changeset 1156 bbc2d15aaf7a
child 1709 392dd6db361a
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 /*
     2  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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    21  * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
    22  * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
    23  * have any questions.
    24  */
    26 /**
    27  *  <p>The <code>javax.management.namespace</code> package makes it possible
    28  *  to federate MBeanServers into a hierarchical name space.</p>
    29  *
    30  *  <h3 id="WhatIs">What Is a Name Space?</h3>
    31  *  <p>
    32  *      A name space is like an {@link javax.management.MBeanServer} within
    33  *      an {@code MBeanServer}. Just as a file system folder can contain
    34  *      another file system folder, an {@code MBeanServer} can contain another
    35  *      {@code MBeanServer}. Similarly, just as a remote folder on a remote
    36  *      disk can be mounted on a parent folder on a local disk, a remote name
    37  *      space in a remote {@code MBeanServer} can be mounted on a name
    38  *      space in a local parent {@code MBeanServer}.
    39  *  </p>
    40  *  <p>
    41  *      The <code>javax.management.namespace</code> API thus makes it possible to
    42  *      create a hierarchy of MBean servers federated in a hierarchical name
    43  *      space inside a single {@code MBeanServer}.
    44  *  </p>
    45  *  <h3 id="HowToCreate">How To Create a Name Space?</h3>
    46  *  <p>
    47  *      To create a name space, you only need to register a
    48  *      {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace} MBean in
    49  *      an MBean server. We have seen that a namespace is like
    50  *      an {@code MBeanServer} within an {@code MBeanServer}, and
    51  *      therefore, it is possible to create a namespace that shows the
    52  *      content of another {@code MBeanServer}. The simplest case is
    53  *      when that {@code MBeanServer} is another {@code MBeanServer}
    54  *      created by the {@link javax.management.MBeanServerFactory} as
    55  *      shown in the extract below:
    56  *  </p>
    57  *  <pre>
    58  *  final MBeanServer server = ....;
    59  *  final String namespace = "foo";
    60  *  final ObjectName namespaceName = {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaces#getNamespaceObjectName
    61  *        JMXNamespaces.getNamespaceObjectName(namespace)};
    62  *  server.registerMBean(new JMXNamespace(MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer()),
    63  *                      namespaceName);
    64  *  </pre>
    65  *  <p id="NamespaceView">
    66  *     To navigate in namespaces and view their content, the easiest way is
    67  *     to use an instance of {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaceView}. For instance, given
    68  *     the {@code server} above, in which we created a namespace {@code "foo"},
    69  *     it is possible to create a {@code JMXNamespaceView} that will make it
    70  *     possible to navigate easily in the namespaces and sub-namespaces of that
    71  *     server:
    72  *  </p>
    73  *  <pre>
    74  *  // create a namespace view for 'server'
    75  *  final JMXNamespaceView view = new JMXNamespaceView(server);
    76  *
    77  *  // list all top level namespaces in 'server'
    78  *  System.out.println("List of namespaces: " + Arrays.toString({@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaceView#list() view.list()}));
    79  *
    80  *  // go down into namespace 'foo': provides a namespace view of 'foo' and its
    81  *  // sub namespaces...
    82  *  final JMXNamespaceView foo = {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaceView#down view.down("foo")};
    83  *
    84  *  // list all MBeans contained in namespace 'foo'
    85  *  System.out.println({@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaceView#where() foo.where()} + " contains: " +
    86  *         {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaceView#getMBeanServerConnection foo.getMBeanServerConnection()}.queryNames(null,null));
    87  *  </pre>
    88  * <p>
    89  *   It is also possible to create more complex namespaces, such as namespaces
    90  *   that point to MBean servers located in remote JVMs.
    91  * </p>
    92  * <p>
    93  *      For instance, to mount the MBeanServer accessible
    94  *      at <code>service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9000/jmxrmi</code>
    95  *      in a name space {@code "foo"} inside the {@linkplain
    96  *      java.lang.management.ManagementFactory#getPlatformMBeanServer platform
    97  *      MBeanServer} you would write the following piece of code:
    98  *  </p>
    99  *  <pre>
   100  *      final JMXServiceURL sourceURL =
   101  *         new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9000/jmxrmi");
   102  *      final MBeanServer platform = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
   103  *      final Map&lt;String,Object&gt; options = Collections.emptyMap();
   104  *      final JMXRemoteNamespace mbean = {@link
   105  *            javax.management.namespace.JMXRemoteNamespace JMXRemoteNamespace}.
   106  *         {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXRemoteNamespace#newJMXRemoteNamespace newJMXRemoteNamespace(sourceURL, options)};
   107  *      final ObjectName name = {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaces JMXNamespaces}.{@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaces#getNamespaceObjectName(String) getNamespaceObjectName("foo")};
   108  *      final ObjectInstance ref = platform.registerMBean(mbean,name);
   109  *      platform.invoke(ref.getObjectName(),"connect",null,null);
   110  *  </pre>
   111  *
   112  *  <h3 id="WhatLike">What Does a Name Space Look Like?</h3>
   113  *
   114  *  <p>
   115  *   We have seen that {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaceView} class
   116  *   provides an easy way to navigate within namespaces. It is however also
   117  *   possible to interact with namespaces directly from the top level
   118  *   {@code MBeanServer} in which they have been created.
   119  *      From the outside, a name space only appears as a special MBean in
   120  *      the MBean server. There's nothing much you can do with this MBean
   121  *      directly.
   122  *  </p>
   123  *  <p>
   124  *      For instance, let's assume you have registered a {@link
   125  *      javax.management.namespace.JMXRemoteNamespaceMBean
   126  *      JMXRemoteNamespaceMBean} to manage the name space {@code "foo"}.
   127  *      <br>If you query for
   128  *      <code>platform.queryNames("&#42;//:*",null)</code>, then you will see
   129  *      one MBean named {@code "foo//:type=JMXNamespace"}.
   130  *      <br>This is the {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace}
   131  *      MBean which is in charge of handling the namespace {@code "foo"}.
   132  *  </p>
   133  *  <p>
   134  *      In fact, name space handler MBeans are instances of
   135  *      the class {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace} - or
   136  *      instances of a subclass of that class.
   137  *      They have a special {@link javax.management.ObjectName} defined by
   138  *      {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaces#getNamespaceObjectName
   139  *      JMXNamespaces.getNamespaceObjectName}.<br>
   140  *      {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace} instances are able
   141  *      to return an {@link
   142  *      javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace#getSourceServer MBeanServer}
   143  *      which corresponds to the MBeanServer within (= the name space itself).
   144  *  </p>
   145  *  <p>
   146  *      So how does it work? How can you see the MBeans contained in the new
   147  *      name space?
   148  *  </p>
   149  *  <p>In order to address scalability issues, MBeans registered in
   150  *     namespaces (such as our namespace {@code "foo"} above) can not be
   151  *     seen with {@code mbeanServer.queryNames("*:*",null)}. To see the MBeans
   152  *     contained in a namespace, you can use one of these methods:
   153  *  </p>
   154  *  <ol>
   155  *      <li>
   156  *          You can use the {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaceView}
   157  *          class <a href="#NamespaceView">shown above</a>,
   158  *      </li>
   159  *      <li>
   160  *          or you can <a href="#NamespacePrefix">directly look</a> for MBeans
   161  *          whose names match
   162  *         {@code "foo//*:*"},
   163  *      </li>
   164  *      <li>
   165  *          or you can <a href="#ChangeTo">narrow down</a> to the namespace
   166  *          and obtain an MBeanServer
   167  *          proxy that corresponds to an MBeanServer view of that namespace.
   168  *          The JMXNamespaces class provides a static method that
   169  *          allows you to narrow down to a name space, by calling
   170  *          {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaces#narrowToNamespace(MBeanServer,String)
   171  *                 JMXNamespaces.narrowToNamespace}.
   172  *      </li>
   173  *  </ol>
   174  *
   175  *  <h3 id="NamespacePrefix">Using Name Space Prefixes</h3>
   176  *  <p>
   177  *      As we have explained above, MBeans contained in name
   178  *      spaces are not returned by {@code server.queryNames(null,null)} - or
   179  *      <code>server.queryNames({@link javax.management.ObjectName#WILDCARD ObjectName.WILDCARD},null)</code>.
   180  *      <br>
   181  *      However, these MBeans can still be accessed from the top level
   182  *      {@code MBeanServer} interface, without using any API specific to the
   183  *      version 2.0 of the JMX API, simply by using object names with
   184  *      name space prefixes:
   185  *      <br>To list MBeans contained in a namespace {@code "foo"} you can
   186  *      query for MBeans whose names match {@code "foo//*:*"}, as shown
   187  *      earlier in this document:
   188  *      <pre>
   189  *         server.queryNames(new ObjectName("foo//*:*", null);
   190  *         // or equivalently:
   191  *         server.queryNames(JMXNamespaces.getWildcardFor("foo"), null);
   192  *      </pre>
   193  *      This will return a list of MBean names whose domain name starts
   194  *      with {@code foo//}.
   195  *  </p><p>
   196  *      Using these names, you can invoke any operation on the corresponding
   197  *      MBeans. For instance, to get the {@link javax.management.MBeanInfo
   198  *      MBeanInfo} of an MBean
   199  *      contained in name space {@code "foo"} (assuming
   200  *      the name of the MBean within its name space is <i>domain:type=Thing</i>,
   201  *      then simply call:
   202  *      <pre>
   203  *         server.getMBeanInfo(new ObjectName("foo//domain:type=Thing"));
   204  *      </pre>
   205  *      An easier way to access MBeans contained in a name space is to
   206  *      <i>cd</i> inside the name space, as shown in the following paragraph.
   207  *  </p>
   208  *
   209  *  <h3 id="ChangeTo">Narrowing Down Into a Name Spaces</h3>
   210  *  <p>
   211  *      As we have seen, name spaces are like MBean servers within MBean servers.
   212  *      Therefore, it is possible to view a name space just as if it were
   213  *      an other MBean server. This is similar to opening a sub
   214  *      folder from a parent folder.<br>
   215  *      This operation is illustrated in the code extract below:
   216  *      <pre>
   217  *          final MBeanServer foo =
   218  *                JMXNamespaces.narrowToNamespace(platform, "foo");
   219  *          final MBeanInfo info =
   220  *                foo.getMBeanInfo(new ObjectName("domain:type=Thing"));
   221  *      </pre>
   222  *      The {@code MBeanServer} returned by {@link
   223  *      javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaces#narrowToNamespace(MBeanServer,String)
   224  *      JMXNamespaces.narrowToNamespace} is an {@code MBeanServer} view that
   225  *      narrows down into a given namespace. The MBeans contained inside that
   226  *      namespace can now be accessed by their regular local name. <br>
   227  *      The MBean server obtained by narrowing down
   228  *      to name space {@code "foo"} behaves just like a regular MBean server.
   229  *      However, it may sometimes throw an {@link
   230  *      java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException UnsupportedOperationException}
   231  *      wrapped in a JMX exception if you try to call an operation which is not
   232  *      supported by the underlying name space handler.
   233  *      <br>For instance, {@link javax.management.MBeanServer#registerMBean
   234  *      registerMBean} is not supported for name spaces mounted from remote
   235  *      MBean servers.
   236  *  </p>
   237  *  <p>
   238  *      <u>Note:</u> If you have a deep hierarchy of namespaces, and if you
   239  *      are switching from one namespace to another in the course of your
   240  *      application, it might be more convenient to use a
   241  *      {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaceView}
   242  *      in order to navigate in your namespaces.
   243  *  </p>
   244  *
   245  *  <h3 id="NamespaceTypes">Different Types of Name Spaces</h3>
   246  *      <p>
   247  *          This API lets you create several types of name spaces:
   248  *          <ul>
   249  *              <li id="RemoteNS">
   250  *                  You can use the {@link
   251  *                  javax.management.namespace.JMXRemoteNamespace
   252  *                  JMXRemoteNamespace} to create
   253  *                  <b>remote</b> name spaces, mounted from
   254  *                  a remote sub {@code MBeanServer} source, as shown
   255  *                  <a href="#HowToCreate">earlier</a> in this document.
   256  *              </li>
   257  *              <li id="LocalNS">
   258  *                  You can also use {@link
   259  *                  javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace
   260  *                  JMXNamespace} to create
   261  *                  <b>local</b> name spaces,
   262  *                  by providing a direct reference to another {@code MBeanServer}
   263  *                  instance living in the same JVM.
   264  *              </li>
   265  *              <li id="VirtualNS">
   266  *                  Finally, you can create
   267  *                  name spaces containing <b>virtual</b> MBeans,
   268  *                  by subclassing the {@link
   269  *                  javax.management.namespace.MBeanServerSupport
   270  *                  MBeanServerSupport}, and passing an instance of
   271  *                  your own subclass to a {@link
   272  *                  javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace JMXNamespace}.
   273  *              </li>
   274  *              <li id="CustomNS">
   275  *                  If none of these classes suit your needs, you can also provide
   276  *                  <b>your own</b> subclass of {@link
   277  *                  javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace
   278  *                  JMXNamespace}. This is however discouraged.
   279  *              </li>
   280  *          </ul>
   281  *      </p>
   282  *
   283  *      <h3 id="SpecialOp">Name Spaces And Special Operations</h3>
   284  *      <p>
   285  *          MBean Naming considerations aside, Name Spaces are transparent for
   286  *          most {@code MBeanServer} operations. There are however a few
   287  *          exceptions:
   288  *      </p>
   289  *      <ul>
   290  *          <li>
   291  *              <p>MBeanServer only operations - these are the operations which are
   292  *              supported by {@link javax.management.MBeanServer MBeanServer} but
   293  *              are not present in {@link
   294  *              javax.management.MBeanServerConnection
   295  *              MBeanServerConnection}. Since a name space can be a local view of
   296  *              a remote {@code MBeanServer}, accessible only through an
   297  *              {@code MBeanServerConnection}, these
   298  *              kinds of operations are not always supported.</p>
   299  *              <ul>
   300  *                  <li id="registerMBean">
   301  *                      <p>registerMBean:</p>
   302  *                      <p> The {@link javax.management.MBeanServer#registerMBean
   303  *                          registerMBean}
   304  *                          operation is not supported by most name spaces. A call
   305  *                          to
   306  *                          <pre>
   307  *   MBeanServer server = ....;
   308  *   ThingMBean mbean = new Thing(...);
   309  *   ObjectName name = new ObjectName("foo//domain:type=Thing");
   310  *   server.registerMBean(mbean, name);
   311  *                          </pre>
   312  *                          will usually fail, unless the name space
   313  *                          {@code "foo"} is a <a href="#LocalNS">local</a> name
   314  *                          space. In the case where you attempt to cross
   315  *                          multiple name spaces, then all name spaces in the
   316  *                          path must support the {@code registerMBean} operation
   317  *                          in order for it to succeed.<br>
   318  *                          To create an MBean inside a name space, it is
   319  *                          usually safer to use {@code createMBean} -
   320  *                          although some <a href="#MBeanCreation">special
   321  *                          considerations</a> can also apply.
   322  *                      </p>
   323  *         <p></p>
   324  *                  </li>
   325  *                  <li id="getClassLoader">
   326  *                      <p>getClassLoader:</p>
   327  *                      <p> Similarly to <a href="#registerMBean">registerMBean</a>,
   328  *                          and for the same reasons, {@link
   329  *                          javax.management.MBeanServer#getClassLoader
   330  *                          getClassLoader} will usually fail, unless the
   331  *                          class loader is an MBean registered in a
   332  *                          <a href="#LocalNS">local</a> name space.<br>
   333  *                      </p>
   334  *                  </li>
   335  *                  <li id="getClassLoaderFor">
   336  *                      <p>getClassLoaderFor:</p>
   337  *                      <p> The implementation of {@link
   338  *                          javax.management.MBeanServer#getClassLoaderFor
   339  *                          getClassLoaderFor} also depends on which
   340  *                          <a href="#NamespaceTypes">type of name space</a>
   341  *                          handler is used across the namespace path.
   342  *                      </p>
   343  *                      <p>
   344  *                          A <a href="#LocalNS">local</a> name space will usually
   345  *                          be able to implement this method just as a real
   346  *                          {@code MBeanServer} would. A
   347  *                          <a href="#RemoteNS">remote</a> name space will usually
   348  *                          return the default class loader configured on the
   349  *                          internal {@link javax.management.remote.JMXConnector
   350  *                          JMXConnector} used to connect to the remote server.
   351  *                          When a {@link
   352  *                          javax.management.namespace.JMXRemoteNamespace
   353  *                          JMXRemoteNamespace} is used to connect to a
   354  *                          remote server that contains MBeans which export
   355  *                          custom types, the {@link
   356  *                          javax.management.namespace.JMXRemoteNamespace
   357  *                          JMXRemoteNamespace} must thus be configured with
   358  *                          an options map such that the underlying connector
   359  *                          can obtain a default class loader able
   360  *                          to handle those types.
   361  *                      </p>
   362  *                      <p>
   363  *                          Other <a href="#NamespaceTypes">types of name spaces</a>
   364  *                          may implement this method
   365  *                          as best as they can.
   366  *                      </p>
   367  *                  </li>
   368  *              </ul>
   369  *          </li>
   370  *          <li id="MBeanCreation">
   371  *              <p>MBean creation</p>
   372  *              <p> MBean creation through {@link
   373  *                  javax.management.MBeanServerConnection#createMBean
   374  *                  createMBean} might not be supported by all
   375  *                  name spaces: <a href="#LocalNS">local</a> name spaces and
   376  *                  <a href="#LocalNS">remote</a> name spaces will usually
   377  *                  support it, but <a href="#VirtualNS">virtual</a> name
   378  *                  spaces and <a href="#CustomNS">custom</a> name
   379  *                  spaces might not.
   380  *              </p>
   381  *              <p>
   382  *                  In that case, they will throw an {@link
   383  *                  java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
   384  *                  UnsupportedOperationException} usually wrapped into an {@link
   385  *                  javax.management.MBeanRegistrationException}.
   386  *              </p>
   387  *          </li>
   388  *          <li id="Notifications">
   389  *              <p>Notifications</p>
   390  *              <p> Some namespaces might not support JMX Notifications. In that
   391  *                  case, a call to add or remove notification listener for an
   392  *                  MBean contained in that name space will raise a
   393  *                  {@link javax.management.RuntimeOperationsException
   394  *                  RuntimeOperationsException} wrapping an {@link
   395  *                  java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
   396  *                  UnsupportedOperationException} exception.
   397  *              </p>
   398  *          </li>
   399  *      </ul>
   400  *
   401  *      <h3 id="CrossingNamespace">Crossing Several Name Spaces</h3>
   402  *      <p>
   403  *          Just as folders can contain other folders, name spaces can contain
   404  *          other name spaces. For instance, if an {@code MBeanServer} <i>S1</i>
   405  *          containing a name space {@code "bar"} is mounted in another
   406  *          {@code MBeanServer} <i>S2</i> with name space {@code "foo"}, then
   407  *          an MBean <i>M1</i> named {@code "domain:type=Thing"} in namespace
   408  *          {@code "bar"} will appear as {@code "foo//bar//domain:type=Thing"} in
   409  *          {@code MBeanServer} <i>S2</i>.
   410  *      </p>
   411  *      <p>
   412  *          When accessing the MBean <i>M1</i> from server <i>S2</i>, the
   413  *          method call will traverse in a cascade {@code MBeanServer} <i>S2</i>,
   414  *          then the name space handler for name space {@code "foo"}, then
   415  *          {@code MBeanServer} <i>S1</i>, before coming to the name space
   416  *          handler for name space {@code "bar"}.  Any operation invoked
   417  *          on the MBean from a "top-level" name space will therefore need to
   418  *          traverse all the name spaces along the name space path until
   419  *          it eventually reaches the named MBean. This means that an operation
   420  *          like <a href="#registerMBean">registerMBean</a> for instance,
   421  *          can only succeed if all the name spaces along the path support it.
   422  *      </p>
   423  *      <p>
   424  *          Narrowing to a nested name space works just the same as narrowing
   425  *          to a top level name space:
   426  *      <pre>
   427  *          final MBeanServer S2 = .... ;
   428  *          final MBeanServer bar =
   429  *                JMXNamespaces.narrowToNamespace(S2, "foo//bar");
   430  *          final MBeanInfo info =
   431  *                foo.getMBeanInfo(new ObjectName("domain:type=Thing"));
   432  *      </pre>
   433  *      </p>
   434  *
   435  *      <h3 id="OperationResult">Name Spaces And Operation Results</h3>
   436  *      <p>
   437  *          Operation results, as well as attribute values returned by an MBean
   438  *          contained in a name space must be interpreted in the context of that
   439  *          name space.<br>
   440  *          In other words, if an MBean in name space "foo" has an attribute of
   441  *          type {@code ObjectName}, then it must be assumed that the
   442  *          {@code ObjectName} returned by that MBean is relative to
   443  *          name space "foo".<br>
   444  *          The same rule aplies for MBean names that can be returned by
   445  *          operations invoked on such an MBean. If one of the MBean operations
   446  *          return, say, a {@code Set<ObjectName>} then those MBean names must
   447  *          also be assumed to be relative to name space "foo".<br>
   448  *      </p>
   449  *      <p>
   450  *          In the usual case, a JMX client will first
   451  *          <a href="#ChangeTo">narrow to a name space</a> before invoking
   452  *          any operation on the MBeans it contains. In that case the names
   453  *          returned by the MBean invoked can be directly fed back to the
   454  *          narrowed connection.
   455  *          <br>
   456  *          If however, the JMX client directly invoked the MBean from a higher
   457  *          name space, without having narrowed to that name space first, then
   458  *          the names that might be returned by that MBean will not be directly
   459  *          usable - the JMX client will need to either
   460  *          <a href="#ChangeTo">narrow to the name space</a> before using the
   461  *          returned names, or convert the names to the higher level name space
   462  *          context.
   463  *          <br>
   464  *          The {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespaces JMXNamespaces}
   465  *          class provides methods that can be used to perform that conversion.
   466  *      </p>
   467  *
   468  *      <h3 id="NamespacesAndNotifications">Name Spaces And Notifications</h3>
   469  *      <p>
   470  *          As <a href="#WhatIs">already explained</a>, name spaces are very
   471  *          similar to {@code MBeanServer}s. It is thus possible to get
   472  *          {@link javax.management.MBeanServerNotification MBeanServerNotifications}
   473  *          when MBeans are added or removed within a name space, by registering
   474  *          with the {@link javax.management.MBeanServerDelegate
   475  *          MBeanServerDelegate} MBean of the corresponding name space.<br>
   476  *          However, it must be noted that the notifications emitted by a
   477  *          name space must be interpreted in the context of that name space.
   478  *          For instance, if an MBean {@code "domain:type=Thing"} contained in
   479  *          namespace "foo//bar" emits a notification, the source of the
   480  *          notification will be {@code "domain:type=Thing"}, not
   481  *          {@code "foo//bar//domain:type=Thing"}. <br>
   482  *          It is therefore recommended to keep track of the name space
   483  *          information when registering a listener with an MBean contained in
   484  *          a name space, especially if the same listener is used to receive
   485  *          notifications from different name spaces. An easy solution is to
   486  *          use the handback, as illustrated in the code below.
   487  *          <pre>
   488  *            final MBeanServer server = ...;
   489  *            final NotificationListener listener = new NotificationListener() {
   490  *                public void handleNotification(Notification n, Object handback) {
   491  *                    if (!(n instanceof MBeanServerNotification)) {
   492  *                        System.err.println("Error: expected MBeanServerNotification");
   493  *                        return;
   494  *                    }
   495  *                    final MBeanServerNotification mbsn =
   496  *                            (MBeanServerNotification) n;
   497  *
   498  *                    // We will pass the namespace path in the handback.
   499  *                    //
   500  *                    // The received notification must be interpreted in
   501  *                    // the context of its source - therefore
   502  *                    // mbsn.getMBeanName() does not include the name space
   503  *                    // path...
   504  *                    //
   505  *                    final String namespace = (String) handback;
   506  *                    System.out.println("Received " + mbsn.getType() +
   507  *                            " for MBean " + mbsn.getMBeanName() +
   508  *                            " from name space " + namespace);
   509  *                }
   510  *            };
   511  *            server.addNotificationListener(JMXNamespaces.insertPath("foo//bar",
   512  *                    MBeanServerDelegate.DELEGATE_NAME),listener,null,"foo//bar");
   513  *            server.addNotificationListener(JMXNamespaces.insertPath("foo//joe",
   514  *                    MBeanServerDelegate.DELEGATE_NAME),listener,null,"foo//joe");
   515  *          </pre>
   516  *      </p>
   517  *      <p>
   518  *          JMX Connectors may require some configuration in order to be able
   519  *          to forward notifications from MBeans located in name spaces.
   520  *          The RMI JMX Connector Server
   521  *          in the Java SE 7 platform is configured by default to internally
   522  *          use the new {@linkplain javax.management.event event service} on
   523  *          the server side.
   524  *          When the connector server is configured in this way, JMX clients
   525  *          which use the old JMX Notifications mechanism (such as clients
   526  *          running on prior versions of the JDK) will be able to
   527  *          to receive notifications from MBeans located in sub name spaces.
   528  *          This is because the connector server will transparently delegate
   529  *          their subscriptions to the underlying {@linkplain
   530  *          javax.management.event event service}. In summary:
   531  *          <ul>
   532  *              <li>
   533  *                  On the server side: When exporting an {@code MBeanServer}
   534  *                  through a JMX Connector, you will need to make sure that the
   535  *                  connector server uses the new {@linkplain javax.management.event
   536  *                  event service} in order to register for notifications. If the
   537  *                  connector server doesn't use the event service, only clients
   538  *                  which explicitly use the new {@linkplain javax.management.event
   539  *                  event service} will be able to register for notifications
   540  *                  with MBeans located in sub name spaces.
   541  *              </li>
   542  *              <li>
   543  *                  On the client side: if the JMX Connector server (on the remote
   544  *                  server side) was configured to internally use the new
   545  *                  {@linkplain javax.management.event
   546  *                  event service}, then clients can continue to use the old
   547  *                  {@code MBeanServerConnection} add / remove notification
   548  *                  listener methods transparently. Otherwise, only clients which
   549  *                  explicitly use the new {@linkplain javax.management.event
   550  *                  event service} will be able to receive notifications from
   551  *                  MBeans contained in sub name spaces.
   552  *              </li>
   553  *          </ul>
   554  *      </p>
   555  *      <p>
   556  *          These configuration issues apply at each node in the name space path,
   557  *          whenever the name space points to a remote server. The
   558  *          {@link javax.management.namespace.JMXRemoteNamespace
   559  *          JMXRemoteNamespace} can be configured in such a way that it will
   560  *          explicitly use an {@link javax.management.event.EventClient EventClient}
   561  *          when forwarding subscription to the remote side. Note that this can be
   562  *          unnecessary (and a waste of resources) if the underlying JMXConnector
   563  *          returned by the JMXConnectorFactory (client side) already uses the
   564  *          {@linkplain javax.management.event event service} to register for
   565  *          notifications with the server side.
   566  *      </p>
   567  *
   568  *      <h3 id="Security">Name Spaces And Access Control</h3>
   569  *      <p>
   570  *          Access to MBeans exposed through JMX namespaces is controlled by
   571  *          {@linkplain javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespacePermission
   572  *           jmx namespace permissions}. These permissions are checked by the
   573  *          MBeanServer in which the {@link
   574  *            javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace JMXNamespace} MBean is registered.
   575  *          This is <a href="JMXNamespace.html#PermissionChecks">described in
   576  *          details</a> in the {@link
   577  *            javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace JMXNamespace} class.
   578  *      </p>
   579  *      <p>
   580  *         To implement a "firewall-like" access control in a JMX agent you
   581  *         can also place an {@link
   582  *         javax.management.remote.MBeanServerForwarder} in the JMX Connector
   583  *         Server which exposes the top-level MBeanServer of your application.
   584  *         This {@code MBeanServerForwarder} will be able to perform
   585  *         authorization checks for all MBeans, including those located in
   586  *         sub name spaces.
   587  *      </p>
   588  *      <p>
   589  *         For a tighter access control we recommend using a {@link
   590  *         java.lang.SecurityManager security manager}.
   591  *      </p>
   592  * @since 1.7
   593  * <p></p>
   594  **/
   596 package javax.management.namespace;