changeset 30661 0685e2924fc6
parent 30660 f7067154c7a4
child 30663 b141d3176812
--- a/jdk/src/jdk.dev/share/classes/com/sun/tools/hat/resources/hat.js	Tue Apr 28 14:39:21 2015 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1473 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
- * The Original Code is HAT. The Initial Developer of the
- * Original Code is Bill Foote, with contributions from others
- * at JavaSoft/Sun.
- */
-var hatPkg = Packages.com.sun.tools.hat.internal;
- * This is JavaScript interface for heap analysis using HAT
- * (Heap Analysis Tool). HAT classes are referred from
- * this file. In particular, refer to classes in hat.model 
- * package.
- * 
- * HAT model objects are wrapped as convenient script objects so that
- * fields may be accessed in natural syntax. For eg. Java fields can be
- * accessed with obj.field_name syntax and array elements can be accessed
- * with array[index] syntax. 
- */
-// returns an enumeration that wraps elements of
-// the input enumeration elements.
-function wrapperEnumeration(e) {
-    return new java.util.Enumeration() {
-        hasMoreElements: function() {
-            return e.hasMoreElements();
-        },
-        nextElement: function() {
-            return wrapJavaValue(e.nextElement());
-        }
-    };
-// returns an enumeration that filters out elements
-// of input enumeration using the filter function.
-function filterEnumeration(e, func, wrap) {
-    var next = undefined;
-    var index = 0;
-    function findNext() {
-        var tmp;
-        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
-            tmp = e.nextElement();
-            index++;
-            if (wrap) {
-                tmp = wrapJavaValue(tmp);
-            }
-            if (func(tmp, index, e)) {
-                next = tmp;
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return new java.util.Enumeration() {
-        hasMoreElements: function() {
-            findNext();
-            return next != undefined;
-        },
-        nextElement: function() {
-            if (next == undefined) {
-                // user may not have called hasMoreElements?
-                findNext();
-            }
-            if (next == undefined) {
-                throw "NoSuchElementException";
-            }
-            var res = next;
-            next = undefined;
-            return res;
-        }
-    };
-// enumeration that has no elements ..
-var emptyEnumeration = new java.util.Enumeration() {
-        hasMoreElements: function() { 
-            return false;
-        },
-        nextElement: function() {
-            throw "NoSuchElementException";
-        }
-    };
-function wrapRoot(root) {
-    if (root) {
-        return {
-            id: root.idString,
-            description: root.description,
-            referrer: wrapJavaValue(root.referer),
-            type: root.typeName
-        };
-    } else {
-        return null;
-    }
-function JavaClassProto() {    
-    function jclass(obj) {
-        return obj['wrapped-object'];
-    }
-    // return whether given class is subclass of this class or not
-    this.isSubclassOf = function(other) {
-        var tmp = jclass(this);
-        var otherid = objectid(other);
-        while (tmp != null) {
-            if (otherid.equals(tmp.idString)) {
-                return true;
-            }
-            tmp = tmp.superclass;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    // return whether given class is superclass of this class or not
-    this.isSuperclassOf = function(other) {
-        return other.isSubclassOf(this); 
-    }
-    // includes direct and indirect superclasses
-    this.superclasses = function() {
-        var res = new Array();
-        var tmp = this.superclass;
-        while (tmp != null) {
-            res[res.length] = tmp;
-            tmp = tmp.superclass;
-        }
-        return res;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns an array containing subclasses of this class.
-     *
-     * @param indirect should include indirect subclasses or not.
-     *                 default is true.
-     */
-    this.subclasses = function(indirect) {
-        if (indirect == undefined) indirect = true;
-        var classes = jclass(this).subclasses;
-        var res = new Array();
-        for (var i in classes) {
-            var subclass = wrapJavaValue(classes[i]);
-            res[res.length] = subclass;
-            if (indirect) {
-                res = res.concat(subclass.subclasses());
-            }
-        }
-        return res;
-    }
-    this.toString = function() { return jclass(this).toString(); }
-var theJavaClassProto = new JavaClassProto();
-// Script wrapper for HAT model objects, values.
-// wraps a Java value as appropriate for script object
-function wrapJavaValue(thing) {
-    if (thing == null || thing == undefined ||
-        thing instanceof hatPkg.model.HackJavaValue) {
-	return null;
-    } 
-    if (thing instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaValue) {
-        // map primitive values to closest JavaScript primitives
-        if (thing instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaBoolean) {
-            return thing.toString() == "true";
-        } else if (thing instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaChar) {
-            return thing.toString() + '';
-        } else {
-            return java.lang.Double.parseDouble(thing.toString());
-        }			
-    } else {
-        // wrap Java object as script object
-        return wrapJavaObject(thing);		
-    }
-// wrap Java object with appropriate script object
-function wrapJavaObject(thing) {
-    // HAT Java model object wrapper. Handles all cases 
-    // (instance, object/primitive array and Class objects)	
-    function javaObject(jobject) {		
-        // FIXME: Do I need this? or can I assume that these would
-        // have been resolved already?
-        if (jobject instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaObjectRef) {
-            jobject = jobject.dereference();
-            if (jobject instanceof hatPkg.model.HackJavaValue) {
-                print(jobject);
-                return null;
-            }
-        }
-        if (jobject instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaObject) {
-            return new JavaObjectWrapper(jobject);
-        } else if (jobject instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaClass) {
-            return new JavaClassWrapper(jobject);
-        } else if (jobject instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaObjectArray) {
-            return new JavaObjectArrayWrapper(jobject);
-        } else if (jobject instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaValueArray) {
-            return new JavaValueArrayWrapper(jobject);
-        } else {
-            print("unknown heap object type: " + jobject.getClass());
-            return jobject;
-        }
-    }
-    // returns wrapper for Java instances
-    function JavaObjectWrapper(instance) {
-        var things = instance.fields;
-        var fields = instance.clazz.fieldsForInstance;
-        // instance fields can be accessed in natural syntax
-        return new JSAdapter() {
-            __getIds__ : function() {
-                    var res = new Array(fields.length);
-                    for (var i in fields) {
-                        res[i] = fields[i].name;
-                    }
-                    return res;
-            },
-            __has__ : function(name) {
-                    for (var i in fields) {
-                        if (name == fields[i].name) return true;
-                    }
-                    return name == 'class' || name == 'toString' ||
-                           name == 'wrapped-object';
-            },
-            __get__ : function(name) {
-                    for (var i in fields) {
-                        if(fields[i].name == name) {
-                            return wrapJavaValue(things[i]);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (name == 'class') {
-                        return wrapJavaValue(instance.clazz);
-                    } else if (name == 'wrapped-object') {
-                        return instance;
-                    } 
-                    return undefined;
-            },
-            __call__: function(name) {
-                if (name == 'toString') {
-                    return instance.toString();
-                } else {
-                    return undefined;
-                }
-            } 
-        }				
-    }
-    // return wrapper for Java Class objects
-    function JavaClassWrapper(jclass) {	
-        var fields = jclass.statics;
-        // to access static fields of given Class cl, use 
-        // cl.statics.<static-field-name> syntax
-        this.statics = new JSAdapter() {
-            __getIds__ : function() {
-                var res = new Array(fields.length);
-                for (var i in fields) {
-                    res[i] = fields[i].field.name;
-                }
-                return res;
-            },
-            __has__ : function(name) {
-                for (var i in fields) {
-                    if (name == fields[i].field.name) {
-                        return true;
-                    }					
-                }
-                return false;
-            },
-            __get__ : function(name) {
-                for (var i in fields) {
-                    if (name == fields[i].field.name) {
-                        return wrapJavaValue(fields[i].value);	
-                    }					
-                }
-                return undefined;
-            }
-        }
-        if (jclass.superclass != null) {
-            this.superclass = wrapJavaValue(jclass.superclass);
-        } else {
-            this.superclass = null;
-        }
-        this.loader = wrapJavaValue(jclass.getLoader());
-        this.signers = wrapJavaValue(jclass.getSigners());
-        this.protectionDomain = wrapJavaValue(jclass.getProtectionDomain());
-        this.instanceSize = jclass.instanceSize;
-        this.name = jclass.name; 
-        this.fields = jclass.fields;
-        this['wrapped-object'] = jclass;
-    }
-    for (var i in theJavaClassProto) {
-        if (typeof theJavaClassProto[i] == 'function') {
-           JavaClassWrapper.prototype[i] = theJavaClassProto[i];
-        }
-    }
-    // returns wrapper for Java object arrays
-    function JavaObjectArrayWrapper(array) {
-        var elements = array.elements;
-        // array elements can be accessed in natural syntax
-        // also, 'length' property is supported.
-        return new JSAdapter() {
-            __getIds__ : function() {
-                var res = new Array(elements.length);
-                for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
-                    res[i] = String(i);
-                }
-                return res;
-            },
-            __has__: function(name) {
-                return (name >= 0 && name < elements.length)  ||
-                        name == 'length' || name == 'class' ||
-                        name == 'toString' || name == 'wrapped-object';
-            },
-            __get__ : function(name) {
-                if (name >= 0 && name < elements.length) {
-                    return wrapJavaValue(elements[name]);
-                } else if (name == 'length') {
-                    return elements.length;
-                } else if (name == 'class') {
-                    return wrapJavaValue(array.clazz);
-                } else if (name == 'wrapped-object') {
-                    return array;
-                } else {
-                    return undefined;
-                }				
-            },
-            __call__: function(name) {
-                if (name == 'toString') {
-                    return array.toString();
-                } else {
-                    return undefined;
-                }
-            } 
-        }			
-    }
-    // returns wrapper for Java primitive arrays
-    function JavaValueArrayWrapper(array) {
-        var type = String(java.lang.Character.toString(array.elementType));
-        var elements = array.elements;
-        // array elements can be accessed in natural syntax
-        // also, 'length' property is supported.
-        return new JSAdapter() {
-            __getIds__ : function() {
-                var r = new Array(array.length);
-                for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
-                    r[i] = String(i);
-                }
-                return r;
-            },
-            __has__: function(name) {
-                return (name >= 0 && name < array.length) ||
-                        name == 'length' || name == 'class' ||
-                        name == 'toString' || name == 'wrapped-object';
-            },
-            __get__: function(name) {
-                if (name >= 0 && name < array.length) {
-                    return elements[name];
-                }
-                if (name == 'length') {
-                    return array.length;
-                } else if (name == 'wrapped-object') {
-                    return array;
-                } else if (name == 'class') {
-                    return wrapJavaValue(array.clazz);
-                } else {
-                    return undefined;
-                }
-            },
-            __call__: function(name) {
-                if (name == 'toString') {
-                    return array.valueString(true);
-                } else {
-                    return undefined;
-                }
-            } 
-        }
-    }
-    return javaObject(thing);
-// unwrap a script object to corresponding HAT object
-function unwrapJavaObject(jobject) {
-    if (!(jobject instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaHeapObject)) {
-        try {
-            jobject = jobject["wrapped-object"];
-        } catch (e) {
-            print("unwrapJavaObject: " + jobject + ", " + e);
-            jobject = undefined;
-        }
-    }
-    return jobject;
- * readHeapDump parses a heap dump file and returns script wrapper object.
- *
- * @param file  Heap dump file name
- * @param stack flag to tell if allocation site traces are available
- * @param refs  flag to tell if backward references are needed or not
- * @param debug debug level for HAT
- * @return heap as a JavaScript object
- */
-function readHeapDump(file, stack, refs, debug) {
-    // default value of debug is 0
-    if (!debug) debug = 0;
-    // by default, we assume no stack traces
-    if (!stack) stack = false;
-    // by default, backward references are resolved
-    if (!refs) refs = true;
-    // read the heap dump 
-    var heap = hatPkg.parser.HprofReader.readFile(file, stack, debug);
-    // resolve it
-    heap.resolve(refs);
-    // wrap Snapshot as convenient script object
-    return wrapHeapSnapshot(heap);
- * The result object supports the following methods:
- * 
- *  forEachClass  -- calls a callback for each Java Class
- *  forEachObject -- calls a callback for each Java object
- *  findClass -- finds Java Class of given name
- *  findObject -- finds object from given object id
- *  objects -- returns all objects of given class as an enumeration
- *  classes -- returns all classes in the heap as an enumeration
- *  reachables -- returns all objects reachable from a given object
- *  livepaths -- returns an array of live paths because of which an
- *               object alive.
- *  describeRef -- returns description for a reference from a 'from' 
- *              object to a 'to' object.
- */
-function wrapHeapSnapshot(heap) {
-    function getClazz(clazz) {
-        if (clazz == undefined) clazz = "java.lang.Object";
-        var type = typeof(clazz);
-        if (type == "string") {
-            clazz = heap.findClass(clazz);		
-        } else if (type == "object") {
-            clazz = unwrapJavaObject(clazz);
-        } else {
-            throw "class expected";;
-        }
-        return clazz;
-    }
-    // return heap as a script object with useful methods.
-    return {
-        snapshot: heap,
-        /**
-         * Class iteration: Calls callback function for each
-         * Java Class in the heap. Default callback function 
-         * is 'print'. If callback returns true, the iteration 
-         * is stopped.
-         *
-         * @param callback function to be called.
-         */
-        forEachClass: function(callback) {
-            if (callback == undefined) callback = print;
-            var classes = this.snapshot.classes;
-            while (classes.hasMoreElements()) {
-                if (callback(wrapJavaValue(classes.nextElement())))
-                    return;
-            }
-        },
-        /**
-         * Returns an Enumeration of all roots.
-         */
-        roots: function() {
-            var e = this.snapshot.roots;
-            return new java.util.Enumeration() {
-                hasMoreElements: function() {
-                    return e.hasMoreElements();
-                },
-                nextElement: function() {
-                    return wrapRoot(e.nextElement());
-                }
-            };
-        },
-        /**
-         * Returns an Enumeration for all Java classes.
-         */
-        classes: function() {
-            return wrapIterator(this.snapshot.classes, true);
-        },
-        /**
-         * Object iteration: Calls callback function for each
-         * Java Object in the heap. Default callback function 
-         * is 'print'.If callback returns true, the iteration 
-         * is stopped.
-         *
-         * @param callback function to be called. 
-         * @param clazz Class whose objects are retrieved.
-         *        Optional, default is 'java.lang.Object'
-         * @param includeSubtypes flag to tell if objects of subtypes
-         *        are included or not. optional, default is true.
-         */
-        forEachObject: function(callback, clazz, includeSubtypes) {
-            if (includeSubtypes == undefined) includeSubtypes = true;
-            if (callback == undefined) callback = print;
-            clazz = getClazz(clazz);
-            if (clazz) {
-                var instances = clazz.getInstances(includeSubtypes);
-                while (instances.hasNextElements()) {
-                    if (callback(wrapJavaValue(instances.nextElement())))
-                        return;
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        /** 
-         * Returns an enumeration of Java objects in the heap.
-         * 
-         * @param clazz Class whose objects are retrieved.
-         *        Optional, default is 'java.lang.Object'
-         * @param includeSubtypes flag to tell if objects of subtypes
-         *        are included or not. optional, default is true.
-         * @param where (optional) filter expression or function to
-         *        filter the objects. The expression has to return true
-         *        to include object passed to it in the result array. 
-         *        Built-in variable 'it' refers to the current object in 
-         *        filter expression.
-         */
-        objects: function(clazz, includeSubtypes, where) {
-            if (includeSubtypes == undefined) includeSubtypes = true;
-            if (where) {
-                if (typeof(where) == 'string') {
-                    where = new Function("it", "return " + where);
-                }
-            }
-            clazz = getClazz(clazz);
-            if (clazz) {
-                var instances = clazz.getInstances(includeSubtypes);
-                if (where) {
-                    return filterEnumeration(instances, where, true);
-                } else {
-                    return wrapperEnumeration(instances);
-                }
-            } else {
-                return emptyEnumeration;
-            }
-        },
-        /**
-         * Find Java Class of given name.
-         * 
-         * @param name class name
-         */
-        findClass: function(name) {
-            var clazz = this.snapshot.findClass(name + '');
-            return wrapJavaValue(clazz);
-        },
-        /**
-         * Find Java Object from given object id
-         *
-         * @param id object id as string
-         */
-        findObject: function(id) {
-            return wrapJavaValue(this.snapshot.findThing(id));
-        },
-        /**
-         * Returns an enumeration of objects in the finalizer
-         * queue waiting to be finalized.
-         */
-        finalizables: function() {
-            var tmp = this.snapshot.getFinalizerObjects();
-            return wrapperEnumeration(tmp);
-        },
-        /**
-         * Returns an array that contains objects referred from the
-         * given Java object directly or indirectly (i.e., all 
-         * transitively referred objects are returned).
-         *
-         * @param jobject Java object whose reachables are returned.
-         */
-        reachables: function (jobject) {
-            return reachables(jobject, this.snapshot.reachableExcludes);
-        },
-        /**
-         * Returns array of paths of references by which the given 
-         * Java object is live. Each path itself is an array of
-         * objects in the chain of references. Each path supports
-         * toHtml method that returns html description of the path.
-         *
-         * @param jobject Java object whose live paths are returned
-         * @param weak flag to indicate whether to include paths with
-         *             weak references or not. default is false.
-         */
-        livepaths: function (jobject, weak) {
-            if (weak == undefined) {
-                weak = false;
-            }
-            function wrapRefChain(refChain) {
-                var path = new Array();
-                // compute path array from refChain
-                var tmp = refChain;
-                while (tmp != null) {
-                    var obj = tmp.obj;
-                    path[path.length] = wrapJavaValue(obj);
-                    tmp = tmp.next;
-                }
-                function computeDescription(html) {
-                    var root = refChain.obj.root;
-                    var desc = root.description;
-                    if (root.referer) {
-                        var ref = root.referer;
-                        desc += " (from " + 
-                            (html? toHtml(ref) : ref.toString()) + ')';
-                    }
-                    desc += '->';
-                    var tmp = refChain;
-                    while (tmp != null) {
-                        var next = tmp.next;
-                        var obj = tmp.obj;
-                        desc += html? toHtml(obj) : obj.toString();
-                        if (next != null) {
-                            desc += " (" + 
-                                    obj.describeReferenceTo(next.obj, heap)  + 
-                                    ") ->";
-                        }
-                        tmp = next;
-                    }
-                    return desc;
-                }
-                return new JSAdapter() {
-                    __getIds__ : function() {
-                        var res = new Array(path.length);
-                        for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
-                            res[i] = String(i);
-                        }
-                        return res;
-                    },
-                    __has__ : function (name) {
-                        return (name >= 0 && name < path.length) ||
-                            name == 'length' || name == 'toHtml' ||
-                            name == 'toString';
-                    },
-                    __get__ : function(name) {
-                        if (name >= 0 && name < path.length) {
-                            return path[name];
-                        } else if (name == 'length') {
-                            return path.length;
-                        } else {
-                            return undefined;
-                        }
-                    },
-                    __call__: function(name) {
-                        if (name == 'toHtml') {
-                            return computeDescription(true);
-                        } else if (name == 'toString') {
-                            return computeDescription(false);
-                        } else {
-                            return undefined;
-                        }
-                    }
-                };
-            }
-            jobject = unwrapJavaObject(jobject);
-            var refChains = this.snapshot.rootsetReferencesTo(jobject, weak);
-            var paths = new Array(refChains.length);
-            for (var i in refChains) {
-                paths[i] = wrapRefChain(refChains[i]);
-            }
-            return paths;
-        },
-        /**
-         * Return description string for reference from 'from' object
-         * to 'to' Java object.
-         *
-         * @param from source Java object
-         * @param to destination Java object
-         */
-        describeRef: function (from, to) {
-            from = unwrapJavaObject(from);
-            to = unwrapJavaObject(to);
-            return from.describeReferenceTo(to, this.snapshot);
-        },
-    };
-// per-object functions
- * Returns allocation site trace (if available) of a Java object
- *
- * @param jobject object whose allocation site trace is returned
- */
-function allocTrace(jobject) {
-    try {
-        jobject = unwrapJavaObject(jobject);			
-        var trace = jobject.allocatedFrom;
-        return (trace != null) ? trace.frames : null;
-    } catch (e) {
-        print("allocTrace: " + jobject + ", " + e);
-        return null;
-    }
- * Returns Class object for given Java object
- *
- * @param jobject object whose Class object is returned
- */
-function classof(jobject) {
-    jobject = unwrapJavaObject(jobject);
-    return wrapJavaValue(jobject.clazz);
- * Find referers (a.k.a in-coming references). Calls callback
- * for each referrer of the given Java object. If the callback 
- * returns true, the iteration is stopped.
- *
- * @param callback function to call for each referer
- * @param jobject object whose referers are retrieved
- */
-function forEachReferrer(callback, jobject) {
-    jobject = unwrapJavaObject(jobject);
-    var refs = jobject.referers;
-    while (refs.hasMoreElements()) {
-        if (callback(wrapJavaValue(refs.nextElement()))) {
-            return;
-        }
-    }
- * Compares two Java objects for object identity.
- *
- * @param o1, o2 objects to compare for identity
- */
-function identical(o1, o2) {
-    return objectid(o1) == objectid(o2);
- * Returns Java object id as string
- *
- * @param jobject object whose id is returned
- */
-function objectid(jobject) {
-    try {
-        jobject = unwrapJavaObject(jobject);
-        return String(jobject.idString);
-    } catch (e) {
-        print("objectid: " + jobject + ", " + e);
-        return null;
-    }
- * Prints allocation site trace of given object
- *
- * @param jobject object whose allocation site trace is returned
- */
-function printAllocTrace(jobject) {
-    var frames = this.allocTrace(jobject);
-    if (frames == null || frames.length == 0) {
-        print("allocation site trace unavailable for " + 
-              objectid(jobject));
-        return;
-    }    
-    print(objectid(jobject) + " was allocated at ..");
-    for (var i in frames) {
-        var frame = frames[i];
-        var src = frame.sourceFileName;
-        if (src == null) src = '<unknown source>';
-        print('\t' + frame.className + "." +
-             frame.methodName + '(' + frame.methodSignature + ') [' +
-             src + ':' + frame.lineNumber + ']');
-    }
- * Returns an enumeration of referrers of the given Java object.
- *
- * @param jobject Java object whose referrers are returned.
- */
-function referrers(jobject) {
-    try {
-        jobject = unwrapJavaObject(jobject);
-        return wrapperEnumeration(jobject.referers);
-    } catch (e) {
-        print("referrers: " + jobject + ", " + e);
-        return emptyEnumeration;
-    }
- * Returns an array that contains objects referred from the
- * given Java object.
- *
- * @param jobject Java object whose referees are returned.
- */
-function referees(jobject) {
-    var res = new Array();
-    jobject = unwrapJavaObject(jobject);
-    if (jobject != undefined) {
-        try {
-            jobject.visitReferencedObjects(
-                new hatPkg.model.JavaHeapObjectVisitor() {
-                    visit: function(other) { 
-                        res[res.length] = wrapJavaValue(other);
-                    },
-                    exclude: function(clazz, field) { 
-                        return false; 
-                    },
-                    mightExclude: function() { 
-                        return false; 
-                    }
-                });
-        } catch (e) {
-            print("referees: " + jobject + ", " + e);
-        }
-    }
-    return res;
- * Returns an array that contains objects referred from the
- * given Java object directly or indirectly (i.e., all 
- * transitively referred objects are returned).
- *
- * @param jobject Java object whose reachables are returned.
- * @param excludes optional comma separated list of fields to be 
- *                 removed in reachables computation. Fields are
- *                 written as class_name.field_name form.
- */
-function reachables(jobject, excludes) {
-    if (excludes == undefined) {
-        excludes = null;
-    } else if (typeof(excludes) == 'string') {
-        var st = new java.util.StringTokenizer(excludes, ",");
-        var excludedFields = new Array();
-        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
-            excludedFields[excludedFields.length] = st.nextToken().trim();
-        }
-        if (excludedFields.length > 0) { 
-            excludes = new hatPkg.model.ReachableExcludes() {
-                        isExcluded: function (field) {
-                            for (var index in excludedFields) {
-                                if (field.equals(excludedFields[index])) {
-                                    return true;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            return false;
-                        }
-                    };
-        } else {
-            // nothing to filter...
-            excludes = null;
-        }
-    } else if (! (excludes instanceof hatPkg.model.ReachableExcludes)) {
-        excludes = null;
-    }
-    jobject = unwrapJavaObject(jobject);
-    var ro = new hatPkg.model.ReachableObjects(jobject, excludes);  
-    var tmp = ro.reachables;
-    var res = new Array(tmp.length);
-    for (var i in tmp) {
-        res[i] = wrapJavaValue(tmp[i]);
-    }
-    return res;
- * Returns whether 'from' object refers to 'to' object or not.
- *
- * @param from Java object that is source of the reference.
- * @param to Java object that is destination of the reference.
- */
-function refers(from, to) {
-    try {
-        var tmp = unwrapJavaObject(from);
-        if (tmp instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaClass) {
-            from = from.statics;
-        } else if (tmp instanceof hatPkg.model.JavaValueArray) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        for (var i in from) {
-            if (identical(from[i], to)) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-    } catch (e) {
-        print("refers: " + from + ", " + e);
-    }
-    return false;
- * If rootset includes given jobject, return Root
- * object explanining the reason why it is a root.
- *
- * @param jobject object whose Root is returned
- */
-function root(jobject) {
-    try {
-        jobject = unwrapJavaObject(jobject);
-        return wrapRoot(jobject.root);
-    } catch (e) {
-        return null;
-    }
- * Returns size of the given Java object
- *
- * @param jobject object whose size is returned
- */
-function sizeof(jobject) {
-    try {
-        jobject = unwrapJavaObject(jobject);
-        return jobject.size;
-    } catch (e) {
-        print("sizeof: " + jobject + ", " + e);
-        return null;
-    }
- * Returns String by replacing Unicode chars and
- * HTML special chars (such as '<') with entities.
- *
- * @param str string to be encoded
- */
-function encodeHtml(str) {
-    return hatPkg.util.Misc.encodeHtml(str);
- * Returns HTML string for the given object.
- *
- * @param obj object for which HTML string is returned.
- */
-function toHtml(obj) {
-    if (obj == null) {
-        return "null";
-    } 
-    if (obj == undefined) {
-        return "undefined";
-    } 
-    var tmp = unwrapJavaObject(obj);
-    if (tmp != undefined) {
-        var id = tmp.idString;
-        if (tmp instanceof Packages.com.sun.tools.hat.internal.model.JavaClass) {
-            var name = tmp.name;
-            return "<a href='/class/" + id + "'>class " + name + "</a>";
-        } else {
-            var name = tmp.clazz.name;
-            return "<a href='/object/" + id + "'>" +
-                   name + "@" + id + "</a>";
-        }
-    } else if (obj instanceof Object) {
-        if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
-            // script array
-            var res = "[ ";
-            for (var i in obj) {
-                res += toHtml(obj[i]);
-                if (i != obj.length - 1) {
-                    res += ", ";
-                }
-            } 
-            res += " ]";
-            return res;
-        } else {
-            // if the object has a toHtml function property
-            // just use that...
-            if (typeof(obj.toHtml) == 'function') {
-                return obj.toHtml();
-            } else {
-                // script object
-                var res = "{ ";
-                for (var i in obj) {
-                    res +=  i + ":" + toHtml(obj[i]) + ", ";
-                }
-                res += "}";
-                return res;
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        // a Java object
-        obj = wrapIterator(obj);
-        // special case for enumeration
-        if (obj instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-            var res = "[ ";
-            while (obj.hasMoreElements()) {
-                res += toHtml(obj.nextElement()) + ", ";
-            }
-            res += "]";
-            return res; 
-        } else {
-            return obj;
-        }
-    }
- * Generic array/iterator/enumeration [or even object!] manipulation 
- * functions. These functions accept an array/iteration/enumeration
- * and expression String or function. These functions iterate each 
- * element of array and apply the expression/function on each element.
- */
-// private function to wrap an Iterator as an Enumeration
-function wrapIterator(itr, wrap) {
-    if (itr instanceof java.util.Iterator) {
-        return new java.util.Enumeration() {
-                   hasMoreElements: function() {
-                       return itr.hasNext();
-                   },
-                   nextElement: function() {
-                       return wrap? wrapJavaValue(itr.next()) : itr.next();
-                   }
-               };
-    } else {
-        return itr;
-    }
- * Converts an enumeration/iterator/object into an array
- *
- * @param obj enumeration/iterator/object
- * @return array that contains values of enumeration/iterator/object
- */
-function toArray(obj) {	
-    obj = wrapIterator(obj);
-    if (obj instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-        var res = new Array();
-        while (obj.hasMoreElements()) {
-            res[res.length] = obj.nextElement();
-        }
-        return res;
-    } else if (obj instanceof Array) {
-        return obj;
-    } else {
-        var res = new Array();
-        for (var index in obj) {
-            res[res.length] = obj[index];
-        }
-        return res;
-    }
- * Returns whether the given array/iterator/enumeration contains 
- * an element that satisfies the given boolean expression specified 
- * in code. 
- *
- * @param array input array/iterator/enumeration that is iterated
- * @param code  expression string or function 
- * @return boolean result
- *
- * The code evaluated can refer to the following built-in variables. 
- *
- * 'it' -> currently visited element
- * 'index' -> index of the current element
- * 'array' -> array that is being iterated
- */
-function contains(array, code) {
-    array = wrapIterator(array);
-    var func = code;
-    if (typeof(func) != 'function') {
-        func = new Function("it", "index", "array",  "return " + code);
-    }
-    if (array instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-        var index = 0;
-        while (array.hasMoreElements()) {
-            var it = array.nextElement();
-            if (func(it, index, array)) {
-                return true;
-            }
-            index++;
-        }
-    } else {
-        for (var index in array) {
-            var it = array[index];
-            if (func(it, String(index), array)) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
- * concatenates two arrays/iterators/enumerators.
- *
- * @param array1 array/iterator/enumeration
- * @param array2 array/iterator/enumeration
- *
- * @return concatenated array or composite enumeration
- */
-function concat(array1, array2) {
-    array1 = wrapIterator(array1);
-    array2 = wrapIterator(array2);
-    if (array1 instanceof Array && array2 instanceof Array) {
-        return array1.concat(array2);
-    } else if (array1 instanceof java.util.Enumeration &&
-               array2 instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-        return new Packages.com.sun.tools.hat.internal.util.CompositeEnumeration(array1, array2);
-    } else {
-        return undefined;
-    }
- * Returns the number of array/iterator/enumeration elements 
- * that satisfy the given boolean expression specified in code. 
- * The code evaluated can refer to the following built-in variables. 
- *
- * @param array input array/iterator/enumeration that is iterated
- * @param code  expression string or function 
- * @return number of elements
- *
- * 'it' -> currently visited element
- * 'index' -> index of the current element
- * 'array' -> array that is being iterated
- */
-function count(array, code) {
-    if (code == undefined) {
-        return length(array);
-    }
-    array = wrapIterator(array);
-    var func = code;
-    if (typeof(func) != 'function') {
-        func = new Function("it", "index", "array",  "return " + code);
-    }
-    var result = 0;
-    if (array instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-        var index = 0;
-        while (array.hasMoreElements()) {
-            var it = array.nextElement();
-            if (func(it, index, array)) {
-                result++;
-            }
-            index++;
-        }
-    } else {
-        for (var index in array) {
-            var it = array[index];
-            if (func(it, index, array)) {
-                result++;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return result;
- * filter function returns an array/enumeration that contains 
- * elements of the input array/iterator/enumeration that satisfy 
- * the given boolean expression. The boolean expression code can 
- * refer to the following built-in variables. 
- *
- * @param array input array/iterator/enumeration that is iterated
- * @param code  expression string or function 
- * @return array/enumeration that contains the filtered elements
- *
- * 'it' -> currently visited element
- * 'index' -> index of the current element
- * 'array' -> array that is being iterated
- * 'result' -> result array
- */
-function filter(array, code) {
-    array = wrapIterator(array);
-    var func = code;
-    if (typeof(code) != 'function') {
-        func = new Function("it", "index", "array", "result", "return " + code);
-    }
-    if (array instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-        return filterEnumeration(array, func, false);
-    } else {
-        var result = new Array();
-        for (var index in array) {
-            var it = array[index];
-            if (func(it, String(index), array, result)) {
-                result[result.length] = it;
-            }
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
- * Returns the number of elements of array/iterator/enumeration.
- *
- * @param array input array/iterator/enumeration that is iterated
- */
-function length(array) {
-    array = wrapIterator(array);
-    if (array instanceof Array) {
-        return array.length;
-    } else if (array instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-        var cnt = 0;
-        while (array.hasMoreElements()) {
-            array.nextElement(); 
-            cnt++;
-        }
-        return cnt;
-    } else {
-        var cnt = 0;
-        for (var index in array) {
-            cnt++;
-        }
-        return cnt;
-    }
- * Transforms the given object or array by evaluating given code
- * on each element of the object or array. The code evaluated
- * can refer to the following built-in variables. 
- *
- * @param array input array/iterator/enumeration that is iterated
- * @param code  expression string or function 
- * @return array/enumeration that contains mapped values
- *
- * 'it' -> currently visited element
- * 'index' -> index of the current element
- * 'array' -> array that is being iterated
- * 'result' -> result array
- *
- * map function returns an array/enumeration of values created 
- * by repeatedly calling code on each element of the input
- * array/iterator/enumeration.
- */
-function map(array, code) {
-    array = wrapIterator(array);
-    var func = code;
-    if(typeof(code) != 'function') {
-        func = new Function("it", "index", "array", "result", "return " + code);
-    }
-    if (array instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-        var index = 0;
-        var result = new java.util.Enumeration() {
-            hasMoreElements: function() {
-                return array.hasMoreElements();
-            },
-            nextElement: function() {
-                return func(array.nextElement(), index++, array, result);
-            }
-        };
-        return result;
-    } else {
-        var result = new Array();
-        for (var index in array) {
-            var it = array[index];
-            result[result.length] = func(it, String(index), array, result);
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-// private function used by min, max functions
-function minmax(array, code) {
-    if (typeof(code) == 'string') {
-        code = new Function("lhs", "rhs", "return " + code);
-    }
-    array = wrapIterator(array);
-    if (array instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-        if (! array.hasMoreElements()) {
-            return undefined;
-        }
-        var res = array.nextElement();
-        while (array.hasMoreElements()) {
-            var next = array.nextElement();
-            if (code(next, res)) {
-                res = next;
-            }
-        }
-        return res;
-    } else {
-        if (array.length == 0) {
-            return undefined;
-        }
-        var res = array[0];
-        for (var index = 1; index < array.length; index++) {
-            if (code(array[index], res)) {
-                res = array[index];
-            }
-        } 
-        return res;
-    }
- * Returns the maximum element of the array/iterator/enumeration
- *
- * @param array input array/iterator/enumeration that is iterated
- * @param code (optional) comparision expression or function
- *        by default numerical maximum is computed.
- */
-function max(array, code) {
-    if (code == undefined) {
-        code = function (lhs, rhs) { return lhs > rhs; }
-    }
-    return minmax(array, code);
- * Returns the minimum element of the array/iterator/enumeration
- *
- * @param array input array/iterator/enumeration that is iterated
- * @param code (optional) comparision expression or function
- *        by default numerical minimum is computed.
- */
-function min(array, code) {
-    if (code == undefined) {
-        code = function (lhs, rhs) { return lhs < rhs; }
-    } 
-    return minmax(array, code);
- * sort function sorts the input array. optionally accepts
- * code to compare the elements. If code is not supplied,
- * numerical sort is done.
- *
- * @param array input array/iterator/enumeration that is sorted
- * @param code  expression string or function 
- * @return sorted array 
- *
- * The comparison expression can refer to the following
- * built-in variables:
- *
- * 'lhs' -> 'left side' element
- * 'rhs' -> 'right side' element
- */
-function sort(array, code) {
-    // we need an array to sort, so convert non-arrays
-    array = toArray(array);
-    // by default use numerical comparison
-    var func = code;
-    if (code == undefined) {
-        func = function(lhs, rhs) { return lhs - rhs; };
-    } else if (typeof(code) == 'string') {
-        func = new Function("lhs", "rhs", "return " + code);
-    }
-    return array.sort(func);
- * Returns the sum of the elements of the array
- *
- * @param array input array that is summed.
- * @param code optional expression used to map
- *        input elements before sum.
- */
-function sum(array, code) {
-    array = wrapIterator(array);
-    if (code != undefined) {
-        array = map(array, code);
-    }
-    var result = 0;
-    if (array instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-        while (array.hasMoreElements()) {
-            result += Number(array.nextElement());
-        }
-    } else {
-        for (var index in array) {
-            result += Number(array[index]);
-        }
-    }
-    return result;
- * Returns array of unique elements from the given input 
- * array/iterator/enumeration.
- *
- * @param array from which unique elements are returned.
- * @param code optional expression (or function) giving unique
- *             attribute/property for each element.
- *             by default, objectid is used for uniqueness.
- */
-function unique(array, code) {
-    array = wrapIterator(array);
-    if (code == undefined) {
-        code = new Function("it", "return objectid(it);");
-    } else if (typeof(code) == 'string') {
-        code = new Function("it", "return " + code);
-    }
-    var tmp = new Object();
-    if (array instanceof java.util.Enumeration) {
-        while (array.hasMoreElements()) {
-            var it = array.nextElement();
-            tmp[code(it)] = it;
-        }
-    } else {
-        for (var index in array) {
-            var it = array[index];
-            tmp[code(it)] = it;
-        }
-    }
-    var res = new Array();
-    for (var index in tmp) {
-        res[res.length] = tmp[index];
-    }
-    return res;