changeset 4091 82c116e2e288
parent 4090 3dd0ee516f2d
parent 4079 946518568340
child 4097 af3776a63c5e
equal deleted inserted replaced
4090:3dd0ee516f2d 4091:82c116e2e288
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright 2000-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
    22  * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
    23  * have any questions.
    24  */
    26 package sun.security.provider.certpath;
    28 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    29 import java.io.IOException;
    30 import java.math.BigInteger;
    31 import java.net.URI;
    32 import java.util.*;
    33 import javax.naming.Context;
    34 import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
    35 import javax.naming.NamingException;
    36 import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
    37 import javax.naming.directory.Attribute;
    38 import javax.naming.directory.Attributes;
    39 import javax.naming.directory.BasicAttributes;
    40 import javax.naming.directory.DirContext;
    41 import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext;
    43 import java.security.*;
    44 import java.security.cert.Certificate;
    45 import java.security.cert.*;
    46 import javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal;
    48 import sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder;
    49 import sun.security.util.Cache;
    50 import sun.security.util.Debug;
    51 import sun.security.x509.X500Name;
    52 import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;
    54 /**
    55  * A <code>CertStore</code> that retrieves <code>Certificates</code> and
    56  * <code>CRL</code>s from an LDAP directory, using the PKIX LDAP V2 Schema
    57  * (RFC 2587):
    58  * <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2587.txt">
    59  * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2587.txt</a>.
    60  * <p>
    61  * Before calling the {@link #engineGetCertificates engineGetCertificates} or
    62  * {@link #engineGetCRLs engineGetCRLs} methods, the
    63  * {@link #LDAPCertStore(CertStoreParameters)
    64  * LDAPCertStore(CertStoreParameters)} constructor is called to create the
    65  * <code>CertStore</code> and establish the DNS name and port of the LDAP
    66  * server from which <code>Certificate</code>s and <code>CRL</code>s will be
    67  * retrieved.
    68  * <p>
    69  * <b>Concurrent Access</b>
    70  * <p>
    71  * As described in the javadoc for <code>CertStoreSpi</code>, the
    72  * <code>engineGetCertificates</code> and <code>engineGetCRLs</code> methods
    73  * must be thread-safe. That is, multiple threads may concurrently
    74  * invoke these methods on a single <code>LDAPCertStore</code> object
    75  * (or more than one) with no ill effects. This allows a
    76  * <code>CertPathBuilder</code> to search for a CRL while simultaneously
    77  * searching for further certificates, for instance.
    78  * <p>
    79  * This is achieved by adding the <code>synchronized</code> keyword to the
    80  * <code>engineGetCertificates</code> and <code>engineGetCRLs</code> methods.
    81  * <p>
    82  * This classes uses caching and requests multiple attributes at once to
    83  * minimize LDAP round trips. The cache is associated with the CertStore
    84  * instance. It uses soft references to hold the values to minimize impact
    85  * on footprint and currently has a maximum size of 750 attributes and a
    86  * 30 second default lifetime.
    87  * <p>
    88  * We always request CA certificates, cross certificate pairs, and ARLs in
    89  * a single LDAP request when any one of them is needed. The reason is that
    90  * we typically need all of them anyway and requesting them in one go can
    91  * reduce the number of requests to a third. Even if we don't need them,
    92  * these attributes are typically small enough not to cause a noticeable
    93  * overhead. In addition, when the prefetchCRLs flag is true, we also request
    94  * the full CRLs. It is currently false initially but set to true once any
    95  * request for an ARL to the server returns an null value. The reason is
    96  * that CRLs could be rather large but are rarely used. This implementation
    97  * should improve performance in most cases.
    98  *
    99  * @see java.security.cert.CertStore
   100  *
   101  * @since       1.4
   102  * @author      Steve Hanna
   103  * @author      Andreas Sterbenz
   104  */
   105 public class LDAPCertStore extends CertStoreSpi {
   107     private static final Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("certpath");
   109     private final static boolean DEBUG = false;
   111     /**
   112      * LDAP attribute identifiers.
   113      */
   114     private static final String USER_CERT = "userCertificate;binary";
   115     private static final String CA_CERT = "cACertificate;binary";
   116     private static final String CROSS_CERT = "crossCertificatePair;binary";
   117     private static final String CRL = "certificateRevocationList;binary";
   118     private static final String ARL = "authorityRevocationList;binary";
   119     private static final String DELTA_CRL = "deltaRevocationList;binary";
   121     // Constants for various empty values
   122     private final static String[] STRING0 = new String[0];
   124     private final static byte[][] BB0 = new byte[0][];
   126     private final static Attributes EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES = new BasicAttributes();
   128     // cache related constants
   129     private final static int DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 750;
   130     private final static int DEFAULT_CACHE_LIFETIME = 30;
   132     private final static int LIFETIME;
   134     private final static String PROP_LIFETIME =
   135                             "sun.security.certpath.ldap.cache.lifetime";
   137     static {
   138         String s = AccessController.doPrivileged(
   139                                 new GetPropertyAction(PROP_LIFETIME));
   140         if (s != null) {
   141             LIFETIME = Integer.parseInt(s); // throws NumberFormatException
   142         } else {
   144         }
   145     }
   147     /**
   148      * The CertificateFactory used to decode certificates from
   149      * their binary stored form.
   150      */
   151     private CertificateFactory cf;
   152     /**
   153      * The JNDI directory context.
   154      */
   155     private DirContext ctx;
   157     /**
   158      * Flag indicating whether we should prefetch CRLs.
   159      */
   160     private boolean prefetchCRLs = false;
   162     private final Cache valueCache;
   164     private int cacheHits = 0;
   165     private int cacheMisses = 0;
   166     private int requests = 0;
   168     /**
   169      * Creates a <code>CertStore</code> with the specified parameters.
   170      * For this class, the parameters object must be an instance of
   171      * <code>LDAPCertStoreParameters</code>.
   172      *
   173      * @param params the algorithm parameters
   174      * @exception InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if params is not an
   175      *   instance of <code>LDAPCertStoreParameters</code>
   176      */
   177     public LDAPCertStore(CertStoreParameters params)
   178             throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
   179         super(params);
   180         if (!(params instanceof LDAPCertStoreParameters))
   181           throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(
   182             "parameters must be LDAPCertStoreParameters");
   184         LDAPCertStoreParameters lparams = (LDAPCertStoreParameters) params;
   186         // Create InitialDirContext needed to communicate with the server
   187         createInitialDirContext(lparams.getServerName(), lparams.getPort());
   189         // Create CertificateFactory for use later on
   190         try {
   191             cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
   192         } catch (CertificateException e) {
   193             throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(
   194                 "unable to create CertificateFactory for X.509");
   195         }
   196         if (LIFETIME == 0) {
   197             valueCache = Cache.newNullCache();
   198         } else if (LIFETIME < 0) {
   199             valueCache = Cache.newSoftMemoryCache(DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE);
   200         } else {
   201             valueCache = Cache.newSoftMemoryCache(DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, LIFETIME);
   202         }
   203     }
   205     /**
   206      * Returns an LDAP CertStore. This method consults a cache of
   207      * CertStores (shared per JVM) using the LDAP server/port as a key.
   208      */
   209     private static final Cache certStoreCache = Cache.newSoftMemoryCache(185);
   210     static synchronized CertStore getInstance(LDAPCertStoreParameters params)
   211         throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
   212         CertStore lcs = (CertStore) certStoreCache.get(params);
   213         if (lcs == null) {
   214             lcs = CertStore.getInstance("LDAP", params);
   215             certStoreCache.put(params, lcs);
   216         } else {
   217             if (debug != null) {
   218                 debug.println("LDAPCertStore.getInstance: cache hit");
   219             }
   220         }
   221         return lcs;
   222     }
   224     /**
   225      * Create InitialDirContext.
   226      *
   227      * @param server Server DNS name hosting LDAP service
   228      * @param port   Port at which server listens for requests
   229      * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if creation fails
   230      */
   231     private void createInitialDirContext(String server, int port)
   232             throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
   233         String url = "ldap://" + server + ":" + port;
   234         Hashtable<String,Object> env = new Hashtable<String,Object>();
   235         env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
   236                 "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
   237         env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
   238         try {
   239             ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
   240             /*
   241              * By default, follow referrals unless application has
   242              * overridden property in an application resource file.
   243              */
   244             Hashtable<?,?> currentEnv = ctx.getEnvironment();
   245             if (currentEnv.get(Context.REFERRAL) == null) {
   246                 ctx.addToEnvironment(Context.REFERRAL, "follow");
   247             }
   248         } catch (NamingException e) {
   249             if (debug != null) {
   250                 debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineInit about to throw "
   251                     + "InvalidAlgorithmParameterException");
   252                 e.printStackTrace();
   253             }
   254             Exception ee = new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
   255                 ("unable to create InitialDirContext using supplied parameters");
   256             ee.initCause(e);
   257             throw (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException)ee;
   258         }
   259     }
   261     /**
   262      * Private class encapsulating the actual LDAP operations and cache
   263      * handling. Use:
   264      *
   265      *   LDAPRequest request = new LDAPRequest(dn);
   266      *   request.addRequestedAttribute(CROSS_CERT);
   267      *   request.addRequestedAttribute(CA_CERT);
   268      *   byte[][] crossValues = request.getValues(CROSS_CERT);
   269      *   byte[][] caValues = request.getValues(CA_CERT);
   270      *
   271      * At most one LDAP request is sent for each instance created. If all
   272      * getValues() calls can be satisfied from the cache, no request
   273      * is sent at all. If a request is sent, all requested attributes
   274      * are always added to the cache irrespective of whether the getValues()
   275      * method is called.
   276      */
   277     private class LDAPRequest {
   279         private final String name;
   280         private Map<String, byte[][]> valueMap;
   281         private final List<String> requestedAttributes;
   283         LDAPRequest(String name) {
   284             this.name = name;
   285             requestedAttributes = new ArrayList<String>(5);
   286         }
   288         String getName() {
   289             return name;
   290         }
   292         void addRequestedAttribute(String attrId) {
   293             if (valueMap != null) {
   294                 throw new IllegalStateException("Request already sent");
   295             }
   296             requestedAttributes.add(attrId);
   297         }
   299         /**
   300          * Gets one or more binary values from an attribute.
   301          *
   302          * @param name          the location holding the attribute
   303          * @param attrId                the attribute identifier
   304          * @return                      an array of binary values (byte arrays)
   305          * @throws NamingException      if a naming exception occurs
   306          */
   307         byte[][] getValues(String attrId) throws NamingException {
   308             if (DEBUG && ((cacheHits + cacheMisses) % 50 == 0)) {
   309                 System.out.println("Cache hits: " + cacheHits + "; misses: "
   310                         + cacheMisses);
   311             }
   312             String cacheKey = name + "|" + attrId;
   313             byte[][] values = (byte[][])valueCache.get(cacheKey);
   314             if (values != null) {
   315                 cacheHits++;
   316                 return values;
   317             }
   318             cacheMisses++;
   319             Map<String, byte[][]> attrs = getValueMap();
   320             values = attrs.get(attrId);
   321             return values;
   322         }
   324         /**
   325          * Get a map containing the values for this request. The first time
   326          * this method is called on an object, the LDAP request is sent,
   327          * the results parsed and added to a private map and also to the
   328          * cache of this LDAPCertStore. Subsequent calls return the private
   329          * map immediately.
   330          *
   331          * The map contains an entry for each requested attribute. The
   332          * attribute name is the key, values are byte[][]. If there are no
   333          * values for that attribute, values are byte[0][].
   334          *
   335          * @return                      the value Map
   336          * @throws NamingException      if a naming exception occurs
   337          */
   338         private Map<String, byte[][]> getValueMap() throws NamingException {
   339             if (valueMap != null) {
   340                 return valueMap;
   341             }
   342             if (DEBUG) {
   343                 System.out.println("Request: " + name + ":" + requestedAttributes);
   344                 requests++;
   345                 if (requests % 5 == 0) {
   346                     System.out.println("LDAP requests: " + requests);
   347                 }
   348             }
   349             valueMap = new HashMap<String, byte[][]>(8);
   350             String[] attrIds = requestedAttributes.toArray(STRING0);
   351             Attributes attrs;
   352             try {
   353                 attrs = ctx.getAttributes(name, attrIds);
   354             } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
   355                 // name does not exist on this LDAP server
   356                 // treat same as not attributes found
   357                 attrs = EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES;
   358             }
   359             for (String attrId : requestedAttributes) {
   360                 Attribute attr = attrs.get(attrId);
   361                 byte[][] values = getAttributeValues(attr);
   362                 cacheAttribute(attrId, values);
   363                 valueMap.put(attrId, values);
   364             }
   365             return valueMap;
   366         }
   368         /**
   369          * Add the values to the cache.
   370          */
   371         private void cacheAttribute(String attrId, byte[][] values) {
   372             String cacheKey = name + "|" + attrId;
   373             valueCache.put(cacheKey, values);
   374         }
   376         /**
   377          * Get the values for the given attribute. If the attribute is null
   378          * or does not contain any values, a zero length byte array is
   379          * returned. NOTE that it is assumed that all values are byte arrays.
   380          */
   381         private byte[][] getAttributeValues(Attribute attr)
   382                 throws NamingException {
   383             byte[][] values;
   384             if (attr == null) {
   385                 values = BB0;
   386             } else {
   387                 values = new byte[attr.size()][];
   388                 int i = 0;
   389                 NamingEnumeration<?> enum_ = attr.getAll();
   390                 while (enum_.hasMore()) {
   391                     Object obj = enum_.next();
   392                     if (debug != null) {
   393                         if (obj instanceof String) {
   394                             debug.println("LDAPCertStore.getAttrValues() "
   395                                 + "enum.next is a string!: " + obj);
   396                         }
   397                     }
   398                     byte[] value = (byte[])obj;
   399                     values[i++] = value;
   400                 }
   401             }
   402             return values;
   403         }
   405     }
   407     /*
   408      * Gets certificates from an attribute id and location in the LDAP
   409      * directory. Returns a Collection containing only the Certificates that
   410      * match the specified CertSelector.
   411      *
   412      * @param name the location holding the attribute
   413      * @param id the attribute identifier
   414      * @param sel a CertSelector that the Certificates must match
   415      * @return a Collection of Certificates found
   416      * @throws CertStoreException       if an exception occurs
   417      */
   418     private Collection<X509Certificate> getCertificates(LDAPRequest request,
   419         String id, X509CertSelector sel) throws CertStoreException {
   421         /* fetch encoded certs from storage */
   422         byte[][] encodedCert;
   423         try {
   424             encodedCert = request.getValues(id);
   425         } catch (NamingException namingEx) {
   426             throw new CertStoreException(namingEx);
   427         }
   429         int n = encodedCert.length;
   430         if (n == 0) {
   431             return Collections.<X509Certificate>emptySet();
   432         }
   434         List<X509Certificate> certs = new ArrayList<X509Certificate>(n);
   435         /* decode certs and check if they satisfy selector */
   436         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
   437             ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(encodedCert[i]);
   438             try {
   439                 Certificate cert = cf.generateCertificate(bais);
   440                 if (sel.match(cert)) {
   441                   certs.add((X509Certificate)cert);
   442                 }
   443             } catch (CertificateException e) {
   444                 if (debug != null) {
   445                     debug.println("LDAPCertStore.getCertificates() encountered "
   446                         + "exception while parsing cert, skipping the bad data: ");
   447                     HexDumpEncoder encoder = new HexDumpEncoder();
   448                     debug.println(
   449                         "[ " + encoder.encodeBuffer(encodedCert[i]) + " ]");
   450                 }
   451             }
   452         }
   454         return certs;
   455     }
   457     /*
   458      * Gets certificate pairs from an attribute id and location in the LDAP
   459      * directory.
   460      *
   461      * @param name the location holding the attribute
   462      * @param id the attribute identifier
   463      * @return a Collection of X509CertificatePairs found
   464      * @throws CertStoreException       if an exception occurs
   465      */
   466     private Collection<X509CertificatePair> getCertPairs(
   467         LDAPRequest request, String id) throws CertStoreException {
   469         /* fetch the encoded cert pairs from storage */
   470         byte[][] encodedCertPair;
   471         try {
   472             encodedCertPair = request.getValues(id);
   473         } catch (NamingException namingEx) {
   474             throw new CertStoreException(namingEx);
   475         }
   477         int n = encodedCertPair.length;
   478         if (n == 0) {
   479             return Collections.<X509CertificatePair>emptySet();
   480         }
   482         List<X509CertificatePair> certPairs =
   483                                 new ArrayList<X509CertificatePair>(n);
   484         /* decode each cert pair and add it to the Collection */
   485         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
   486             try {
   487                 X509CertificatePair certPair =
   488                     X509CertificatePair.generateCertificatePair(encodedCertPair[i]);
   489                 certPairs.add(certPair);
   490             } catch (CertificateException e) {
   491                 if (debug != null) {
   492                     debug.println(
   493                         "LDAPCertStore.getCertPairs() encountered exception "
   494                         + "while parsing cert, skipping the bad data: ");
   495                     HexDumpEncoder encoder = new HexDumpEncoder();
   496                     debug.println(
   497                         "[ " + encoder.encodeBuffer(encodedCertPair[i]) + " ]");
   498                 }
   499             }
   500         }
   502         return certPairs;
   503     }
   505     /*
   506      * Looks at certificate pairs stored in the crossCertificatePair attribute
   507      * at the specified location in the LDAP directory. Returns a Collection
   508      * containing all Certificates stored in the forward component that match
   509      * the forward CertSelector and all Certificates stored in the reverse
   510      * component that match the reverse CertSelector.
   511      * <p>
   512      * If either forward or reverse is null, all certificates from the
   513      * corresponding component will be rejected.
   514      *
   515      * @param name the location to look in
   516      * @param forward the forward CertSelector (or null)
   517      * @param reverse the reverse CertSelector (or null)
   518      * @return a Collection of Certificates found
   519      * @throws CertStoreException       if an exception occurs
   520      */
   521     private Collection<X509Certificate> getMatchingCrossCerts(
   522             LDAPRequest request, X509CertSelector forward,
   523             X509CertSelector reverse)
   524             throws CertStoreException {
   525         // Get the cert pairs
   526         Collection<X509CertificatePair> certPairs =
   527                                 getCertPairs(request, CROSS_CERT);
   529         // Find Certificates that match and put them in a list
   530         ArrayList<X509Certificate> matchingCerts =
   531                                         new ArrayList<X509Certificate>();
   532         for (X509CertificatePair certPair : certPairs) {
   533             X509Certificate cert;
   534             if (forward != null) {
   535                 cert = certPair.getForward();
   536                 if ((cert != null) && forward.match(cert)) {
   537                     matchingCerts.add(cert);
   538                 }
   539             }
   540             if (reverse != null) {
   541                 cert = certPair.getReverse();
   542                 if ((cert != null) && reverse.match(cert)) {
   543                     matchingCerts.add(cert);
   544                 }
   545             }
   546         }
   547         return matchingCerts;
   548     }
   550     /**
   551      * Returns a <code>Collection</code> of <code>Certificate</code>s that
   552      * match the specified selector. If no <code>Certificate</code>s
   553      * match the selector, an empty <code>Collection</code> will be returned.
   554      * <p>
   555      * It is not practical to search every entry in the LDAP database for
   556      * matching <code>Certificate</code>s. Instead, the <code>CertSelector</code>
   557      * is examined in order to determine where matching <code>Certificate</code>s
   558      * are likely to be found (according to the PKIX LDAPv2 schema, RFC 2587).
   559      * If the subject is specified, its directory entry is searched. If the
   560      * issuer is specified, its directory entry is searched. If neither the
   561      * subject nor the issuer are specified (or the selector is not an
   562      * <code>X509CertSelector</code>), a <code>CertStoreException</code> is
   563      * thrown.
   564      *
   565      * @param selector a <code>CertSelector</code> used to select which
   566      *  <code>Certificate</code>s should be returned.
   567      * @return a <code>Collection</code> of <code>Certificate</code>s that
   568      *         match the specified selector
   569      * @throws CertStoreException if an exception occurs
   570      */
   571     public synchronized Collection<X509Certificate> engineGetCertificates
   572             (CertSelector selector) throws CertStoreException {
   573         if (debug != null) {
   574             debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() selector: "
   575                 + String.valueOf(selector));
   576         }
   578         if (selector == null) {
   579             selector = new X509CertSelector();
   580         }
   581         if (!(selector instanceof X509CertSelector)) {
   582             throw new CertStoreException("LDAPCertStore needs an X509CertSelector " +
   583                                          "to find certs");
   584         }
   585         X509CertSelector xsel = (X509CertSelector) selector;
   586         int basicConstraints = xsel.getBasicConstraints();
   587         String subject = xsel.getSubjectAsString();
   588         String issuer = xsel.getIssuerAsString();
   589         HashSet<X509Certificate> certs = new HashSet<X509Certificate>();
   590         if (debug != null) {
   591             debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() basicConstraints: "
   592                 + basicConstraints);
   593         }
   595         // basicConstraints:
   596         // -2: only EE certs accepted
   597         // -1: no check is done
   598         //  0: any CA certificate accepted
   599         // >1: certificate's basicConstraints extension pathlen must match
   600         if (subject != null) {
   601             if (debug != null) {
   602                 debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() "
   603                     + "subject is not null");
   604             }
   605             LDAPRequest request = new LDAPRequest(subject);
   606             if (basicConstraints > -2) {
   607                 request.addRequestedAttribute(CROSS_CERT);
   608                 request.addRequestedAttribute(CA_CERT);
   609                 request.addRequestedAttribute(ARL);
   610                 if (prefetchCRLs) {
   611                     request.addRequestedAttribute(CRL);
   612                 }
   613             }
   614             if (basicConstraints < 0) {
   615                 request.addRequestedAttribute(USER_CERT);
   616             }
   618             if (basicConstraints > -2) {
   619                 certs.addAll(getMatchingCrossCerts(request, xsel, null));
   620                 if (debug != null) {
   621                     debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() after "
   622                         + "getMatchingCrossCerts(subject,xsel,null),certs.size(): "
   623                         + certs.size());
   624                 }
   625                 certs.addAll(getCertificates(request, CA_CERT, xsel));
   626                 if (debug != null) {
   627                     debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() after "
   628                         + "getCertificates(subject,CA_CERT,xsel),certs.size(): "
   629                         + certs.size());
   630                 }
   631             }
   632             if (basicConstraints < 0) {
   633                 certs.addAll(getCertificates(request, USER_CERT, xsel));
   634                 if (debug != null) {
   635                     debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() after "
   636                         + "getCertificates(subject,USER_CERT, xsel),certs.size(): "
   637                         + certs.size());
   638                 }
   639             }
   640         } else {
   641             if (debug != null) {
   642                 debug.println
   643                     ("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() subject is null");
   644             }
   645             if (basicConstraints == -2) {
   646                 throw new CertStoreException("need subject to find EE certs");
   647             }
   648             if (issuer == null) {
   649                 throw new CertStoreException("need subject or issuer to find certs");
   650             }
   651         }
   652         if (debug != null) {
   653             debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() about to "
   654                 + "getMatchingCrossCerts...");
   655         }
   656         if ((issuer != null) && (basicConstraints > -2)) {
   657             LDAPRequest request = new LDAPRequest(issuer);
   658             request.addRequestedAttribute(CROSS_CERT);
   659             request.addRequestedAttribute(CA_CERT);
   660             request.addRequestedAttribute(ARL);
   661             if (prefetchCRLs) {
   662                 request.addRequestedAttribute(CRL);
   663             }
   665             certs.addAll(getMatchingCrossCerts(request, null, xsel));
   666             if (debug != null) {
   667                 debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() after "
   668                     + "getMatchingCrossCerts(issuer,null,xsel),certs.size(): "
   669                     + certs.size());
   670             }
   671             certs.addAll(getCertificates(request, CA_CERT, xsel));
   672             if (debug != null) {
   673                 debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() after "
   674                     + "getCertificates(issuer,CA_CERT,xsel),certs.size(): "
   675                     + certs.size());
   676             }
   677         }
   678         if (debug != null) {
   679             debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCertificates() returning certs");
   680         }
   681         return certs;
   682     }
   684     /*
   685      * Gets CRLs from an attribute id and location in the LDAP directory.
   686      * Returns a Collection containing only the CRLs that match the
   687      * specified CRLSelector.
   688      *
   689      * @param name the location holding the attribute
   690      * @param id the attribute identifier
   691      * @param sel a CRLSelector that the CRLs must match
   692      * @return a Collection of CRLs found
   693      * @throws CertStoreException       if an exception occurs
   694      */
   695     private Collection<X509CRL> getCRLs(LDAPRequest request, String id,
   696             X509CRLSelector sel) throws CertStoreException {
   698         /* fetch the encoded crls from storage */
   699         byte[][] encodedCRL;
   700         try {
   701             encodedCRL = request.getValues(id);
   702         } catch (NamingException namingEx) {
   703             throw new CertStoreException(namingEx);
   704         }
   706         int n = encodedCRL.length;
   707         if (n == 0) {
   708             return Collections.<X509CRL>emptySet();
   709         }
   711         List<X509CRL> crls = new ArrayList<X509CRL>(n);
   712         /* decode each crl and check if it matches selector */
   713         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
   714             try {
   715                 CRL crl = cf.generateCRL(new ByteArrayInputStream(encodedCRL[i]));
   716                 if (sel.match(crl)) {
   717                     crls.add((X509CRL)crl);
   718                 }
   719             } catch (CRLException e) {
   720                 if (debug != null) {
   721                     debug.println("LDAPCertStore.getCRLs() encountered exception"
   722                         + " while parsing CRL, skipping the bad data: ");
   723                     HexDumpEncoder encoder = new HexDumpEncoder();
   724                     debug.println("[ " + encoder.encodeBuffer(encodedCRL[i]) + " ]");
   725                 }
   726             }
   727         }
   729         return crls;
   730     }
   732     /**
   733      * Returns a <code>Collection</code> of <code>CRL</code>s that
   734      * match the specified selector. If no <code>CRL</code>s
   735      * match the selector, an empty <code>Collection</code> will be returned.
   736      * <p>
   737      * It is not practical to search every entry in the LDAP database for
   738      * matching <code>CRL</code>s. Instead, the <code>CRLSelector</code>
   739      * is examined in order to determine where matching <code>CRL</code>s
   740      * are likely to be found (according to the PKIX LDAPv2 schema, RFC 2587).
   741      * If issuerNames or certChecking are specified, the issuer's directory
   742      * entry is searched. If neither issuerNames or certChecking are specified
   743      * (or the selector is not an <code>X509CRLSelector</code>), a
   744      * <code>CertStoreException</code> is thrown.
   745      *
   746      * @param selector A <code>CRLSelector</code> used to select which
   747      *  <code>CRL</code>s should be returned. Specify <code>null</code>
   748      *  to return all <code>CRL</code>s.
   749      * @return A <code>Collection</code> of <code>CRL</code>s that
   750      *         match the specified selector
   751      * @throws CertStoreException if an exception occurs
   752      */
   753     public synchronized Collection<X509CRL> engineGetCRLs(CRLSelector selector)
   754             throws CertStoreException {
   755         if (debug != null) {
   756             debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCRLs() selector: "
   757                 + selector);
   758         }
   759         // Set up selector and collection to hold CRLs
   760         if (selector == null) {
   761             selector = new X509CRLSelector();
   762         }
   763         if (!(selector instanceof X509CRLSelector)) {
   764             throw new CertStoreException("need X509CRLSelector to find CRLs");
   765         }
   766         X509CRLSelector xsel = (X509CRLSelector) selector;
   767         HashSet<X509CRL> crls = new HashSet<X509CRL>();
   769         // Look in directory entry for issuer of cert we're checking.
   770         Collection<Object> issuerNames;
   771         X509Certificate certChecking = xsel.getCertificateChecking();
   772         if (certChecking != null) {
   773             issuerNames = new HashSet<Object>();
   774             X500Principal issuer = certChecking.getIssuerX500Principal();
   775             issuerNames.add(issuer.getName(X500Principal.RFC2253));
   776         } else {
   777             // But if we don't know which cert we're checking, try the directory
   778             // entries of all acceptable CRL issuers
   779             issuerNames = xsel.getIssuerNames();
   780             if (issuerNames == null) {
   781                 throw new CertStoreException("need issuerNames or certChecking to "
   782                     + "find CRLs");
   783             }
   784         }
   785         for (Object nameObject : issuerNames) {
   786             String issuerName;
   787             if (nameObject instanceof byte[]) {
   788                 try {
   789                     X500Principal issuer = new X500Principal((byte[])nameObject);
   790                     issuerName = issuer.getName(X500Principal.RFC2253);
   791                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
   792                     continue;
   793                 }
   794             } else {
   795                 issuerName = (String)nameObject;
   796             }
   797             // If all we want is CA certs, try to get the (probably shorter) ARL
   798             Collection<X509CRL> entryCRLs = Collections.<X509CRL>emptySet();
   799             if (certChecking == null || certChecking.getBasicConstraints() != -1) {
   800                 LDAPRequest request = new LDAPRequest(issuerName);
   801                 request.addRequestedAttribute(CROSS_CERT);
   802                 request.addRequestedAttribute(CA_CERT);
   803                 request.addRequestedAttribute(ARL);
   804                 if (prefetchCRLs) {
   805                     request.addRequestedAttribute(CRL);
   806                 }
   807                 try {
   808                     entryCRLs = getCRLs(request, ARL, xsel);
   809                     if (entryCRLs.isEmpty()) {
   810                         // no ARLs found. We assume that means that there are
   811                         // no ARLs on this server at all and prefetch the CRLs.
   812                         prefetchCRLs = true;
   813                     } else {
   814                         crls.addAll(entryCRLs);
   815                     }
   816                 } catch (CertStoreException e) {
   817                     if (debug != null) {
   818                         debug.println("LDAPCertStore.engineGetCRLs non-fatal error "
   819                             + "retrieving ARLs:" + e);
   820                         e.printStackTrace();
   821                     }
   822                 }
   823             }
   824             // Otherwise, get the CRL
   825             // if certChecking is null, we don't know if we should look in ARL or CRL
   826             // attribute, so check both for matching CRLs.
   827             if (entryCRLs.isEmpty() || certChecking == null) {
   828                 LDAPRequest request = new LDAPRequest(issuerName);
   829                 request.addRequestedAttribute(CRL);
   830                 entryCRLs = getCRLs(request, CRL, xsel);
   831                 crls.addAll(entryCRLs);
   832             }
   833         }
   834         return crls;
   835     }
   837     // converts an LDAP URI into LDAPCertStoreParameters
   838     static LDAPCertStoreParameters getParameters(URI uri) {
   839         String host = uri.getHost();
   840         if (host == null) {
   841             return new SunLDAPCertStoreParameters();
   842         } else {
   843             int port = uri.getPort();
   844             return (port == -1
   845                     ? new SunLDAPCertStoreParameters(host)
   846                     : new SunLDAPCertStoreParameters(host, port));
   847         }
   848     }
   850     /*
   851      * Subclass of LDAPCertStoreParameters with overridden equals/hashCode
   852      * methods. This is necessary because the parameters are used as
   853      * keys in the LDAPCertStore cache.
   854      */
   855     private static class SunLDAPCertStoreParameters
   856         extends LDAPCertStoreParameters {
   858         private volatile int hashCode = 0;
   860         SunLDAPCertStoreParameters(String serverName, int port) {
   861             super(serverName, port);
   862         }
   863         SunLDAPCertStoreParameters(String serverName) {
   864             super(serverName);
   865         }
   866         SunLDAPCertStoreParameters() {
   867             super();
   868         }
   869         public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   870             if (!(obj instanceof LDAPCertStoreParameters)) {
   871                 return false;
   872             }
   873             LDAPCertStoreParameters params = (LDAPCertStoreParameters) obj;
   874             return (getPort() == params.getPort() &&
   875                     getServerName().equalsIgnoreCase(params.getServerName()));
   876         }
   877         public int hashCode() {
   878             if (hashCode == 0) {
   879                 int result = 17;
   880                 result = 37*result + getPort();
   881                 result = 37*result + getServerName().toLowerCase().hashCode();
   882                 hashCode = result;
   883             }
   884             return hashCode;
   885         }
   886     }
   888     /*
   889      * This inner class wraps an existing X509CertSelector and adds
   890      * additional criteria to match on when the certificate's subject is
   891      * different than the LDAP Distinguished Name entry. The LDAPCertStore
   892      * implementation uses the subject DN as the directory entry for
   893      * looking up certificates. This can be problematic if the certificates
   894      * that you want to fetch have a different subject DN than the entry
   895      * where they are stored. You could set the selector's subject to the
   896      * LDAP DN entry, but then the resulting match would fail to find the
   897      * desired certificates because the subject DNs would not match. This
   898      * class avoids that problem by introducing a certSubject which should
   899      * be set to the certificate's subject DN when it is different than
   900      * the LDAP DN.
   901      */
   902     static class LDAPCertSelector extends X509CertSelector {
   904         private X500Principal certSubject;
   905         private X509CertSelector selector;
   906         private X500Principal subject;
   908         /**
   909          * Creates an LDAPCertSelector.
   910          *
   911          * @param selector the X509CertSelector to wrap
   912          * @param certSubject the subject DN of the certificate that you want
   913          *      to retrieve via LDAP
   914          * @param ldapDN the LDAP DN where the certificate is stored
   915          */
   916         LDAPCertSelector(X509CertSelector selector, X500Principal certSubject,
   917             String ldapDN) throws IOException {
   918             this.selector = selector == null ? new X509CertSelector() : selector;
   919             this.certSubject = certSubject;
   920             this.subject = new X500Name(ldapDN).asX500Principal();
   921         }
   923         // we only override the get (accessor methods) since the set methods
   924         // will not be invoked by the code that uses this LDAPCertSelector.
   925         public X509Certificate getCertificate() {
   926             return selector.getCertificate();
   927         }
   928         public BigInteger getSerialNumber() {
   929             return selector.getSerialNumber();
   930         }
   931         public X500Principal getIssuer() {
   932             return selector.getIssuer();
   933         }
   934         public String getIssuerAsString() {
   935             return selector.getIssuerAsString();
   936         }
   937         public byte[] getIssuerAsBytes() throws IOException {
   938             return selector.getIssuerAsBytes();
   939         }
   940         public X500Principal getSubject() {
   941             // return the ldap DN
   942             return subject;
   943         }
   944         public String getSubjectAsString() {
   945             // return the ldap DN
   946             return subject.getName();
   947         }
   948         public byte[] getSubjectAsBytes() throws IOException {
   949             // return the encoded ldap DN
   950             return subject.getEncoded();
   951         }
   952         public byte[] getSubjectKeyIdentifier() {
   953             return selector.getSubjectKeyIdentifier();
   954         }
   955         public byte[] getAuthorityKeyIdentifier() {
   956             return selector.getAuthorityKeyIdentifier();
   957         }
   958         public Date getCertificateValid() {
   959             return selector.getCertificateValid();
   960         }
   961         public Date getPrivateKeyValid() {
   962             return selector.getPrivateKeyValid();
   963         }
   964         public String getSubjectPublicKeyAlgID() {
   965             return selector.getSubjectPublicKeyAlgID();
   966         }
   967         public PublicKey getSubjectPublicKey() {
   968             return selector.getSubjectPublicKey();
   969         }
   970         public boolean[] getKeyUsage() {
   971             return selector.getKeyUsage();
   972         }
   973         public Set<String> getExtendedKeyUsage() {
   974             return selector.getExtendedKeyUsage();
   975         }
   976         public boolean getMatchAllSubjectAltNames() {
   977             return selector.getMatchAllSubjectAltNames();
   978         }
   979         public Collection<List<?>> getSubjectAlternativeNames() {
   980             return selector.getSubjectAlternativeNames();
   981         }
   982         public byte[] getNameConstraints() {
   983             return selector.getNameConstraints();
   984         }
   985         public int getBasicConstraints() {
   986             return selector.getBasicConstraints();
   987         }
   988         public Set<String> getPolicy() {
   989             return selector.getPolicy();
   990         }
   991         public Collection<List<?>> getPathToNames() {
   992             return selector.getPathToNames();
   993         }
   995         public boolean match(Certificate cert) {
   996             // temporarily set the subject criterion to the certSubject
   997             // so that match will not reject the desired certificates
   998             selector.setSubject(certSubject);
   999             boolean match = selector.match(cert);
  1000             selector.setSubject(subject);
  1001             return match;
  1002         }
  1003     }
  1005     /**
  1006      * This class has the same purpose as LDAPCertSelector except it is for
  1007      * X.509 CRLs.
  1008      */
  1009     static class LDAPCRLSelector extends X509CRLSelector {
  1011         private X509CRLSelector selector;
  1012         private Collection<X500Principal> certIssuers;
  1013         private Collection<X500Principal> issuers;
  1014         private HashSet<Object> issuerNames;
  1016         /**
  1017          * Creates an LDAPCRLSelector.
  1018          *
  1019          * @param selector the X509CRLSelector to wrap
  1020          * @param certIssuers the issuer DNs of the CRLs that you want
  1021          *      to retrieve via LDAP
  1022          * @param ldapDN the LDAP DN where the CRL is stored
  1023          */
  1024         LDAPCRLSelector(X509CRLSelector selector,
  1025             Collection<X500Principal> certIssuers, String ldapDN)
  1026             throws IOException {
  1027             this.selector = selector == null ? new X509CRLSelector() : selector;
  1028             this.certIssuers = certIssuers;
  1029             issuerNames = new HashSet<Object>();
  1030             issuerNames.add(ldapDN);
  1031             issuers = new HashSet<X500Principal>();
  1032             issuers.add(new X500Name(ldapDN).asX500Principal());
  1033         }
  1034         // we only override the get (accessor methods) since the set methods
  1035         // will not be invoked by the code that uses this LDAPCRLSelector.
  1036         public Collection<X500Principal> getIssuers() {
  1037             // return the ldap DN
  1038             return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(issuers);
  1039         }
  1040         public Collection<Object> getIssuerNames() {
  1041             // return the ldap DN
  1042             return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(issuerNames);
  1043         }
  1044         public BigInteger getMinCRL() {
  1045             return selector.getMinCRL();
  1046         }
  1047         public BigInteger getMaxCRL() {
  1048             return selector.getMaxCRL();
  1049         }
  1050         public Date getDateAndTime() {
  1051             return selector.getDateAndTime();
  1052         }
  1053         public X509Certificate getCertificateChecking() {
  1054             return selector.getCertificateChecking();
  1055         }
  1056         public boolean match(CRL crl) {
  1057             // temporarily set the issuer criterion to the certIssuers
  1058             // so that match will not reject the desired CRL
  1059             selector.setIssuers(certIssuers);
  1060             boolean match = selector.match(crl);
  1061             selector.setIssuers(issuers);
  1062             return match;
  1063         }
  1064     }
  1065 }