changeset 17167 87067e3340d3
child 19214 e5901820c3c1
equal deleted inserted replaced
17166:c83a0fa44906 17167:87067e3340d3
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
    23  * questions.
    24  */
    25 package java.util.stream;
    27 import java.util.Collections;
    28 import java.util.Set;
    29 import java.util.function.BiFunction;
    30 import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
    31 import java.util.function.Supplier;
    33 /**
    34  * A <a href="package-summary.html#Reduction">reduction operation</a> that
    35  * supports folding input elements into a cumulative result.  The result may be
    36  * a value or may be a mutable result container.  Examples of operations
    37  * accumulating results into a mutable result container include: accumulating
    38  * input elements into a {@code Collection}; concatenating strings into a
    39  * {@code StringBuilder}; computing summary information about elements such as
    40  * sum, min, max, or average; computing "pivot table" summaries such as "maximum
    41  * valued transaction by seller", etc.  Reduction operations can be performed
    42  * either sequentially or in parallel.
    43  *
    44  * <p>The following are examples of using the predefined {@code Collector}
    45  * implementations in {@link Collectors} with the {@code Stream} API to perform
    46  * mutable reduction tasks:
    47  * <pre>{@code
    48  *     // Accumulate elements into a List
    49  *     List<String> list = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
    50  *
    51  *     // Accumulate elements into a TreeSet
    52  *     Set<String> list = stream.collect(Collectors.toCollection(TreeSet::new));
    53  *
    54  *     // Convert elements to strings and concatenate them, separated by commas
    55  *     String joined = stream.map(Object::toString)
    56  *                           .collect(Collectors.toStringJoiner(", "))
    57  *                           .toString();
    58  *
    59  *     // Find highest-paid employee
    60  *     Employee highestPaid = employees.stream()
    61  *                                     .collect(Collectors.maxBy(Comparators.comparing(Employee::getSalary)));
    62  *
    63  *     // Group employees by department
    64  *     Map<Department, List<Employee>> byDept
    65  *         = employees.stream()
    66  *                    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getDepartment));
    67  *
    68  *     // Find highest-paid employee by department
    69  *     Map<Department, Employee> highestPaidByDept
    70  *         = employees.stream()
    71  *                    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getDepartment,
    72  *                                                   Collectors.maxBy(Comparators.comparing(Employee::getSalary))));
    73  *
    74  *     // Partition students into passing and failing
    75  *     Map<Boolean, List<Student>> passingFailing =
    76  *         students.stream()
    77  *                 .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(s -> s.getGrade() >= PASS_THRESHOLD);
    78  *
    79  * }</pre>
    80  *
    81  * <p>A {@code Collector} is specified by three functions that work together to
    82  * manage a result or result container.  They are: creation of an initial
    83  * result, incorporating a new data element into a result, and combining two
    84  * results into one. The last function -- combining two results into one -- is
    85  * used during parallel operations, where subsets of the input are accumulated
    86  * in parallel, and then the subresults merged into a combined result. The
    87  * result may be a mutable container or a value.  If the result is mutable, the
    88  * accumulation and combination functions may either mutate their left argument
    89  * and return that (such as adding elements to a collection), or return a new
    90  * result, in which case it should not perform any mutation.
    91  *
    92  * <p>Collectors also have a set of characteristics, including
    93  * {@link Characteristics#CONCURRENT} and
    94  * {@link Characteristics#STRICTLY_MUTATIVE}.  These characteristics provide
    95  * hints that can be used by a reduction implementation to provide better
    96  * performance.
    97  *
    98  * <p>Libraries that implement reduction based on {@code Collector}, such as
    99  * {@link Stream#collect(Collector)}, must adhere to the following constraints:
   100  * <ul>
   101  *     <li>The first argument passed to the accumulator function, and both
   102  *     arguments passed to the combiner function, must be the result of a
   103  *     previous invocation of {@link #resultSupplier()}, {@link #accumulator()},
   104  *     or {@link #combiner()}.</li>
   105  *     <li>The implementation should not do anything with the result of any of
   106  *     the result supplier, accumulator, or combiner functions other than to
   107  *     pass them again to the accumulator or combiner functions, or return them
   108  *     to the caller of the reduction operation.</li>
   109  *     <li>If a result is passed to the accumulator or combiner function, and
   110  *     the same object is not returned from that function, it is never used
   111  *     again.</li>
   112  *     <li>Once a result is passed to the combiner function, it is never passed
   113  *     to the accumulator function again.</li>
   114  *     <li>For non-concurrent collectors, any result returned from the result
   115  *     supplier, accumulator, or combiner functions must be serially
   116  *     thread-confined.  This enables collection to occur in parallel without
   117  *     the {@code Collector} needing to implement any additional synchronization.
   118  *     The reduction implementation must manage that the input is properly
   119  *     partitioned, that partitions are processed in isolation, and combining
   120  *     happens only after accumulation is complete.</li>
   121  *     <li>For concurrent collectors, an implementation is free to (but not
   122  *     required to) implement reduction concurrently.  A concurrent reduction
   123  *     is one where the accumulator function is called concurrently from
   124  *     multiple threads, using the same concurrently-modifiable result container,
   125  *     rather than keeping the result isolated during accumulation.
   126  *     A concurrent reduction should only be applied if the collector has the
   127  *     {@link Characteristics#UNORDERED} characteristics or if the
   128  *     originating data is unordered.</li>
   129  * </ul>
   130  *
   131  * @apiNote
   132  * Performing a reduction operation with a {@code Collector} should produce a
   133  * result equivalent to:
   134  * <pre>{@code
   135  *     BiFunction<R,T,R> accumulator = collector.accumulator();
   136  *     R result = collector.resultSupplier().get();
   137  *     for (T t : data)
   138  *         result = accumulator.apply(result, t);
   139  *     return result;
   140  * }</pre>
   141  *
   142  * <p>However, the library is free to partition the input, perform the reduction
   143  * on the partitions, and then use the combiner function to combine the partial
   144  * results to achieve a parallel reduction.  Depending on the specific reduction
   145  * operation, this may perform better or worse, depending on the relative cost
   146  * of the accumulator and combiner functions.
   147  *
   148  * <p>An example of an operation that can be easily modeled by {@code Collector}
   149  * is accumulating elements into a {@code TreeSet}. In this case, the {@code
   150  * resultSupplier()} function is {@code () -> new Treeset<T>()}, the
   151  * {@code accumulator} function is
   152  * {@code (set, element) -> { set.add(element); return set; }}, and the combiner
   153  * function is {@code (left, right) -> { left.addAll(right); return left; }}.
   154  * (This behavior is implemented by
   155  * {@code Collectors.toCollection(TreeSet::new)}).
   156  *
   157  * TODO Associativity and commutativity
   158  *
   159  * @see Stream#collect(Collector)
   160  * @see Collectors
   161  *
   162  * @param <T> the type of input element to the collect operation
   163  * @param <R> the result type of the collect operation
   164  * @since 1.8
   165  */
   166 public interface Collector<T, R> {
   167     /**
   168      * A function that creates and returns a new result that represents
   169      * "no values".  If the accumulator or combiner functions may mutate their
   170      * arguments, this must be a new, empty result container.
   171      *
   172      * @return a function which, when invoked, returns a result representing
   173      * "no values"
   174      */
   175     Supplier<R> resultSupplier();
   177     /**
   178      * A function that folds a new value into a cumulative result.  The result
   179      * may be a mutable result container or a value.  The accumulator function
   180      * may modify a mutable container and return it, or create a new result and
   181      * return that, but if it returns a new result object, it must not modify
   182      * any of its arguments.
   183      *
   184      * <p>If the collector has the {@link Characteristics#STRICTLY_MUTATIVE}
   185      * characteristic, then the accumulator function <em>must</em> always return
   186      * its first argument, after possibly mutating its state.
   187      *
   188      * @return a function which folds a new value into a cumulative result
   189      */
   190     BiFunction<R, T, R> accumulator();
   192     /**
   193      * A function that accepts two partial results and merges them.  The
   194      * combiner function may fold state from one argument into the other and
   195      * return that, or may return a new result object, but if it returns
   196      * a new result object, it must not modify the state of either of its
   197      * arguments.
   198      *
   199      * <p>If the collector has the {@link Characteristics#STRICTLY_MUTATIVE}
   200      * characteristic, then the combiner function <em>must</em> always return
   201      * its first argument, after possibly mutating its state.
   202      *
   203      * @return a function which combines two partial results into a cumulative
   204      * result
   205      */
   206     BinaryOperator<R> combiner();
   208     /**
   209      * Returns a {@code Set} of {@code Collector.Characteristics} indicating
   210      * the characteristics of this Collector.  This set should be immutable.
   211      *
   212      * @return an immutable set of collector characteristics
   213      */
   214     Set<Characteristics> characteristics();
   216     /**
   217      * Characteristics indicating properties of a {@code Collector}, which can
   218      * be used to optimize reduction implementations.
   219      */
   220     enum Characteristics {
   221         /**
   222          * Indicates that this collector is <em>concurrent</em>, meaning that
   223          * the result container can support the accumulator function being
   224          * called concurrently with the same result container from multiple
   225          * threads. Concurrent collectors must also always have the
   226          * {@code STRICTLY_MUTATIVE} characteristic.
   227          *
   228          * <p>If a {@code CONCURRENT} collector is not also {@code UNORDERED},
   229          * then it should only be evaluated concurrently if applied to an
   230          * unordered data source.
   231          */
   232         CONCURRENT,
   234         /**
   235          * Indicates that the result container has no intrinsic order, such as
   236          * a {@link Set}.
   237          */
   238         UNORDERED,
   240         /**
   241          * Indicates that this collector operates by strict mutation of its
   242          * result container. This means that the {@link #accumulator()} and
   243          * {@link #combiner()} functions will always modify the state of and
   244          * return their first argument, rather than returning a different result
   245          * container.
   246          */
   247         STRICTLY_MUTATIVE
   248     }
   249 }