changeset 10 06bc494ca11e
child 1260 a772ba9ba43d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/model/	Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 2007 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+ * Copyright 2005-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
+ * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
+ * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
+ *
+ * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ * accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *
+ * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
+ * CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
+ * have any questions.
+ */
+import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
+import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
+import java.util.Map;
+import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
+import javax.lang.model.element.*;
+import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
+import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
+import static javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter.methodsIn;
+ * Utility methods for operating on program elements.
+ *
+ * <p><b>This is NOT part of any API supported by Sun Microsystems.
+ * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own
+ * risk.  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change
+ * or deletion without notice.</b></p>
+ */
+public class JavacElements implements Elements {
+    private JavaCompiler javaCompiler;
+    private Symtab syms;
+    private Name.Table names;
+    private Types types;
+    private Enter enter;
+    private ClassReader reader;
+    private static final Context.Key<JavacElements> KEY =
+            new Context.Key<JavacElements>();
+    public static JavacElements instance(Context context) {
+        JavacElements instance = context.get(KEY);
+        if (instance == null) {
+            instance = new JavacElements(context);
+            context.put(KEY, instance);
+        }
+        return instance;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Public for use only by JavacProcessingEnvironment
+     */
+    // TODO JavacElements constructor should be protected
+    public JavacElements(Context context) {
+        setContext(context);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Use a new context.  May be called from outside to update
+     * internal state for a new annotation-processing round.
+     * This instance is *not* then registered with the new context.
+     */
+    public void setContext(Context context) {
+        javaCompiler = JavaCompiler.instance(context);
+        syms = Symtab.instance(context);
+        names = Name.Table.instance(context);
+        types = Types.instance(context);
+        enter = Enter.instance(context);
+        reader = ClassReader.instance(context);
+    }
+    /**
+     * An internal-use utility that creates a reified annotation.
+     */
+    public static <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(Symbol annotated,
+                                                         Class<A> annoType) {
+        if (!annoType.isAnnotation())
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an annotation type: "
+                                               + annoType);
+        String name = annoType.getName();
+        for (Attribute.Compound anno : annotated.getAnnotationMirrors())
+            if (name.equals(anno.type.tsym.flatName().toString()))
+                return AnnotationProxyMaker.generateAnnotation(anno, annoType);
+        return null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * An internal-use utility that creates a reified annotation.
+     * This overloaded version take annotation inheritance into account.
+     */
+    public static <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(ClassSymbol annotated,
+                                                         Class<A> annoType) {
+        boolean inherited = annoType.isAnnotationPresent(Inherited.class);
+        A result = null;
+        while ( != {
+            result = getAnnotation((Symbol)annotated, annoType);
+            if (result != null || !inherited)
+                break;
+            Type sup = annotated.getSuperclass();
+            if (sup.tag != TypeTags.CLASS || sup.isErroneous())
+                break;
+            annotated = (ClassSymbol) sup.tsym;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    public PackageSymbol getPackageElement(CharSequence name) {
+        String strName = name.toString();
+        if (strName.equals(""))
+            return syms.unnamedPackage;
+        return SourceVersion.isName(strName)
+            ? nameToSymbol(strName, PackageSymbol.class)
+            : null;
+    }
+    public ClassSymbol getTypeElement(CharSequence name) {
+        String strName = name.toString();
+        return SourceVersion.isName(strName)
+            ? nameToSymbol(strName, ClassSymbol.class)
+            : null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a symbol given the type's or packages's canonical name,
+     * or null if the name isn't found.
+     */
+    private <S extends Symbol> S nameToSymbol(String nameStr, Class<S> clazz) {
+        Name name = names.fromString(nameStr);
+        // First check cache.
+        Symbol sym = (clazz == ClassSymbol.class)
+                    ? syms.classes.get(name)
+                    : syms.packages.get(name);
+        try {
+            if (sym == null)
+                sym = javaCompiler.resolveIdent(nameStr);
+            sym.complete();
+            return (sym.kind != Kinds.ERR &&
+                    sym.exists() &&
+                    clazz.isInstance(sym) &&
+                    name.equals(sym.getQualifiedName()))
+                ? clazz.cast(sym)
+                : null;
+        } catch (CompletionFailure e) {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    public JavacSourcePosition getSourcePosition(Element e) {
+        Pair<JCTree, JCCompilationUnit> treeTop = getTreeAndTopLevel(e);
+        if (treeTop == null)
+            return null;
+        JCTree tree = treeTop.fst;
+        JCCompilationUnit toplevel = treeTop.snd;
+        JavaFileObject sourcefile = toplevel.sourcefile;
+        if (sourcefile == null)
+            return null;
+        return new JavacSourcePosition(sourcefile, tree.pos, toplevel.lineMap);
+    }
+    public JavacSourcePosition getSourcePosition(Element e, AnnotationMirror a) {
+        Pair<JCTree, JCCompilationUnit> treeTop = getTreeAndTopLevel(e);
+        if (treeTop == null)
+            return null;
+        JCTree tree = treeTop.fst;
+        JCCompilationUnit toplevel = treeTop.snd;
+        JavaFileObject sourcefile = toplevel.sourcefile;
+        if (sourcefile == null)
+            return null;
+        JCTree annoTree = matchAnnoToTree(a, e, tree);
+        if (annoTree == null)
+            return null;
+        return new JavacSourcePosition(sourcefile, annoTree.pos,
+                                       toplevel.lineMap);
+    }
+    public JavacSourcePosition getSourcePosition(Element e, AnnotationMirror a,
+                                            AnnotationValue v) {
+        // TODO: better accuracy in getSourcePosition(... AnnotationValue)
+        return getSourcePosition(e, a);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the tree for an annotation given the annotated element
+     * and the element's own tree.  Returns null if the tree cannot be found.
+     */
+    private JCTree matchAnnoToTree(AnnotationMirror findme,
+                                   Element e, JCTree tree) {
+        Symbol sym = cast(Symbol.class, e);
+        class Vis extends JCTree.Visitor {
+            List<JCAnnotation> result = null;
+            public void visitTopLevel(JCCompilationUnit tree) {
+                result = tree.packageAnnotations;
+            }
+            public void visitClassDef(JCClassDecl tree) {
+                result = tree.mods.annotations;
+            }
+            public void visitMethodDef(JCMethodDecl tree) {
+                result = tree.mods.annotations;
+            }
+            public void visitVarDef(JCVariableDecl tree) {
+                result = tree.mods.annotations;
+            }
+        }
+        Vis vis = new Vis();
+        tree.accept(vis);
+        if (vis.result == null)
+            return null;
+        return matchAnnoToTree(cast(Attribute.Compound.class, findme),
+                               sym.getAnnotationMirrors(),
+                               vis.result);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the tree for an annotation given a list of annotations
+     * in which to search (recursively) and their corresponding trees.
+     * Returns null if the tree cannot be found.
+     */
+    private JCTree matchAnnoToTree(Attribute.Compound findme,
+                                   List<Attribute.Compound> annos,
+                                   List<JCAnnotation> trees) {
+        for (Attribute.Compound anno : annos) {
+            for (JCAnnotation tree : trees) {
+                JCTree match = matchAnnoToTree(findme, anno, tree);
+                if (match != null)
+                    return match;
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the tree for an annotation given an Attribute to
+     * search (recursively) and its corresponding tree.
+     * Returns null if the tree cannot be found.
+     */
+    private JCTree matchAnnoToTree(final Attribute.Compound findme,
+                                   final Attribute attr,
+                                   final JCTree tree) {
+        if (attr == findme)
+            return (tree.type.tsym == findme.type.tsym) ? tree : null;
+        class Vis implements Attribute.Visitor {
+            JCTree result = null;
+            public void visitConstant(Attribute.Constant value) {
+            }
+            public void visitClass(Attribute.Class clazz) {
+            }
+            public void visitCompound(Attribute.Compound anno) {
+                for (Pair<MethodSymbol, Attribute> pair : anno.values) {
+                    JCExpression expr = scanForAssign(pair.fst, tree);
+                    if (expr != null) {
+                        JCTree match = matchAnnoToTree(findme, pair.snd, expr);
+                        if (match != null) {
+                            result = match;
+                            return;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            public void visitArray(Attribute.Array array) {
+                if (tree.getTag() == JCTree.NEWARRAY &&
+                        types.elemtype(array.type).tsym == findme.type.tsym) {
+                    List<JCExpression> elems = ((JCNewArray) tree).elems;
+                    for (Attribute value : array.values) {
+                        if (value == findme) {
+                            result = elems.head;
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        elems = elems.tail;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            public void visitEnum(Attribute.Enum e) {
+            }
+            public void visitError(Attribute.Error e) {
+            }
+        }
+        Vis vis = new Vis();
+        attr.accept(vis);
+        return vis.result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Scans for a JCAssign node with a LHS matching a given
+     * symbol, and returns its RHS.  Does not scan nested JCAnnotations.
+     */
+    private JCExpression scanForAssign(final MethodSymbol sym,
+                                       final JCTree tree) {
+        class TS extends TreeScanner {
+            JCExpression result = null;
+            public void scan(JCTree t) {
+                if (t != null && result == null)
+                    t.accept(this);
+            }
+            public void visitAnnotation(JCAnnotation t) {
+                if (t == tree)
+                    scan(t.args);
+            }
+            public void visitAssign(JCAssign t) {
+                if (t.lhs.getTag() == JCTree.IDENT) {
+                    JCIdent ident = (JCIdent) t.lhs;
+                    if (ident.sym == sym)
+                        result = t.rhs;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        TS scanner = new TS();
+        tree.accept(scanner);
+        return scanner.result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the tree node corresponding to this element, or null
+     * if none can be found.
+     */
+    public JCTree getTree(Element e) {
+        Pair<JCTree, ?> treeTop = getTreeAndTopLevel(e);
+        return (treeTop != null) ? treeTop.fst : null;
+    }
+    public String getDocComment(Element e) {
+        // Our doc comment is contained in a map in our toplevel,
+        // indexed by our tree.  Find our enter environment, which gives
+        // us our toplevel.  It also gives us a tree that contains our
+        // tree:  walk it to find our tree.  This is painful.
+        Pair<JCTree, JCCompilationUnit> treeTop = getTreeAndTopLevel(e);
+        if (treeTop == null)
+            return null;
+        JCTree tree = treeTop.fst;
+        JCCompilationUnit toplevel = treeTop.snd;
+        if (toplevel.docComments == null)
+            return null;
+        return toplevel.docComments.get(tree);
+    }
+    public PackageElement getPackageOf(Element e) {
+        return cast(Symbol.class, e).packge();
+    }
+    public boolean isDeprecated(Element e) {
+        Symbol sym = cast(Symbol.class, e);
+        return (sym.flags() & Flags.DEPRECATED) != 0;
+    }
+    public Name getBinaryName(TypeElement type) {
+        return cast(TypeSymbol.class, type).flatName();
+    }
+    public Map<MethodSymbol, Attribute> getElementValuesWithDefaults(
+                                                        AnnotationMirror a) {
+        Attribute.Compound anno = cast(Attribute.Compound.class, a);
+        DeclaredType annotype = a.getAnnotationType();
+        Map<MethodSymbol, Attribute> valmap = anno.getElementValues();
+        for (ExecutableElement ex :
+                 methodsIn(annotype.asElement().getEnclosedElements())) {
+            MethodSymbol meth = (MethodSymbol) ex;
+            Attribute defaultValue = meth.getDefaultValue();
+            if (defaultValue != null && !valmap.containsKey(meth)) {
+                valmap.put(meth, defaultValue);
+            }
+        }
+        return valmap;
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@inheritDoc}
+     */
+    public FilteredMemberList getAllMembers(TypeElement element) {
+        Symbol sym = cast(Symbol.class, element);
+        Scope scope = sym.members().dupUnshared();
+        List<Type> closure = types.closure(sym.asType());
+        for (Type t : closure)
+            addMembers(scope, t);
+        return new FilteredMemberList(scope);
+    }
+    // where
+        private void addMembers(Scope scope, Type type) {
+            members:
+            for (Scope.Entry e = type.asElement().members().elems; e != null; e = e.sibling) {
+                Scope.Entry overrider = scope.lookup(e.sym.getSimpleName());
+                while (overrider.scope != null) {
+                    if (overrider.sym.kind == e.sym.kind
+                        && (overrider.sym.flags() & Flags.SYNTHETIC) == 0)
+                    {
+                        if (overrider.sym.getKind() == ElementKind.METHOD
+                        && overrides((ExecutableElement)overrider.sym, (ExecutableElement)e.sym, (TypeElement)type.asElement())) {
+                            continue members;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    overrider =;
+                }
+                boolean derived = e.sym.getEnclosingElement() != scope.owner;
+                ElementKind kind = e.sym.getKind();
+                boolean initializer = kind == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR
+                    || kind == ElementKind.INSTANCE_INIT
+                    || kind == ElementKind.STATIC_INIT;
+                if (!derived || (!initializer && e.sym.isInheritedIn(scope.owner, types)))
+                    scope.enter(e.sym);
+            }
+        }
+    /**
+     * Returns all annotations of an element, whether
+     * inherited or directly present.
+     *
+     * @param e  the element being examined
+     * @return all annotations of the element
+     */
+    public List<Attribute.Compound> getAllAnnotationMirrors(Element e) {
+        Symbol sym = cast(Symbol.class, e);
+        List<Attribute.Compound> annos = sym.getAnnotationMirrors();
+        while (sym.getKind() == ElementKind.CLASS) {
+            Type sup = ((ClassSymbol) sym).getSuperclass();
+            if (sup.tag != TypeTags.CLASS || sup.isErroneous() ||
+                    sup.tsym == syms.objectType.tsym) {
+                break;
+            }
+            sym = sup.tsym;
+            List<Attribute.Compound> oldAnnos = annos;
+            for (Attribute.Compound anno : sym.getAnnotationMirrors()) {
+                if (isInherited(anno.type) &&
+                        !containsAnnoOfType(oldAnnos, anno.type)) {
+                    annos = annos.prepend(anno);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return annos;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests whether an annotation type is @Inherited.
+     */
+    private boolean isInherited(Type annotype) {
+        for (Attribute.Compound anno : annotype.tsym.getAnnotationMirrors()) {
+            if (anno.type.tsym == syms.inheritedType.tsym)
+                return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tests whether a list of annotations contains an annotation
+     * of a given type.
+     */
+    private static boolean containsAnnoOfType(List<Attribute.Compound> annos,
+                                              Type type) {
+        for (Attribute.Compound anno : annos) {
+            if (anno.type.tsym == type.tsym)
+                return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    public boolean hides(Element hiderEl, Element hideeEl) {
+        Symbol hider = cast(Symbol.class, hiderEl);
+        Symbol hidee = cast(Symbol.class, hideeEl);
+        // Fields only hide fields; methods only methods; types only types.
+        // Names must match.  Nothing hides itself (just try it).
+        if (hider == hidee ||
+                hider.kind != hidee.kind ||
+       != {
+            return false;
+        }
+        // Only static methods can hide other methods.
+        // Methods only hide methods with matching signatures.
+        if (hider.kind == Kinds.MTH) {
+            if (!hider.isStatic() ||
+                        !types.isSubSignature(hider.type, hidee.type)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        // Hider must be in a subclass of hidee's class.
+        // Note that if M1 hides M2, and M2 hides M3, and M3 is accessible
+        // in M1's class, then M1 and M2 both hide M3.
+        ClassSymbol hiderClass = hider.owner.enclClass();
+        ClassSymbol hideeClass = hidee.owner.enclClass();
+        if (hiderClass == null || hideeClass == null ||
+                !hiderClass.isSubClass(hideeClass, types)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        // Hidee must be accessible in hider's class.
+        // The method isInheritedIn is poorly named:  it checks only access.
+        return hidee.isInheritedIn(hiderClass, types);
+    }
+    public boolean overrides(ExecutableElement riderEl,
+                             ExecutableElement rideeEl, TypeElement typeEl) {
+        MethodSymbol rider = cast(MethodSymbol.class, riderEl);
+        MethodSymbol ridee = cast(MethodSymbol.class, rideeEl);
+        ClassSymbol origin = cast(ClassSymbol.class, typeEl);
+        return == &&
+               // not reflexive as per JLS
+               rider != ridee &&
+               // we don't care if ridee is static, though that wouldn't
+               // compile
+               !rider.isStatic() &&
+               // Symbol.overrides assumes the following
+               ridee.isMemberOf(origin, types) &&
+               // check access and signatures; don't check return types
+               rider.overrides(ridee, origin, types, false);
+    }
+    public String getConstantExpression(Object value) {
+        return Constants.format(value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Print a representation of the elements to the given writer in
+     * the specified order.  The main purpose of this method is for
+     * diagnostics.  The exact format of the output is <em>not</em>
+     * specified and is subject to change.
+     *
+     * @param w the writer to print the output to
+     * @param elements the elements to print
+     */
+    public void printElements( w, Element... elements) {
+        for (Element element : elements)
+            (new PrintingProcessor.PrintingElementVisitor(w, this)).visit(element).flush();
+    }
+    public Name getName(CharSequence cs) {
+        return Name.fromString(names, cs.toString());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the tree node and compilation unit corresponding to this
+     * element, or null if they can't be found.
+     */
+    private Pair<JCTree, JCCompilationUnit> getTreeAndTopLevel(Element e) {
+        Symbol sym = cast(Symbol.class, e);
+        Env<AttrContext> enterEnv = getEnterEnv(sym);
+        if (enterEnv == null)
+            return null;
+        JCTree tree = TreeInfo.declarationFor(sym, enterEnv.tree);
+        if (tree == null || enterEnv.toplevel == null)
+            return null;
+        return new Pair<JCTree,JCCompilationUnit>(tree, enterEnv.toplevel);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the best approximation for the tree node and compilation unit
+     * corresponding to the given element, annotation and value.
+     * If the element is null, null is returned.
+     * If the annotation is null or cannot be found, the tree node and
+     * compilation unit for the element is returned.
+     * If the annotation value is null or cannot be found, the tree node and
+     * compilation unit for the annotation is returned.
+     */
+    public Pair<JCTree, JCCompilationUnit> getTreeAndTopLevel(
+                      Element e, AnnotationMirror a, AnnotationValue v) {
+        if (e == null)
+            return null;
+        Pair<JCTree, JCCompilationUnit> elemTreeTop = getTreeAndTopLevel(e);
+        if (elemTreeTop == null)
+            return null;
+        if (a == null)
+            return elemTreeTop;
+        JCTree annoTree = matchAnnoToTree(a, e, elemTreeTop.fst);
+        if (annoTree == null)
+            return elemTreeTop;
+        // 6388543: if v != null, we should search within annoTree to find
+        // the tree matching v. For now, we ignore v and return the tree of
+        // the annotation.
+        return new Pair<JCTree, JCCompilationUnit>(annoTree, elemTreeTop.snd);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a symbol's enter environment, or null if it has none.
+     */
+    private Env<AttrContext> getEnterEnv(Symbol sym) {
+        // Get enclosing class of sym, or sym itself if it is a class
+        // or package.
+        TypeSymbol ts = (sym.kind != Kinds.PCK)
+                        ? sym.enclClass()
+                        : (PackageSymbol) sym;
+        return (ts != null)
+                ? enter.getEnv(ts)
+                : null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns an object cast to the specified type.
+     * @throws NullPointerException if the object is {@code null}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the object is of the wrong type
+     */
+    private static <T> T cast(Class<T> clazz, Object o) {
+        if (! clazz.isInstance(o))
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(o.toString());
+        return clazz.cast(o);
+    }