changeset 1156 bbc2d15aaf7a
child 1222 78e3d021d528
equal deleted inserted replaced
1155:a9a142fcf1b5 1156:bbc2d15aaf7a
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
    22  * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
    23  * have any questions.
    24  */
    26 package com.sun.jmx.interceptor;
    29 import java.util.Collections;
    30 import java.util.HashMap;
    31 import java.util.Map;
    32 import java.util.Queue;
    33 import java.util.Set;
    35 import javax.management.Attribute;
    36 import javax.management.AttributeList;
    37 import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
    38 import javax.management.InstanceAlreadyExistsException;
    39 import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException;
    40 import javax.management.IntrospectionException;
    41 import javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException;
    42 import javax.management.ListenerNotFoundException;
    43 import javax.management.MBeanException;
    44 import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
    45 import javax.management.MBeanRegistrationException;
    46 import javax.management.MBeanServer;
    47 import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
    48 import javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException;
    49 import javax.management.NotificationFilter;
    50 import javax.management.NotificationListener;
    51 import javax.management.ObjectInstance;
    52 import javax.management.ObjectName;
    53 import javax.management.QueryExp;
    54 import javax.management.ReflectionException;
    55 import javax.management.namespace.JMXNamespace;
    57 /**
    58  * A dispatcher that dispatches to MBeanServers.
    59  * <p><b>
    60  * This API is a Sun internal API and is subject to changes without notice.
    61  * </b></p>
    62  * @since 1.7
    63  */
    64 //
    65 // This is the base class for implementing dispatchers. We have two concrete
    66 // dispatcher implementations:
    67 //
    68 //   * A NamespaceDispatchInterceptor, which dispatch calls to existing
    69 //     namespace interceptors
    70 //   * A DomainDispatchInterceptor, which dispatch calls to existing domain
    71 //     interceptors.
    72 //
    73 // With the JMX Namespaces feature, the JMX MBeanServer is now structured
    74 // as follows:
    75 //
    76 // The JMX MBeanServer delegates to a NamespaceDispatchInterceptor,
    77 // which either dispatches to a namespace, or delegates to the
    78 // DomainDispatchInterceptor (if the object name contained no namespace).
    79 // The DomainDispatchInterceptor in turn either dispatches to a domain (if
    80 // there is a JMXDomain for that domain) or delegates to the
    81 // DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor (if there is no JMXDomain for that
    82 // domain). This makes the following picture:
    83 //
    84 //             JMX MBeanServer (outer shell)
    85 //                          |
    86 //                          |
    87 //              NamespaceDispatchInterceptor
    88 //                   /               \
    89 //     no namespace in object name?   \
    90 //                 /                   \
    91 //                /                   dispatch to namespace
    92 //         DomainDispatchInterceptor
    93 //              /              \
    94 //    no JMXDomain for domain?  \
    95 //            /                  \
    96 //           /                   dispatch to domain
    97 //  DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor
    98 //         /
    99 //   invoke locally registered MBean
   100 //
   101 //  The logic for maintaining a map of interceptors
   102 //  and dispatching to impacted interceptor, is implemented in this
   103 //  base class, which both NamespaceDispatchInterceptor and
   104 //  DomainDispatchInterceptor extend.
   105 //
   106 public abstract class DispatchInterceptor
   107         <T extends MBeanServer, N extends JMXNamespace>
   108         extends MBeanServerInterceptorSupport {
   110     /**
   111      * This is an abstraction which allows us to handle queryNames
   112      * and queryMBeans with the same algorithm. There are some subclasses
   113      * where we need to override both queryNames & queryMBeans to apply
   114      * the same transformation (usually aggregation of results when
   115      * several namespaces/domains are impacted) to both algorithms.
   116      * Usually the only thing that varies between the algorithm of
   117      * queryNames & the algorithm of queryMBean is the type of objects
   118      * in the returned Set. By using a QueryInvoker we can implement the
   119      * transformation only once and apply it to both queryNames &
   120      * queryMBeans.
   121      * @see QueryInterceptor below, and its subclass in
   122      * {@link DomainDispatcher}.
   123      **/
   124     static abstract class QueryInvoker<T> {
   125         abstract Set<T> query(MBeanServer mbs,
   126                         ObjectName pattern, QueryExp query);
   127     }
   129     /**
   130      * Used to perform queryNames. A QueryInvoker that invokes
   131      * queryNames on an MBeanServer.
   132      **/
   133     final static QueryInvoker<ObjectName> queryNamesInvoker =
   134             new QueryInvoker<ObjectName>() {
   135         Set<ObjectName> query(MBeanServer mbs,
   136                         ObjectName pattern, QueryExp query) {
   137             return mbs.queryNames(pattern,query);
   138         }
   139     };
   141     /**
   142      * Used to perform queryMBeans. A QueryInvoker that invokes
   143      * queryMBeans on an MBeanServer.
   144      **/
   145     final static QueryInvoker<ObjectInstance> queryMBeansInvoker =
   146             new QueryInvoker<ObjectInstance>() {
   147         Set<ObjectInstance> query(MBeanServer mbs,
   148                         ObjectName pattern, QueryExp query) {
   149             return mbs.queryMBeans(pattern,query);
   150         }
   151     };
   153     /**
   154      * We use this class to intercept queries.
   155      * There's a special case for JMXNamespace MBeans, because
   156      * "namespace//*:*" matches both "namespace//domain:k=v" and
   157      * "namespace//:type=JMXNamespace".
   158      * Therefore, queries may need to be forwarded to more than
   159      * on interceptor and the results aggregated...
   160      */
   161      static class QueryInterceptor {
   162         final MBeanServer wrapped;
   163         QueryInterceptor(MBeanServer mbs) {
   164             wrapped = mbs;
   165         }
   166         <X> Set<X> query(ObjectName pattern, QueryExp query,
   167                 QueryInvoker<X> invoker, MBeanServer server) {
   168             return invoker.query(server, pattern, query);
   169         }
   171         public Set<ObjectName> queryNames(ObjectName pattern, QueryExp query) {
   172             return query(pattern,query,queryNamesInvoker,wrapped);
   173         }
   175         public Set<ObjectInstance> queryMBeans(ObjectName pattern,
   176                 QueryExp query) {
   177             return query(pattern,query,queryMBeansInvoker,wrapped);
   178         }
   179     }
   181     // We don't need a ConcurrentHashMap here because getkeys() returns
   182     // an array of keys. Therefore there's no risk to have a
   183     // ConcurrentModificationException. We must however take into
   184     // account the fact that there can be no interceptor for
   185     // some of the returned keys if the map is being modified by
   186     // another thread, or by a callback within the same thread...
   187     // See getKeys() in this class and query() in DomainDispatcher.
   188     //
   189     private final Map<String,T> handlerMap =
   190             Collections.synchronizedMap(
   191             new HashMap<String,T>());
   193     // The key at which an interceptor for accessing the named MBean can be
   194     // found in the handlerMap. Note: there doesn't need to be an interceptor
   195     // for that key in the Map.
   196     //
   197     public abstract String getHandlerKey(ObjectName name);
   199     // Returns an interceptor for that name, or null if there's no interceptor
   200     // for that name.
   201     abstract MBeanServer getInterceptorOrNullFor(ObjectName name);
   203     // Returns a QueryInterceptor for that pattern.
   204     abstract QueryInterceptor getInterceptorForQuery(ObjectName pattern);
   206     // Returns the ObjectName of the JMXNamespace (or JMXDomain) for that
   207     // key (a namespace or a domain name).
   208     abstract ObjectName getHandlerNameFor(String key)
   209         throws MalformedObjectNameException;
   211     // Creates an interceptor for the given key, name, JMXNamespace (or
   212     // JMXDomain). Note: this will be either a NamespaceInterceptor
   213     // wrapping a JMXNamespace, if this object is an instance of
   214     // NamespaceDispatchInterceptor, or a DomainInterceptor wrapping a
   215     // JMXDomain, if this object is an instance of DomainDispatchInterceptor.
   216     abstract T createInterceptorFor(String key, ObjectName name,
   217             N jmxNamespace, Queue<Runnable> postRegisterQueue);
   218     //
   219     // The next interceptor in the chain.
   220     //
   221     // For the NamespaceDispatchInterceptor, this the DomainDispatchInterceptor.
   222     // For the DomainDispatchInterceptor, this is the
   223     // DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.
   224     //
   225     // The logic of when to invoke the next interceptor in the chain depends
   226     // on the logic of the concrete dispatcher class.
   227     //
   228     // For instance, the NamespaceDispatchInterceptor invokes the next
   229     // interceptor when the object name doesn't contain any namespace.
   230     //
   231     // On the other hand, the DomainDispatchInterceptor invokes the
   232     // next interceptor when there's no interceptor for the accessed domain.
   233     //
   234     abstract MBeanServer getNextInterceptor();
   236     // hook for cleanup in subclasses.
   237     void interceptorReleased(T interceptor,
   238             Queue<Runnable> postDeregisterQueue) {
   239         // hook
   240     }
   242     // Hook for subclasses.
   243     MBeanServer getInterceptorForCreate(ObjectName name)
   244         throws MBeanRegistrationException {
   245         final MBeanServer ns = getInterceptorOrNullFor(name);
   246         if (ns == null) // name cannot be null here.
   247             throw new MBeanRegistrationException(
   248                     new IllegalArgumentException("No such MBean handler: " +
   249                         getHandlerKey(name) + " for " +name));
   250         return ns;
   251     }
   253     // Hook for subclasses.
   254     MBeanServer getInterceptorForInstance(ObjectName name)
   255         throws InstanceNotFoundException {
   256         final MBeanServer ns = getInterceptorOrNullFor(name);
   257         if (ns == null) // name cannot be null here.
   258             throw new InstanceNotFoundException(String.valueOf(name));
   259         return ns;
   260     }
   262     // sanity checks
   263     void validateHandlerNameFor(String key, ObjectName name) {
   264         if (key == null || key.equals(""))
   265             throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid key for "+name+": "+key);
   266         try {
   267             final ObjectName handlerName = getHandlerNameFor(key);
   268             if (!name.equals(handlerName))
   269                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad handler name: "+name+
   270                         ". Should be: "+handlerName);
   271         } catch (MalformedObjectNameException x) {
   272             throw new IllegalArgumentException(name.toString(),x);
   273         }
   274     }
   276     // Called by the DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor when an instance
   277     // of JMXNamespace (or a subclass of it) is registered as an MBean.
   278     // This method is usually invoked from within the repository lock,
   279     // hence the necessity of the postRegisterQueue.
   280     public void addNamespace(ObjectName name, N jmxNamespace,
   281             Queue<Runnable> postRegisterQueue) {
   282         final String key = getHandlerKey(name);
   283         validateHandlerNameFor(key,name);
   284         synchronized (handlerMap) {
   285             final T exists =
   286                     handlerMap.get(key);
   287             if (exists != null)
   288                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(key+
   289                         ": handler already exists");
   291             final T ns = createInterceptorFor(key,name,jmxNamespace,
   292                     postRegisterQueue);
   293             handlerMap.put(key,ns);
   294         }
   295     }
   297     // Called by the DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor when an instance
   298     // of JMXNamespace (or a subclass of it) is deregistered.
   299     // This method is usually invoked from within the repository lock,
   300     // hence the necessity of the postDeregisterQueue.
   301     public void removeNamespace(ObjectName name, N jmxNamespace,
   302             Queue<Runnable> postDeregisterQueue) {
   303         final String key = getHandlerKey(name);
   304         final T ns;
   305         synchronized(handlerMap) {
   306             ns = handlerMap.remove(key);
   307         }
   308         interceptorReleased(ns,postDeregisterQueue);
   309     }
   311     // Get the interceptor for that key.
   312     T getInterceptor(String key) {
   313         synchronized (handlerMap) {
   314             return handlerMap.get(key);
   315         }
   316     }
   318     // We return an array of keys, which makes it possible to make
   319     // concurrent modifications of the handlerMap, provided that
   320     // the code which loops over the keys is prepared to handle null
   321     // interceptors.
   322     // See declaration of handlerMap above, and see also query() in
   323     // DomainDispatcher
   324     //
   325     public String[] getKeys() {
   326         synchronized (handlerMap) {
   327             final int size = handlerMap.size();
   328             return handlerMap.keySet().toArray(new String[size]);
   329         }
   330     }
   332     // From MBeanServer
   333     public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name)
   334             throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException,
   335                    MBeanRegistrationException, MBeanException,
   336                    NotCompliantMBeanException {
   337         return getInterceptorForCreate(name).createMBean(className,name);
   338     }
   340     // From MBeanServer
   341     public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name,
   342                                       ObjectName loaderName)
   343             throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException,
   344                    MBeanRegistrationException, MBeanException,
   345                    NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException{
   346         return getInterceptorForCreate(name).createMBean(className,name,loaderName);
   347     }
   349     // From MBeanServer
   350     public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name,
   351                                       Object params[], String signature[])
   352             throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException,
   353                    MBeanRegistrationException, MBeanException,
   354                    NotCompliantMBeanException{
   355         return getInterceptorForCreate(name).
   356                 createMBean(className,name,params,signature);
   357     }
   359     // From MBeanServer
   360     public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name,
   361                                       ObjectName loaderName, Object params[],
   362                                       String signature[])
   363             throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException,
   364                    MBeanRegistrationException, MBeanException,
   365                    NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException{
   366         return getInterceptorForCreate(name).createMBean(className,name,loaderName,
   367                                                    params,signature);
   368     }
   370     // From MBeanServer
   371     public ObjectInstance registerMBean(Object object, ObjectName name)
   372             throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException,
   373                    NotCompliantMBeanException {
   374         return getInterceptorForCreate(name).registerMBean(object,name);
   375     }
   377     // From MBeanServer
   378     public void unregisterMBean(ObjectName name)
   379             throws InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanRegistrationException {
   380         getInterceptorForInstance(name).unregisterMBean(name);
   381     }
   383     // From MBeanServer
   384     public ObjectInstance getObjectInstance(ObjectName name)
   385             throws InstanceNotFoundException {
   386         return getInterceptorForInstance(name).getObjectInstance(name);
   387     }
   389     // From MBeanServer
   390     public Set<ObjectInstance> queryMBeans(ObjectName name, QueryExp query) {
   391         final QueryInterceptor mbs =
   392                 getInterceptorForQuery(name);
   393         if (mbs == null)  return Collections.emptySet();
   394         else return mbs.queryMBeans(name,query);
   395     }
   397     // From MBeanServer
   398     public Set<ObjectName> queryNames(ObjectName name, QueryExp query) {
   399         final QueryInterceptor mbs =
   400                 getInterceptorForQuery(name);
   401         if (mbs == null)  return Collections.emptySet();
   402         else return mbs.queryNames(name,query);
   403     }
   405     // From MBeanServer
   406     public boolean isRegistered(ObjectName name) {
   407         final MBeanServer mbs = getInterceptorOrNullFor(name);
   408         if (mbs == null) return false;
   409         else return mbs.isRegistered(name);
   410     }
   412     // From MBeanServer
   413     public Integer getMBeanCount() {
   414         return getNextInterceptor().getMBeanCount();
   415     }
   417     // From MBeanServer
   418     public Object getAttribute(ObjectName name, String attribute)
   419             throws MBeanException, AttributeNotFoundException,
   420                    InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException {
   421         return getInterceptorForInstance(name).getAttribute(name,attribute);
   422     }
   424     // From MBeanServer
   425     public AttributeList getAttributes(ObjectName name, String[] attributes)
   426             throws InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException {
   427         return getInterceptorForInstance(name).getAttributes(name,attributes);
   428     }
   430     // From MBeanServer
   431     public void setAttribute(ObjectName name, Attribute attribute)
   432             throws InstanceNotFoundException, AttributeNotFoundException,
   433                    InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException,
   434                    ReflectionException {
   435         getInterceptorForInstance(name).setAttribute(name,attribute);
   436     }
   438     // From MBeanServer
   439     public AttributeList setAttributes(ObjectName name,
   440                                        AttributeList attributes)
   441         throws InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException {
   442         return getInterceptorForInstance(name).setAttributes(name,attributes);
   443     }
   445     // From MBeanServer
   446     public Object invoke(ObjectName name, String operationName,
   447                          Object params[], String signature[])
   448             throws InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException,
   449                    ReflectionException {
   450         return getInterceptorForInstance(name).invoke(name,operationName,params,
   451                 signature);
   452     }
   454     // From MBeanServer
   455     public String getDefaultDomain() {
   456         return getNextInterceptor().getDefaultDomain();
   457     }
   459     /**
   460      * Returns the list of domains in which any MBean is currently
   461      * registered.
   462      */
   463     public abstract String[] getDomains();
   465     // From MBeanServer
   466     public void addNotificationListener(ObjectName name,
   467                                         NotificationListener listener,
   468                                         NotificationFilter filter,
   469                                         Object handback)
   470             throws InstanceNotFoundException {
   471         getInterceptorForInstance(name).addNotificationListener(name,listener,filter,
   472                 handback);
   473     }
   476     // From MBeanServer
   477     public void addNotificationListener(ObjectName name,
   478                                         ObjectName listener,
   479                                         NotificationFilter filter,
   480                                         Object handback)
   481             throws InstanceNotFoundException {
   482         getInterceptorForInstance(name).addNotificationListener(name,listener,filter,
   483                 handback);
   484     }
   486     // From MBeanServer
   487     public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name,
   488                                            ObjectName listener)
   489         throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException {
   490         getInterceptorForInstance(name).removeNotificationListener(name,listener);
   491     }
   493     // From MBeanServer
   494     public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name,
   495                                            ObjectName listener,
   496                                            NotificationFilter filter,
   497                                            Object handback)
   498             throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException {
   499         getInterceptorForInstance(name).removeNotificationListener(name,listener,filter,
   500                 handback);
   501     }
   504     // From MBeanServer
   505     public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name,
   506                                            NotificationListener listener)
   507             throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException {
   508         getInterceptorForInstance(name).removeNotificationListener(name,listener);
   509     }
   511     // From MBeanServer
   512     public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name,
   513                                            NotificationListener listener,
   514                                            NotificationFilter filter,
   515                                            Object handback)
   516             throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException {
   517         getInterceptorForInstance(name).removeNotificationListener(name,listener,filter,
   518                 handback);
   519     }
   521     // From MBeanServer
   522     public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name)
   523             throws InstanceNotFoundException, IntrospectionException,
   524                    ReflectionException {
   525         return getInterceptorForInstance(name).getMBeanInfo(name);
   526     }
   529     // From MBeanServer
   530     public boolean isInstanceOf(ObjectName name, String className)
   531             throws InstanceNotFoundException {
   532         return getInterceptorForInstance(name).isInstanceOf(name,className);
   533     }
   535     // From MBeanServer
   536     public ClassLoader getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName mbeanName)
   537         throws InstanceNotFoundException {
   538         return getInterceptorForInstance(mbeanName).getClassLoaderFor(mbeanName);
   539     }
   541     // From MBeanServer
   542     public ClassLoader getClassLoader(ObjectName loaderName)
   543         throws InstanceNotFoundException {
   544         return getInterceptorForInstance(loaderName).getClassLoader(loaderName);
   545     }
   547 }