changeset 1156 bbc2d15aaf7a
child 1227 4546977d0d66
equal deleted inserted replaced
1155:a9a142fcf1b5 1156:bbc2d15aaf7a
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
     8  *
     9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    13  * accompanied this code).
    14  *
    15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    18  *
    19  * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
    20  * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
    21  * have any questions.
    22  */
    24 /*
    25  * @test
    26  * @summary Test named MBeanServers.
    27  * @author Daniel Fuchs
    28  * @run clean NamedMBeanServerTest
    29  * @run build NamedMBeanServerTest
    30  * @run main NamedMBeanServerTest
    31  */
    33 import java.util.Arrays;
    34 import java.util.EnumSet;
    35 import java.util.HashMap;
    36 import java.util.HashSet;
    37 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
    38 import java.util.List;
    39 import java.util.Map;
    40 import java.util.Set;
    41 import javax.management.MBeanServer;
    42 import javax.management.MBeanServerBuilder;
    43 import javax.management.MBeanServerDelegate;
    44 import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory;
    46 /**
    47  * This test can probably be leveraged in the JCK to test compatibilty
    48  * of MBeanServerFactory *Name* method implementation.
    49  * @author dfuchs
    50  */
    51 public class NamedMBeanServerTest {
    53     /**
    54      * One enum value for each way of creating an MBeanServer through the
    55      * MBeanServerFactory
    56      */
    57     public static enum Creator {
    58         newMBeanServer() {
    59             public MBeanServer create(String domain) {
    60                 return MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer(domain);
    61             }
    62             public String test(MBeanServer server, String domain) {
    63                 System.out.println(toString()+"("+domain+")");
    64                 return test(server,
    65                         MBeanServerFactory.DEFAULT_MBEANSERVER_NAME,
    66                         domain);
    67             }
    68             public MBeanServer[] servers(Config config) {
    69                 return config.ndServers;
    70             }
    71             public String[] strings(Config config) {
    72                 return domains(config);
    73             }
    74             public String[] domains(Config config) {
    75                 return config.newDomains;
    76             }
    77             public String[] names(Config config) {
    78                 return null;
    79             }
    80         },
    81         createMBeanServer() {
    82             public MBeanServer create(String domain) {
    83                 return MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(domain);
    84             }
    85             public String test(MBeanServer server, String domain) {
    86                 System.out.println(toString()+"("+domain+")");
    87                 return test(server,MBeanServerFactory.DEFAULT_MBEANSERVER_NAME,
    88                         domain);
    89             }
    90             public MBeanServer[] servers(Config config) {
    91                 return config.cdServers;
    92             }
    93             public String[] strings(Config config) {
    94                 return domains(config);
    95             }
    96             public String[] domains(Config config) {
    97                 return config.createDomains;
    98             }
    99             public String[] names(Config config) {
   100                 return null;
   101             }
   102         },
   103         newNamedMBeanServer() {
   104             public MBeanServer create(String name) {
   105                 return MBeanServerFactory.newNamedMBeanServer(name,null);
   106             }
   107             public String test(MBeanServer server, String name) {
   108                 System.out.println(toString()+"("+name+",null)");
   109                 return test(server,name,"DefaultDomain");
   110             }
   111             public MBeanServer[] servers(Config config) {
   112                 return config.nnServers;
   113             }
   114             public String[] strings(Config config) {
   115                 return names(config);
   116             }
   117             public String[] domains(Config config) {
   118                 return null;
   119             }
   120             public String[] names(Config config) {
   121                 return config.newNames;
   122             }
   123         },
   124         createNamedMBeanServer() {
   125             public MBeanServer create(String name) {
   126                 return MBeanServerFactory.createNamedMBeanServer(name,null);
   127             }
   128             public String test(MBeanServer server, String name) {
   129                 System.out.println(toString()+"("+name+",null)");
   130                 return test(server,name,"DefaultDomain");
   131             }
   132             public MBeanServer[] servers(Config config) {
   133                 return config.cnServers;
   134             }
   135             public String[] strings(Config config) {
   136                 return names(config);
   137             }
   138             public String[] domains(Config config) {
   139                 return null;
   140             }
   141             public String[] names(Config config) {
   142                 return config.createNames;
   143             }
   144         };
   146         // creates an MBeanServer using the specified input string.
   147         // either a domain, (for UNNAMED) or a mbeanServerName (for NAMED)
   148         public abstract MBeanServer create(String string);
   150         // test the created server against the string used as input to create
   151         // it.
   152         public abstract String test(MBeanServer server, String ref);
   154         public abstract MBeanServer[] servers(Config config);
   155         public abstract String[] strings(Config config);
   156         public abstract String[] names(Config config);
   157         public abstract String[] domains(Config config);
   159         public MBeanServer[] servers(Config config, String... refs) {
   160             final MBeanServer[] servers = servers(config);
   161             final String[] strings = strings(config);
   162             final MBeanServer[] res = new MBeanServer[refs.length];
   163             for (int i=0;i<refs.length;i++) {
   164                 for (int j=0;j<strings.length;j++) {
   165                     if (strings[j].equals(refs[i]))
   166                         res[i]=servers[j];
   167                 }
   168                 if (res[i] == null)
   169                     throw new IllegalArgumentException(refs[i]);
   170             }
   171             return res;
   172         }
   174         String test(MBeanServer server, String name, String domain) {
   175             // whether the MBeanServer was created throug a "create" method
   176             boolean registered = REFERENCED.contains(this);
   177             if (!server.getDefaultDomain().equals(domain)) {
   178                 return "Unexpected default domain: " +
   179                         server.getDefaultDomain() + ", should be: " + domain;
   180             }
   181             if (!MBeanServerFactory.getMBeanServerName(server).
   182                     equals(name)) {
   183                 return " Unexpected name: " +
   184                         MBeanServerFactory.getMBeanServerName(server) +
   185                         ", should be: " + name;
   186             }
   187             List<MBeanServer> found =
   188                     MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServerByName(name);
   189             if (!registered && found.contains(server))
   190                 return " Server "+name+" found by name - " +
   191                         "but should not be registered";
   192             if (!registered &&
   193                     !name.equals(MBeanServerFactory.DEFAULT_MBEANSERVER_NAME) &&
   194                     found.size()>0)
   195                 return " Server "+name+" had too many matches: " + found.size();
   196             if (registered && !found.contains(server))
   197                 return " Server "+name+" not found by name - " +
   198                         "but is registered!";
   199             if (registered &&
   200                     !name.equals(MBeanServerFactory.DEFAULT_MBEANSERVER_NAME) &&
   201                     !(found.size()==1))
   202                 return " Server "+name+" had too many matches: " + found.size();
   203             return null;
   204         }
   206         public static final EnumSet<Creator> NAMED =
   207                 EnumSet.of(createNamedMBeanServer, newNamedMBeanServer);
   208         public static final EnumSet<Creator> UNNAMED =
   209                 EnumSet.complementOf(NAMED);
   210         public static final EnumSet<Creator> REFERENCED =
   211                 EnumSet.of(createMBeanServer, createNamedMBeanServer);
   212         public static final EnumSet<Creator> UNREFERENCED =
   213                 EnumSet.complementOf(REFERENCED);
   215     }
   217     public static class Config {
   218         final String[] newDomains;
   219         final String[] createDomains;
   220         final String[] newNames;
   221         final String[] createNames;
   222         final MBeanServer[] ndServers;
   223         final MBeanServer[] cdServers;
   224         final MBeanServer[] nnServers;
   225         final MBeanServer[] cnServers;
   226         final Map<String,Set<MBeanServer>> queries;
   227         Config(String[][] data) {
   228             this(data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3]);
   229         }
   230         Config(String[] nd, String[] cd, String[] nn, String[] cn) {
   231             this.newDomains=nd.clone();
   232             this.createDomains=cd.clone();
   233             this.newNames=nn.clone();
   234             this.createNames=cn.clone();
   235             ndServers = new MBeanServer[nd.length];
   236             cdServers = new MBeanServer[cd.length];
   237             nnServers = new MBeanServer[nn.length];
   238             cnServers = new MBeanServer[cn.length];
   239             queries = new HashMap<String,Set<MBeanServer>>();
   240             init();
   241         }
   242         private void init() {
   243             for (Creator c : Creator.values()) fill(c);
   244             addQuery(null,Creator.createMBeanServer.servers(this));
   245             addQuery(null,Creator.createNamedMBeanServer.servers(this));
   246             addQuery("?*",Creator.createMBeanServer.servers(this));
   247             addQuery("?*",Creator.createNamedMBeanServer.servers(this));
   248             addQuery("*",Creator.createMBeanServer.servers(this));
   249             addQuery("*",Creator.createNamedMBeanServer.servers(this));
   250             addQuery(MBeanServerFactory.DEFAULT_MBEANSERVER_NAME,
   251                     Creator.createMBeanServer.servers(this));
   252         }
   253         private void addQuery(String pattern, MBeanServer... servers) {
   254             final Set<MBeanServer> s = getQuery(pattern);
   255             s.addAll(Arrays.asList(servers));
   256         }
   257         public Set<MBeanServer> getQuery(String pattern) {
   258             final Set<MBeanServer> s = queries.get(pattern);
   259             if (s != null) return s;
   260             queries.put(pattern,new HashSet<MBeanServer>());
   261             return queries.get(pattern);
   262         }
   263         public Set<String> getPatterns() {
   264             return queries.keySet();
   265         }
   266         private void fill(Creator creator) {
   267             fill(creator.servers(this),creator.strings(this),creator);
   268         }
   269         private void fill(MBeanServer[] dest, String[] src, Creator creator) {
   270             for(int i=0;i<src.length;i++) dest[i]=creator.create(src[i]);
   271         }
   273     }
   275     static String[] domains(String... str) {
   276         return str;
   277     }
   278     static String[] names(String... str) {
   279         return str;
   280     }
   281     final static Config test1  = new Config(domains("foo1","foo2","foo3"),
   282             domains("foobar1","foobar2","foobar3","foobar4"),
   283             names("bar1","bar2"),
   284             names("barfoo1","barfoo2","barfoo3","batfox1","catfog2","foofoo3"));
   285     static {
   286         test1.addQuery("b*",Creator.createNamedMBeanServer.servers(test1,
   287                 "barfoo1","barfoo2","barfoo3","batfox1"));
   288         test1.addQuery("*arf*",Creator.createNamedMBeanServer.servers(test1,
   289                 "barfoo1","barfoo2","barfoo3"));
   290         test1.addQuery("*a?f*",Creator.createNamedMBeanServer.servers(test1,
   291                 "barfoo1","barfoo2","barfoo3","batfox1","catfog2"));
   292         test1.addQuery("",new MBeanServer[0]);
   293         test1.addQuery("-",new MBeanServer[0]);
   294         test1.addQuery("def*",Creator.createMBeanServer.servers(test1));
   295     }
   297     public static void test(Config config) throws Exception {
   298         for (Creator c : Creator.values()) {
   299             final MBeanServer[] s = c.servers(config);
   300             final String[] ref = c.strings(config);
   301             for (int i=0;i<s.length;i++) {
   302                 final String msg = c.test(s[i], ref[i]);
   303                 if (msg != null)
   304                     throw new Exception(String.valueOf(c)+"["+i+"]: "+msg);
   305             }
   306         }
   307         for (String pat : config.getPatterns()) {
   308             System.out.print("findMBeanServerByName(\""+pat+"\"): [");
   309             final List<MBeanServer> found =
   310                     MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServerByName(pat);
   311             String sep=" ";
   312             for (MBeanServer m : found) {
   313                 System.out.print(sep+MBeanServerFactory.getMBeanServerName(m));
   314                 sep=", ";
   315             }
   316             System.out.println(" ]");
   317             final Set<MBeanServer> founds = new HashSet<MBeanServer>();
   318             founds.addAll(found);
   319             if (!founds.equals(config.getQuery(pat))) {
   320                 final String msg =
   321                         "bad result for findMBeanServerByName(\""+
   322                         pat+"\"): expected "+config.getQuery(pat).size()+", "+
   323                         "got "+founds.size();
   324                 throw new Exception(msg);
   325             }
   326         }
   327     }
   329     public static void testexception(Creator c, String name,
   330             Class<? extends Exception> error) throws Exception {
   331         Exception failed = null;
   332         MBeanServer server = null;
   333         try {
   334             server = c.create(name);
   335         } catch (Exception x) {
   336             failed = x;
   337         } finally {
   338             if (Creator.REFERENCED.contains(c) && server!=null) {
   339                 MBeanServerFactory.releaseMBeanServer(server);
   340             }
   341         }
   342         if (failed == null && error != null) {
   343             throw new Exception("Expected "+error.getName()+
   344                     " for "+c+"("+name+")");
   345         }
   346         if (error != null && !error.isInstance(failed))
   347             throw new Exception("Expected "+error.getName()+
   348                     " for "+c+"("+name+"), caught "+failed);
   349         System.out.println(""+c+"("+name+") PASSED: "+
   350                 (failed==null?"no exception":String.valueOf(failed)));
   351     }
   353     private static final Map<String,Class<? extends Exception>> failures =
   354             new LinkedHashMap<String,Class<? extends Exception>>();
   355     private static final Map<String,Class<? extends Exception>> legacy =
   356             new LinkedHashMap<String,Class<? extends Exception>>();
   357     private static final String[] illegalnames = {
   358         "", "-", ":", ";", "?", "*", "wom?bat", "ran:tan.plan",
   359         "rin;tin.tin", "tab*mow"
   361     };
   362     private static final String[] legalnames = {
   363         "wombat", "top.tip", "ran.tan.plan", "rin.tin.tin!"
   364     };
   365     private static final String[] nofailures = {
   366        MBeanServerFactory.DEFAULT_MBEANSERVER_NAME, "default", null
   367     };
   368     static {
   369         for (String s:illegalnames)
   370             failures.put(s, IllegalArgumentException.class);
   371         for (String s:nofailures)
   372             failures.put(s, null);
   373         legacy.putAll(failures);
   374         for (String s:legalnames)
   375             legacy.put(s, UnsupportedOperationException.class);
   377     }
   379     public static void test2(Map<String,Class<? extends Exception>> config)
   380         throws Exception {
   381         for (Creator c:Creator.NAMED) {
   382             for (String s:config.keySet()) testexception(c, s, config.get(s));
   383         }
   384     }
   386     public static class LegacyBuilder extends MBeanServerBuilder {
   388         @Override
   389         public MBeanServerDelegate newMBeanServerDelegate() {
   390             return new MBeanServerDelegate() {
   391                 @Override
   392                 public synchronized String getMBeanServerId() {
   393                     return "gloups";
   394                 }
   395             };
   396         }
   398     }
   399     public static class LegacyBuilder2 extends MBeanServerBuilder {
   401         @Override
   402         public MBeanServerDelegate newMBeanServerDelegate() {
   403             return new MBeanServerDelegate() {
   404                 @Override
   405                 public synchronized String getMBeanServerId() {
   406                     return "c'est la vie...";
   407                 }
   408                 @Override
   409                 public synchronized void setMBeanServerName(String name) {
   410                 }
   412             };
   413         }
   415     }
   417     public static void test3(Map<String,Class<? extends Exception>> config,
   418             String builderClassName)
   419         throws Exception {
   420         final String builder =
   421                 System.getProperty("javax.management.builder.initial");
   422         System.setProperty("javax.management.builder.initial",
   423                 builderClassName);
   424         try {
   425             test2(config);
   426         } finally {
   427             if (builder != null)
   428                 System.setProperty("javax.management.builder.initial", builder);
   429             else
   430                 System.clearProperty("javax.management.builder.initial");
   431         }
   432     }
   434     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
   435         test(test1);
   436         test2(failures);
   437         test3(legacy,LegacyBuilder.class.getName());
   438         test3(legacy,LegacyBuilder2.class.getName());
   439     }
   440 }