked on the command line with one or more class names, serialver prints
+the `serialVersionUID` for each class in a form suitable for copying into an
+evolving class. When invoked with no arguments, it prints a usage line.
+## 4.6 Stream Unique Identifiers
+Each versioned class must identify the original class version for which it is
+capable of writing streams and from which it can read. For example, a versioned
+class must declare:
+private static final long serialVersionUID = 3487495895819393L;
+The stream-unique identifier is a 64-bit hash of the class name, interface
+class names, methods, and fields. The value must be declared in all versions of
+a class except the first. It may be declared in the original class but is not
+required. The value is fixed for all compatible classes. If the SUID is not
+declared for a class, the value defaults to the hash for that class. The
+`serialVersionUID` for dynamic proxy classes and enum types always have the
+value *0L*. Array classes cannot declare an explicit `serialVersionUID`, so
+they always have the default computed value, but the requirement for matching
+`serialVersionUID` values is waived for array classes.
+**Note:** It is strongly recommended that all serializable classes explicitly
+declare `serialVersionUID` values, since the default `serialVersionUID`
+computation is highly sensitive to class details that may vary depending on
+compiler implementations, and can thus result in unexpected `serialVersionUID`
+conflicts during deserialization, causing deserialization to fail.
+The initial version of an `Externalizable` class must output a stream data
+format that is extensible in the future. The initial version of the method
+`readExternal` has to be able to read the output format of all future versions
+of the method `writeExternal`.
+The `serialVersionUID` is computed using the signature of a stream of bytes
+that reflect the class definition. The National Institute of Standards and
+Technology (NIST) Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) is used to compute a signature
+for the stream. The first two 32-bit quantities are used to form a 64-bit hash.
+A `java.lang.DataOutputStream` is used to convert primitive data types to a
+sequence of bytes. The values input to the stream are defined by the Java
+Virtual Machine (VM) specification for classes. Class modifiers may include the
+flags are ignored and do not affect `serialVersionUID` computation. Similarly,
+for field modifiers, only the `ACC_PUBLIC`, `ACC_PRIVATE`, `ACC_PROTECTED`,
+when computing `serialVersionUID` values. For constructor and method modifiers,
+flags are used. Names and descriptors are written in the format used by the
+`java.io.DataOutputStream.writeUTF` method.
+The sequence of items in the stream is as follows:
+1.  The class name.
+2.  The class modifiers written as a 32-bit integer.
+3.  The name of each interface sorted by name.
+4.  For each field of the class sorted by field name (except `private static`
+    and `private transient` fields:
+    a.  The name of the field.
+    b.  The modifiers of the field written as a 32-bit integer.
+    c.  The descriptor of the field.
+5.  If a class initializer exists, write out the following:
+    a.  The name of the method, `<clinit>`.
+    b.  The modifier of the method, `java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC`,
+        written as a 32-bit integer.
+    c.  The descriptor of the method, `()V`.
+6.  For each non-`private` constructor sorted by method name and signature:
+    a.  The name of the method, `<init>`.
+    b.  The modifiers of the method written as a 32-bit integer.
+    c.  The descriptor of the method.
+7.  For each non-`private` method sorted by method name and signature:
+    a.  The name of the method.
+    b.  The modifiers of the method written as a 32-bit integer.
+    c.  The descriptor of the method.
+8.  The SHA-1 algorithm is executed on the stream of bytes produced by
+    `DataOutputStream` and produces five 32-bit values `sha[0..4]`.
+9.  The hash value is assembled from the first and second 32-bit values of the
+    SHA-1 message digest. If the result of the message digest, the five 32-bit
+    words `H0 H1 H2 H3 H4`, is in an array of five `int` values named `sha`,
+    the hash value would be computed as follows:
+      long hash = ((sha[0] >>> 24) & 0xFF) |
+                  ((sha[0] >>> 16) & 0xFF) << 8 |
+                  ((sha[0] >>> 8) & 0xFF) << 16 |
+                  ((sha[0] >>> 0) & 0xFF) << 24 |
+                  ((sha[1] >>> 24) & 0xFF) << 32 |
+                  ((sha[1] >>> 16) & 0xFF) << 40 |
+                  ((sha[1] >>> 8) & 0xFF) << 48 |
+                  ((sha[1] >>> 0) & 0xFF) << 56;
+*[Copyright](../../../legal/SMICopyright.html) &copy; 2005, 2017, Oracle
+and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.*