changeset 50908 7c51db95ccb6
child 58523 fb3d408c7a7e
equal deleted inserted replaced
50907:39d27210c627 50908:7c51db95ccb6
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2014, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
     8  *
     9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    13  * accompanied this code).
    14  *
    15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    18  *
    19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
    21  * questions.
    22  */
    23 package com.oracle.mxtool.junit;
    25 import java.io.BufferedReader;
    26 import java.io.File;
    27 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
    28 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    29 import java.io.FileReader;
    30 import java.io.IOException;
    31 import java.io.PrintStream;
    32 import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
    33 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    34 import java.util.ArrayList;
    35 import java.util.Collections;
    36 import java.util.HashSet;
    37 import java.util.List;
    38 import java.util.Map;
    39 import java.util.Optional;
    40 import java.util.ServiceLoader;
    41 import java.util.Set;
    42 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    43 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    45 import org.junit.internal.JUnitSystem;
    46 import org.junit.internal.RealSystem;
    47 import org.junit.runner.Description;
    48 import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
    49 import org.junit.runner.Request;
    50 import org.junit.runner.Result;
    51 import org.junit.runner.Runner;
    52 import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
    53 import org.junit.runner.notification.RunListener;
    54 import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;
    55 import org.junit.runners.ParentRunner;
    56 import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerScheduler;
    58 import junit.runner.Version;
    60 public class MxJUnitWrapper {
    62     public static class MxJUnitConfig {
    64         public boolean verbose = false;
    65         public boolean veryVerbose = false;
    66         public boolean enableTiming = false;
    67         public boolean failFast = false;
    68         public boolean color = false;
    69         public boolean eagerStackTrace = false;
    70         public boolean gcAfterTest = false;
    71         public boolean recordResults = false;
    72         public int repeatCount = 1;
    73     }
    75     private static class RepeatingRunner extends Runner {
    77         private final Runner parent;
    78         private int repeat;
    80         RepeatingRunner(Runner parent, int repeat) {
    81             this.parent = parent;
    82             this.repeat = repeat;
    83         }
    85         @Override
    86         public Description getDescription() {
    87             return parent.getDescription();
    88         }
    90         @Override
    91         public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {
    92             for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
    93                 parent.run(notifier);
    94             }
    95         }
    97         @Override
    98         public int testCount() {
    99             return super.testCount() * repeat;
   100         }
   101     }
   103     private static class RepeatingRequest extends Request {
   105         private final Request request;
   106         private final int repeat;
   108         RepeatingRequest(Request request, int repeat) {
   109             this.request = request;
   110             this.repeat = repeat;
   111         }
   113         @Override
   114         public Runner getRunner() {
   115             return new RepeatingRunner(request.getRunner(), repeat);
   116         }
   117     }
   119     /**
   120      * Run the tests contained in the classes named in the <code>args</code>. A single test method
   121      * can be specified by adding #method after the class name. Only a single test can be run in
   122      * this way. If all tests run successfully, exit with a status of 0. Otherwise exit with a
   123      * status of 1. Write feedback while tests are running and write stack traces for all failed
   124      * tests after the tests all complete.
   125      *
   126      * @param args names of classes in which to find tests to run
   127      */
   128     public static void main(String... args) {
   129         JUnitSystem system = new RealSystem();
   130         JUnitCore junitCore = new JUnitCore();
   131         system.out().println("MxJUnitCore");
   132         system.out().println("JUnit version " + Version.id());
   134         MxJUnitRequest.Builder builder = new MxJUnitRequest.Builder();
   135         MxJUnitConfig config = new MxJUnitConfig();
   137         String[] expandedArgs = expandArgs(args);
   138         int i = 0;
   139         while (i < expandedArgs.length) {
   140             String each = expandedArgs[i];
   141             if (each.charAt(0) == '-') {
   142                 // command line arguments
   143                 if (each.contentEquals("-JUnitVerbose")) {
   144                     config.verbose = true;
   145                 } else if (each.contentEquals("-JUnitVeryVerbose")) {
   146                     config.veryVerbose = true;
   147                 } else if (each.contentEquals("-JUnitFailFast")) {
   148                     config.failFast = true;
   149                 } else if (each.contentEquals("-JUnitEnableTiming")) {
   150                     config.enableTiming = true;
   151                 } else if (each.contentEquals("-JUnitColor")) {
   152                     config.color = true;
   153                 } else if (each.contentEquals("-JUnitEagerStackTrace")) {
   154                     config.eagerStackTrace = true;
   155                 } else if (each.contentEquals("-JUnitGCAfterTest")) {
   156                     config.gcAfterTest = true;
   157                 } else if (each.contentEquals("-JUnitRecordResults")) {
   158                     config.recordResults = true;
   159                 } else if (each.contentEquals("-JUnitRepeat")) {
   160                     if (i + 1 >= expandedArgs.length) {
   161                         system.out().println("Must include argument for -JUnitRepeat");
   162                         System.exit(1);
   163                     }
   164                     try {
   165                         config.repeatCount = Integer.parseInt(expandedArgs[++i]);
   166                     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
   167                         system.out().println("Expected integer argument for -JUnitRepeat. Found: " + expandedArgs[i]);
   168                         System.exit(1);
   169                     }
   170                 } else {
   171                     system.out().println("Unknown command line argument: " + each);
   172                 }
   174             } else {
   176                 try {
   177                     builder.addTestSpec(each);
   178                 } catch (MxJUnitRequest.BuilderException ex) {
   179                     system.out().println(ex.getMessage());
   180                     System.exit(1);
   181                 }
   182             }
   183             i++;
   184         }
   186         MxJUnitRequest request = builder.build();
   188         if (System.getProperty("java.specification.version").compareTo("1.9") >= 0) {
   189             addExports(request.classes, system.out());
   190         }
   192         for (RunListener p : ServiceLoader.load(RunListener.class)) {
   193             junitCore.addListener(p);
   194         }
   196         Result result = runRequest(junitCore, system, config, request);
   197         System.exit(result.wasSuccessful() ? 0 : 1);
   198     }
   200     private static PrintStream openFile(JUnitSystem system, String name) {
   201         File file = new File(name).getAbsoluteFile();
   202         try {
   203             FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
   204             return new PrintStream(fos, true);
   205         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
   206             system.out().println("Could not open " + file + " for writing: " + e);
   207             System.exit(1);
   208             return null;
   209         }
   210     }
   212     public static Result runRequest(JUnitCore junitCore, JUnitSystem system, MxJUnitConfig config, MxJUnitRequest mxRequest) {
   213         final TextRunListener textListener;
   214         if (config.veryVerbose) {
   215             textListener = new VerboseTextListener(system, mxRequest.classes.size(), VerboseTextListener.SHOW_ALL_TESTS);
   216         } else if (config.verbose) {
   217             textListener = new VerboseTextListener(system, mxRequest.classes.size());
   218         } else {
   219             textListener = new TextRunListener(system);
   220         }
   221         TimingDecorator timings = config.enableTiming ? new TimingDecorator(textListener) : null;
   222         MxRunListener mxListener = config.enableTiming ? timings : textListener;
   224         if (config.color) {
   225             mxListener = new AnsiTerminalDecorator(mxListener);
   226         }
   227         if (config.eagerStackTrace) {
   228             mxListener = new EagerStackTraceDecorator(mxListener);
   229         }
   230         if (config.gcAfterTest) {
   231             mxListener = new GCAfterTestDecorator(mxListener);
   232         }
   233         if (config.recordResults) {
   234             PrintStream passed = openFile(system, "passed.txt");
   235             PrintStream failed = openFile(system, "failed.txt");
   236             mxListener = new TestResultLoggerDecorator(passed, failed, mxListener);
   237         }
   239         junitCore.addListener(TextRunListener.createRunListener(mxListener));
   241         Request request = mxRequest.getRequest();
   242         if (mxRequest.methodName == null) {
   243             if (config.failFast) {
   244                 Runner runner = request.getRunner();
   245                 if (runner instanceof ParentRunner) {
   246                     ParentRunner<?> parentRunner = (ParentRunner<?>) runner;
   247                     parentRunner.setScheduler(new RunnerScheduler() {
   248                         public void schedule(Runnable childStatement) {
   249                             if (textListener.getLastFailure() == null) {
   250                                 childStatement.run();
   251                             }
   252                         }
   254                         public void finished() {
   255                         }
   256                     });
   257                 } else {
   258                     system.out().println("Unexpected Runner subclass " + runner.getClass().getName() + " - fail fast not supported");
   259                 }
   260             }
   261         } else {
   262             if (config.failFast) {
   263                 system.out().println("Single method selected - fail fast not supported");
   264             }
   265         }
   267         if (config.repeatCount != 1) {
   268             request = new RepeatingRequest(request, config.repeatCount);
   269         }
   271         if (config.enableTiming) {
   272             Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
   273                 @Override
   274                 public void run() {
   275                     printTimings(timings);
   276                 }
   277             });
   278         }
   280         Result result = junitCore.run(request);
   281         for (Failure each : mxRequest.missingClasses) {
   282             result.getFailures().add(each);
   283         }
   285         return result;
   286     }
   288     private static final Pattern MODULE_PACKAGE_RE = Pattern.compile("([^/]+)/(.+)");
   290     private static class Timing<T> implements Comparable<Timing<T>> {
   291         final T subject;
   292         final long value;
   294         Timing(T subject, long value) {
   295             this.subject = subject;
   296             this.value = value;
   297         }
   299         public int compareTo(Timing<T> o) {
   300             if (this.value < o.value) {
   301                 return -1;
   302             }
   303             if (this.value > o.value) {
   304                 return 1;
   305             }
   306             return 0;
   307         }
   308     }
   310     // Should never need to customize so using a system property instead
   311     // of a command line option for customization is fine.
   312     private static final int TIMINGS_TO_PRINT = Integer.getInteger("mx.junit.timings_to_print", 10);
   314     private static void printTimings(TimingDecorator timings) {
   315         if (TIMINGS_TO_PRINT != 0) {
   316             List<Timing<Class<?>>> classTimes = new ArrayList<>(timings.classTimes.size());
   317             List<Timing<Description>> testTimes = new ArrayList<>(timings.testTimes.size());
   318             for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Long> e : timings.classTimes.entrySet()) {
   319                 classTimes.add(new Timing<>(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
   320             }
   321             for (Map.Entry<Description, Long> e : timings.testTimes.entrySet()) {
   322                 testTimes.add(new Timing<>(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
   323             }
   324             classTimes.sort(Collections.reverseOrder());
   325             testTimes.sort(Collections.reverseOrder());
   327             System.out.println();
   328             System.out.printf("%d longest running test classes:%n", TIMINGS_TO_PRINT);
   329             for (int i = 0; i < TIMINGS_TO_PRINT && i < classTimes.size(); i++) {
   330                 Timing<Class<?>> timing = classTimes.get(i);
   331                 System.out.printf(" %,10d ms    %s%n", timing.value, timing.subject.getName());
   332             }
   333             System.out.printf("%d longest running tests:%n", TIMINGS_TO_PRINT);
   334             for (int i = 0; i < TIMINGS_TO_PRINT && i < testTimes.size(); i++) {
   335                 Timing<Description> timing = testTimes.get(i);
   336                 System.out.printf(" %,10d ms    %s%n", timing.value, timing.subject);
   337             }
   338             Object[] current = timings.getCurrentTestDuration();
   339             if (current != null) {
   340                 System.out.printf("Test %s not finished after %d ms%n", current[0], current[1]);
   341             }
   343         }
   344     }
   346     /**
   347      * Adds the super types of {@code cls} to {@code supertypes}.
   348      */
   349     private static void gatherSupertypes(Class<?> cls, Set<Class<?>> supertypes) {
   350         if (!supertypes.contains(cls)) {
   351             supertypes.add(cls);
   352             Class<?> superclass = cls.getSuperclass();
   353             if (superclass != null) {
   354                 gatherSupertypes(superclass, supertypes);
   355             }
   356             for (Class<?> iface : cls.getInterfaces()) {
   357                 gatherSupertypes(iface, supertypes);
   358             }
   359         }
   360     }
   362     /**
   363      * Updates modules specified in {@code AddExport} annotations on {@code classes} to export
   364      * concealed packages to the annotation classes' declaring modules.
   365      */
   366     private static void addExports(Set<Class<?>> classes, PrintStream out) {
   367         Set<Class<?>> types = new HashSet<>();
   368         for (Class<?> cls : classes) {
   369             gatherSupertypes(cls, types);
   370         }
   371         for (Class<?> cls : types) {
   372             Annotation[] annos = cls.getAnnotations();
   373             for (Annotation a : annos) {
   374                 Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = a.annotationType();
   375                 if (annotationType.getSimpleName().equals("AddExports")) {
   376                     Optional<String[]> value = getElement("value", String[].class, a);
   377                     if (value.isPresent()) {
   378                         for (String export : value.get()) {
   379                             Matcher m = MODULE_PACKAGE_RE.matcher(export);
   380                             if (m.matches()) {
   381                                 String moduleName = m.group(1);
   382                                 String packageName = m.group(2);
   383                                 JLModule module = JLModule.find(moduleName);
   384                                 if (module == null) {
   385                                     out.printf("%s: Cannot find module named %s specified in \"AddExports\" annotation: %s%n", cls.getName(), moduleName, a);
   386                                 } else {
   387                                     if (packageName.equals("*")) {
   388                                         module.exportAllPackagesTo(JLModule.fromClass(cls));
   389                                     } else {
   390                                         module.addExports(packageName, JLModule.fromClass(cls));
   391                                         module.addOpens(packageName, JLModule.fromClass(cls));
   392                                     }
   393                                 }
   394                             } else {
   395                                 out.printf("%s: Ignoring \"AddExports\" annotation with value not matching <module>/<package> pattern: %s%n", cls.getName(), a);
   396                             }
   397                         }
   398                     } else {
   399                         out.printf("%s: Ignoring \"AddExports\" annotation without `String value` element: %s%n", cls.getName(), a);
   400                     }
   401                 }
   402             }
   403         }
   404     }
   406     /**
   407      * Gets the value of the element named {@code name} of type {@code type} from {@code annotation}
   408      * if present.
   409      *
   410      * @return the requested element value wrapped in an {@link Optional} or
   411      *         {@link Optional#empty()} if {@code annotation} has no element named {@code name}
   412      * @throws AssertionError if {@code annotation} has an element of the given name but whose type
   413      *             is not {@code type} or if there's some problem reading the value via reflection
   414      */
   415     private static <T> Optional<T> getElement(String name, Class<T> type, Annotation annotation) {
   416         Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = annotation.annotationType();
   417         Method valueAccessor;
   418         try {
   419             valueAccessor = annotationType.getMethod(name);
   420             if (!valueAccessor.getReturnType().equals(type)) {
   421                 throw new AssertionError(String.format("Element %s of %s is of type %s, not %s ", name, annotationType.getName(), valueAccessor.getReturnType().getName(), type.getName()));
   422             }
   423         } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
   424             return Optional.empty();
   425         }
   426         try {
   427             return Optional.of(type.cast(valueAccessor.invoke(annotation)));
   428         } catch (Exception e) {
   429             throw new AssertionError(String.format("Could not read %s element from %s", name, annotation), e);
   430         }
   431     }
   433     /**
   434      * Expand any arguments starting with @ and return the resulting argument array.
   435      *
   436      * @return the expanded argument array
   437      */
   438     private static String[] expandArgs(String[] args) {
   439         List<String> result = null;
   440         for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
   441             String arg = args[i];
   442             if (arg.length() > 0 && arg.charAt(0) == '@') {
   443                 if (result == null) {
   444                     result = new ArrayList<>();
   445                     for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
   446                         result.add(args[j]);
   447                     }
   448                     expandArg(arg.substring(1), result);
   449                 }
   450             } else if (result != null) {
   451                 result.add(arg);
   452             }
   453         }
   454         return result != null ? result.toArray(new String[0]) : args;
   455     }
   457     /**
   458      * Add each line from {@code filename} to the list {@code args}.
   459      */
   460     private static void expandArg(String filename, List<String> args) {
   461         BufferedReader br = null;
   462         try {
   463             br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
   465             String buf;
   466             while ((buf = br.readLine()) != null) {
   467                 args.add(buf);
   468             }
   469             br.close();
   470         } catch (IOException ioe) {
   471             ioe.printStackTrace();
   472             System.exit(2);
   473         } finally {
   474             try {
   475                 if (br != null) {
   476                     br.close();
   477                 }
   478             } catch (IOException ioe) {
   479                 ioe.printStackTrace();
   480                 System.exit(3);
   481             }
   482         }
   483     }
   484 }