changeset 57859 f4230f4bdd6b
child 58112 e7754025004b
equal deleted inserted replaced
57858:9254b05c141c 57859:f4230f4bdd6b
     1 package jdk.jfr.internal.dcmd;
     2 import java.time.Duration;
     3 import java.time.Instant;
     4 import java.time.LocalDateTime;
     5 import java.time.ZoneOffset;
     6 import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
     7 import java.util.ArrayList;
     8 import java.util.Collections;
     9 import java.util.HashMap;
    10 import java.util.Iterator;
    11 import java.util.List;
    12 import java.util.Map;
    13 import java.util.Objects;
    14 import java.util.StringJoiner;
    16 import jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordedEvent;
    17 import jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordedFrame;
    18 import jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordedMethod;
    19 import jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordedStackTrace;
    20 import jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordingStream;
    22 /**
    23  *
    25  *
    26  * Example agent that shows how event streaming can be used to gather statistics
    27  * of a running application.
    28  *
    29  * Usage:
    30  *
    31  * $ java -javaagent:health-report.jar[=interval=<interval>] MyApp
    32  *
    33  * where interval is how often statistics should be written to standard out.
    34  *
    35  * Example,
    36  *
    37  * $ java -javaagent:health-report.jar MyApp
    38  *
    39  * For testing purposes it is also possible to just run and it will
    40  * run an allocation loop
    41  *
    42  * $ java
    43  *
    44  */
    45 public final class Health {
    47     private static final String TEMPLATE =
    48     "=================== HEALTH REPORT === $FLUSH_TIME         ====================\n" +
    49     "| GC: $GC_NAME            Phys. memory: $PHYSIC_MEM Alloc Rate: $ALLOC_RATE  |\n" +
    50     "| OC Count    : $OC_COUNT Initial Heap: $INIT_HEAP  Total Alloc: $TOT_ALLOC  |\n" +
    51     "| OC Pause Avg: $OC_AVG   Used Heap   : $USED_HEAP  Thread Count: $THREADS   |\n" +
    52     "| OC Pause Max: $OC_MAX   Commit. Heap: $COM_HEAP   Class Count : $CLASSES   |\n" +
    53     "| YC Count    : $YC_COUNT CPU Machine   : $MACH_CPU Safepoints: $SAFEPOINTS  |\n" +
    54     "| YC Pause Avg: $YC_AVG   CPU JVM User  : $USR_CPU  Max Safepoint: $MAX_SAFE |\n" +
    55     "| YC Pause Max: $YC_MAX   CPU JVM System: $SYS_CPU  Max Comp. Time: $MAX_COM |\n" +
    56     "|--- Top Allocation Methods ------------------------------- -----------------|\n" +
    57     "| $ALLOCACTION_TOP_FRAME                                            $AL_PE   |\n" +
    58     "| $ALLOCACTION_TOP_FRAME                                            $AL_PE   |\n" +
    59     "| $ALLOCACTION_TOP_FRAME                                            $AL_PE   |\n" +
    60     "| $ALLOCACTION_TOP_FRAME                                            $AL_PE   |\n" +
    61     "| $ALLOCACTION_TOP_FRAME                                            $AL_PE   |\n" +
    62     "|--- Hot Methods ------------------------------------------------------------|\n" +
    63     "| $EXECUTION_TOP_FRAME                                              $EX_PE   |\n" +
    64     "| $EXECUTION_TOP_FRAME                                              $EX_PE   |\n" +
    65     "| $EXECUTION_TOP_FRAME                                              $EX_PE   |\n" +
    66     "| $EXECUTION_TOP_FRAME                                              $EX_PE   |\n" +
    67     "| $EXECUTION_TOP_FRAME                                              $EX_PE   |\n" +
    68     "==============================================================================\n";
    70     public final static Field FLUSH_TIME = new Field();
    72     public final static Field GC_NAME = new Field();
    73     public final static Field OC_COUNT= new Field(Option.COUNT);
    74     public final static Field OC_AVG = new Field(Option.AVERAGE, Option.DURATION);
    75     public final static Field OC_MAX = new Field(Option.MAX, Option.DURATION);
    76     public final static Field YC_COUNT = new Field(Option.COUNT);
    77     public final static Field YC_AVG = new Field(Option.AVERAGE, Option.DURATION);
    78     public final static Field YC_MAX= new Field(Option.MAX, Option.DURATION);
    80     public final static Field PHYSIC_MEM = new Field(Option.BYTES);
    81     public final static Field INIT_HEAP = new Field(Option.BYTES);
    82     public final static Field USED_HEAP = new Field(Option.BYTES);
    83     public final static Field COM_HEAP = new Field(Option.BYTES);
    84     public final static Field MACH_CPU = new Field(Option.PERCENTAGE);
    85     public final static Field USR_CPU= new Field(Option.PERCENTAGE);
    86     public final static Field SYS_CPU = new Field(Option.PERCENTAGE);
    88     public final static Field ALLOC_RATE = new Field(Option.BYTES_PER_SECOND);
    89     public final static Field TOT_ALLOC = new Field(Option.TOTAL, Option.BYTES);
    90     public final static Field THREADS = new Field();
    91     public final static Field CLASSES = new Field();
    92     public final static Field SAFEPOINTS = new Field(Option.COUNT);
    93     public final static Field MAX_SAFE = new Field(Option.MAX, Option.DURATION);
    94     public final static Field MAX_COM = new Field(Option.MAX, Option.DURATION);
    96     public final static Field ALLOCACTION_TOP_FRAME = new Field();
    97     public final static Field AL_PE = new Field(Option.NORMALIZED, Option.TOTAL);
    99     public final static Field EXECUTION_TOP_FRAME = new Field();
   100     public final static Field EX_PE = new Field(Option.NORMALIZED, Option.COUNT);
   102     private static RecordingStream rs;
   104     public static void start() {
   105         Duration duration = Duration.ofSeconds(1);
   107         rs = new RecordingStream();
   108         // Event configuration
   109         rs.enable("jdk.CPULoad").withPeriod(duration);
   110         rs.enable("jdk.YoungGarbageCollection").withoutThreshold();
   111         rs.enable("jdk.OldGarbageCollection").withoutThreshold();
   112         rs.enable("jdk.GCHeapSummary").withPeriod(duration);
   113         rs.enable("jdk.PhysicalMemory").withPeriod(duration);
   114         rs.enable("jdk.GCConfiguration").withPeriod(duration);
   115         rs.enable("jdk.SafepointBegin");
   116         rs.enable("jdk.SafepointEnd");
   117         rs.enable("jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB").withStackTrace();
   118         rs.enable("jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB").withStackTrace();
   119         rs.enable("jdk.ExecutionSample").withPeriod(Duration.ofMillis(10)).withStackTrace();
   120         rs.enable("jdk.JavaThreadStatistics").withPeriod(duration);
   121         rs.enable("jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics").withPeriod(duration);
   122         rs.enable("jdk.Compilation").withoutThreshold();
   123         rs.enable("jdk.GCHeapConfiguration").withPeriod(duration);
   124         rs.enable("jdk.Flush").withoutThreshold();
   126         // Dispatch handlers
   127         rs.onEvent("jdk.CPULoad", Health::onCPULoad);
   128         rs.onEvent("jdk.YoungGarbageCollection", Health::onYoungColletion);
   129         rs.onEvent("jdk.OldGarbageCollection", Health::onOldCollection);
   130         rs.onEvent("jdk.GCHeapSummary", Health::onGCHeapSummary);
   131         rs.onEvent("jdk.PhysicalMemory", Health::onPhysicalMemory);
   132         rs.onEvent("jdk.GCConfiguration", Health::onGCConfiguration);
   133         rs.onEvent("jdk.SafepointBegin", Health::onSafepointBegin);
   134         rs.onEvent("jdk.SafepointEnd", Health::onSafepointEnd);
   135         rs.onEvent("jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB", Health::onObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB);
   136         rs.onEvent("jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB", Health::onObjectAllocationInNewTLAB);
   137         rs.onEvent("jdk.ExecutionSample", Health::onExecutionSample);
   138         rs.onEvent("jdk.JavaThreadStatistics", Health::onJavaThreadStatistics);
   139         rs.onEvent("jdk.ClassLoadingStatistics", Health::onClassLoadingStatistics);
   140         rs.onEvent("jdk.Compilation", Health::onCompilation);
   141         rs.onEvent("jdk.GCHeapConfiguration", Health::onGCHeapConfiguration);
   142         rs.onEvent("jdk.Flush", Health::onFlushpoint);
   144         rs.onFlush(Health::printReport);
   145         rs.startAsync();
   146         System.out.println("Health started");
   147     }
   149     private static void onCPULoad(RecordedEvent event) {
   150         MACH_CPU.addSample(event.getDouble("machineTotal"));
   151         SYS_CPU.addSample(event.getDouble("jvmSystem"));
   152         USR_CPU.addSample(event.getDouble("jvmUser"));
   153     }
   155     private static void onYoungColletion(RecordedEvent event) {
   156         long nanos = event.getDuration().toNanos();
   157         YC_COUNT.addSample(nanos);
   158         YC_MAX.addSample(nanos);
   159         YC_AVG.addSample(nanos);
   160     }
   162     private static void onOldCollection(RecordedEvent event) {
   163         long nanos = event.getDuration().toNanos();
   164         OC_COUNT.addSample(nanos);
   165         OC_MAX.addSample(nanos);
   166         OC_AVG.addSample(nanos);
   167     }
   169     private static void onGCHeapSummary(RecordedEvent event) {
   170         USED_HEAP.addSample(event.getLong("heapUsed"));
   171         COM_HEAP.addSample(event.getLong("heapSpace.committedSize"));
   172     }
   174     private static void onPhysicalMemory(RecordedEvent event) {
   175         PHYSIC_MEM.addSample(event.getLong("totalSize"));
   176     }
   178     private static void onCompilation(RecordedEvent event) {
   179         MAX_COM.addSample(event.getDuration().toNanos());
   180     }
   182     private static void onGCConfiguration(RecordedEvent event) {
   183         String gc = event.getString("oldCollector");
   184         String yc = event.getString("youngCollector");
   185         if (yc != null) {
   186             gc += "/" + yc;
   187         }
   188         GC_NAME.addSample(gc);
   189     }
   191     private final static Map<Long, Instant> safepointBegin = new HashMap<>();
   193     private static void onSafepointBegin(RecordedEvent event) {
   194         safepointBegin.put(event.getValue("safepointId"), event.getEndTime());
   195     }
   197     private static void onSafepointEnd(RecordedEvent event) {
   198         long id = event.getValue("safepointId");
   199         Instant begin = safepointBegin.get(id);
   200         if (begin != null) {
   201             long nanos = Duration.between(begin, event.getEndTime()).toNanos();
   202             safepointBegin.remove(id);
   203             SAFEPOINTS.addSample(nanos);
   204             MAX_SAFE.addSample(nanos);
   205         }
   206     }
   208     private static void onObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB(RecordedEvent event) {
   209         onAllocationSample(event, event.getLong("allocationSize"));
   210     }
   212     private static void onObjectAllocationInNewTLAB(RecordedEvent event) {
   213         onAllocationSample(event, event.getLong("tlabSize"));
   214     }
   216     private static double totalAllocated;
   217     private static long firstAllocationTime = -1;
   218     private static void onAllocationSample(RecordedEvent event, long size) {
   219         String topFrame = topFrame(event.getStackTrace());
   220         if (topFrame != null) {
   221             ALLOCACTION_TOP_FRAME.addSample(topFrame, size);
   222             AL_PE.addSample(topFrame, size);
   223         }
   224         TOT_ALLOC.addSample(size);
   225         // ALLOC_RATE.addRate(timetsamp, amount);
   226         long timestamp = event.getEndTime().toEpochMilli();
   227         totalAllocated += size;
   228         if (firstAllocationTime > 0) {
   229             long elapsedTime = timestamp - firstAllocationTime;
   230             if (elapsedTime > 0) {
   231                 double rate = 1000.0 * (totalAllocated / elapsedTime);
   232                 ALLOC_RATE.addSample(rate);
   233             }
   234         } else {
   235             firstAllocationTime = timestamp;
   236         }
   237     }
   239     private static void onExecutionSample(RecordedEvent event) {
   240         String topFrame = topFrame(event.getStackTrace());
   241         EXECUTION_TOP_FRAME.addSample(topFrame, 1);
   242         EX_PE.addSample(topFrame, 1);
   243     }
   245     private static void onJavaThreadStatistics(RecordedEvent event) {
   246         THREADS.addSample(event.getDouble("activeCount"));
   247     }
   249     private static void onClassLoadingStatistics(RecordedEvent event) {
   250         long diff = event.getLong("loadedClassCount") - event.getLong("unloadedClassCount");
   251         CLASSES.addSample(diff);
   252     }
   254     private static void onGCHeapConfiguration(RecordedEvent event) {
   255         INIT_HEAP.addSample(event.getLong("initialSize"));
   256     }
   258     private final static DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER =
   259             DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
   260     private static void onFlushpoint(RecordedEvent event) {
   261         Instant i = event.getEndTime();
   262         LocalDateTime l = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(i, ZoneOffset.systemDefault());
   263         FLUSH_TIME.addSample(FORMATTER.format(l));
   264     }
   266     // # # # TEMPLATE AND SAMPLING # # #
   268     private enum Option {
   270     }
   272     private static final class Record {
   273         private final Object key;
   274         private int count = 1;
   275         private double total;
   276         private double max;
   277         private Object value = null;
   278         public Record(Object key, String sample) {
   279             this.key = key;
   280             this.value = sample;
   281         }
   283         public Record(Object object, double sample) {
   284             this.key = object;
   285             this.value = sample;
   286             this.max = sample;
   287    = sample;
   288         }
   290         public long getCount() {
   291             return count;
   292         }
   294         public double getAverage() {
   295             return total / count;
   296         }
   298         public double getMax() {
   299             return max;
   300         }
   302         public double getTotal() {
   303             return total;
   304         }
   306         public int hashCode() {
   307             return key == null ? 0 : key.hashCode();
   308         }
   310         public boolean equals(Object o) {
   311             if (o instanceof Record) {
   312                 Record that = (Record) o;
   313                 return Objects.equals(that.key, this.key);
   314             }
   315             return false;
   316         }
   317     }
   319     private static final class Field implements Iterable<Record> {
   320         private final HashMap<Object, Record> histogram = new HashMap<>();
   321         private final Option[] options;
   322         private double norm;
   324         public Field(Option... options) {
   325             this.options = options;
   326         }
   328         public void addSample(double sample) {
   329             addSample(this, sample);
   330         }
   332         public void addSample(String sample) {
   333             histogram.merge(this, new Record(this, sample), (a, b) -> {
   334                 a.count++;
   335                 a.value = sample;
   336                 return a;
   337             });
   338         }
   340         public void addSample(Object key, double sample) {
   341             histogram.merge(key, new Record(key, sample), (a, b) -> {
   342                 a.count++;
   343        += sample;
   344                 a.value = sample;
   345                 a.max = Math.max(a.max, sample);
   346                 return a;
   347             });
   348         }
   350         public boolean hasOption(Option option) {
   351             for (Option o : options) {
   352                 if (o == option) {
   353                     return true;
   354                 }
   355             }
   356             return false;
   357         }
   359         @Override
   360         public Iterator<Record> iterator() {
   361             List<Record> records = new ArrayList<>(histogram.values());
   362             Collections.sort(records, (a, b) ->, a.getCount()));
   363             if (hasOption(Option.TOTAL)) {
   364                 Collections.sort(records, (a, b) ->, a.getTotal()));
   365             }
   366             if (hasOption(Option.NORMALIZED)) {
   367                 norm = 0.0;
   368                 for (Record r : records) {
   369                     if (hasOption(Option.TOTAL)) {
   370                         norm += r.getTotal();
   371                     }
   372                     if (hasOption(Option.COUNT)) {
   373                         norm += r.getCount();
   374                     }
   375                 }
   376             }
   377             return records.iterator();
   378         }
   380         public double getNorm() {
   381             return norm;
   382         }
   383     }
   385     private static void printReport() {
   386         try {
   387             StringBuilder template = new StringBuilder(TEMPLATE);
   388             for (java.lang.reflect.Field f : Health.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
   389                 String variable = "$" + f.getName();
   390                 if (f.getType() == Field.class) {
   391                     writeParam(template, variable, (Field) f.get(null));
   392                 }
   393             }
   394             System.out.println(template.toString());
   395         } catch (Exception e) {
   396             e.printStackTrace();
   397         }
   398     }
   400     private static void writeParam(StringBuilder template, String variable, Field param) {
   401         Iterator<Record> it = param.iterator();
   402         int lastIndex = 0;
   403         while (true) {
   404             int index = template.indexOf(variable, lastIndex);
   405             if (index == -1) {
   406                 return;
   407             }
   408             lastIndex = index + 1;
   409             Record record = it.hasNext() ? : null;
   410             Object value = null;
   411             if (record != null) {
   412                 value = (record.key == param) ? record.value : record.key;
   413             }
   414             if (value != null) {
   415                 if (param.hasOption(Option.MAX)) {
   416                     value = record.getMax();
   417                 }
   418                 if (param.hasOption(Option.COUNT)) {
   419                     value = record.getCount();
   420                 }
   421                 if (param.hasOption(Option.AVERAGE)) {
   422                     value = record.getAverage();
   423                 }
   424                 if (param.hasOption(Option.TOTAL)) {
   425                     value = record.getTotal();
   426                 }
   427             }
   428             if (param.hasOption(Option.COUNT)) {
   429                 value = value == null ? 0 : value;
   430             }
   431             if (param.hasOption(Option.BYTES)) {
   432                 value = formatBytes((Number) value);
   433             }
   434             if (param.hasOption(Option.DURATION)) {
   435                 value = formatDuration((Number) value);
   436             }
   437             if (param.hasOption(Option.BYTES_PER_SECOND)) {
   438                 if (value != null) {
   439                     value = formatBytes((Number) value) + "/s";
   440                 }
   441             }
   442             if (param.hasOption(Option.NORMALIZED)) {
   443                 if (value != null) {
   444                     double d = ((Number) value).doubleValue() / param.getNorm();
   445                     value = formatPercentage(d);
   446                 }
   447             }
   448             if (param.hasOption(Option.PERCENTAGE)) {
   449                 value = formatPercentage((Number) value);
   450             }
   451             String text;
   452             if (value == null) {
   453                 text = record == null ? "" : "N/A";
   454             } else {
   455                 text = String.valueOf(value);
   456             }
   457             int length = Math.max(text.length(), variable.length());
   458             for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   459                 char c = i < text.length() ? text.charAt(i) : ' ';
   460                 template.setCharAt(index + i, c);
   461             }
   462         }
   463     }
   465     // # # # FORMATTING # # #
   467     enum TimespanUnit {
   468         NANOSECONDS("ns", 1000), MICROSECONDS("us", 1000), MILLISECONDS("ms", 1000), SECONDS("s", 60), MINUTES("m", 60),
   469         HOURS("h", 24), DAYS("d", 7);
   471         final String text;
   472         final long amount;
   474         TimespanUnit(String unit, long amount) {
   475             this.text = unit;
   476             this.amount = amount;
   477         }
   478     }
   480     private static String formatDuration(Number value) {
   481         if (value == null) {
   482             return "N/A";
   483         }
   484         double t = value.doubleValue();
   485         TimespanUnit result = TimespanUnit.NANOSECONDS;
   486         for (TimespanUnit unit : TimespanUnit.values()) {
   487             result = unit;
   488             if (t < 1000) {
   489                 break;
   490             }
   491             t = t / unit.amount;
   492         }
   493         return String.format("%.1f %s", t, result.text);
   494     }
   496     private static String formatPercentage(Number value) {
   497         if (value == null) {
   498             return "N/A";
   499         }
   500         return String.format("%6.2f %%", value.doubleValue() * 100);
   501     }
   503     private static String formatBytes(Number value) {
   504         if (value == null) {
   505             return "N/A";
   506         }
   507         long bytes = value.longValue();
   508         if (bytes >= 1024 * 1024l) {
   509             return bytes / (1024 * 1024L) + " MB";
   510         }
   511         if (bytes >= 1024) {
   512             return bytes / 1024 + " kB";
   513         }
   514         return bytes + " bytes";
   515     }
   517     private static String topFrame(RecordedStackTrace stackTrace) {
   518         if (stackTrace == null) {
   519             return null;
   520         }
   521         List<RecordedFrame> frames = stackTrace.getFrames();
   522         if (!frames.isEmpty()) {
   523             RecordedFrame topFrame = frames.get(0);
   524             if (topFrame.isJavaFrame()) {
   525                 return formatMethod(topFrame.getMethod());
   526             }
   527         }
   528         return null;
   529     }
   531     private static String formatMethod(RecordedMethod m) {
   532         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   533         String typeName = m.getType().getName();
   534         typeName = typeName.substring(typeName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
   535         sb.append(typeName).append(".").append(m.getName());
   536         sb.append("(");
   537         StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ");
   538         String md = m.getDescriptor().replace("/", ".");
   539         String parameter = md.substring(1, md.lastIndexOf(")"));
   540         for (String qualifiedName : decodeDescriptors(parameter)) {
   541             sj.add(qualifiedName.substring(qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
   542         }
   543         sb.append(sj.length() > 10 ? "..." : sj);
   544         sb.append(")");
   545         return sb.toString();
   546     }
   548     private static List<String> decodeDescriptors(String descriptor) {
   549         List<String> descriptors = new ArrayList<>();
   550         for (int index = 0; index < descriptor.length(); index++) {
   551             String arrayBrackets = "";
   552             while (descriptor.charAt(index) == '[') {
   553                 arrayBrackets += "[]";
   554                 index++;
   555             }
   556             char c = descriptor.charAt(index);
   557             String type;
   558             switch (c) {
   559             case 'L':
   560                 int endIndex = descriptor.indexOf(';', index);
   561                 type = descriptor.substring(index + 1, endIndex);
   562                 index = endIndex;
   563                 break;
   564             case 'I':
   565                 type = "int";
   566                 break;
   567             case 'J':
   568                 type = "long";
   569                 break;
   570             case 'Z':
   571                 type = "boolean";
   572                 break;
   573             case 'D':
   574                 type = "double";
   575                 break;
   576             case 'F':
   577                 type = "float";
   578                 break;
   579             case 'S':
   580                 type = "short";
   581                 break;
   582             case 'C':
   583                 type = "char";
   584                 break;
   585             case 'B':
   586                 type = "byte";
   587                 break;
   588             default:
   589                 type = "<unknown-descriptor-type>";
   590             }
   591             descriptors.add(type + arrayBrackets);
   592         }
   593         return descriptors;
   594     }
   595 }