changeset 47216 71c04702a3d5
parent 32267 4e96a9ee01b1
child 51958 53a4760e9fcc
equal deleted inserted replaced
47215:4ebc2e2fb97c 47216:71c04702a3d5
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
     8  *
     9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    13  * accompanied this code).
    14  *
    15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    18  *
    19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
    21  * questions.
    22  */
    24 /**
    25  * @test
    26  * @bug 8027634
    27  * @summary Verify syntax of argument file
    28  * @build TestHelper
    29  * @run main ArgFileSyntax
    30  */
    31 import java.io.File;
    32 import java.io.IOException;
    33 import java.util.ArrayList;
    34 import java.util.Arrays;
    35 import java.util.Collections;
    36 import java.util.HashMap;
    37 import java.util.List;
    38 import java.util.Map;
    39 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    40 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    42 public class ArgFileSyntax extends TestHelper {
    43     private File createArgFile(List<String> lines) throws IOException {
    44         File argFile = new File("argfile");
    45         argFile.delete();
    46         createAFile(argFile, lines);
    47         return argFile;
    48     }
    50     private void verifyOutput(List<String> args, TestResult tr) {
    51         if (args.isEmpty()) {
    52             return;
    53         }
    55         int i = 1;
    56         for (String x : args) {
    57             tr.matches(".*argv\\[" + i + "\\] = " + Pattern.quote(x) + ".*");
    58             i++;
    59         }
    60         if (! tr.testStatus) {
    61             System.out.println(tr);
    62             throw new RuntimeException("test fails");
    63         }
    64     }
    66     // arg file content,  expected options
    67     static String[] testCases[][] = {
    68         { // empty file
    69             {}, {}
    70         },
    71         { // comments and # inside quote
    72             { "# a couple of -X flags",
    73               "-Xmx32m",
    74               "-XshowSettings #inline comment",
    75               "-Dpound.in.quote=\"This property contains #.\"",
    76               "# add -version",
    77               "-version",
    78               "# trail comment"
    79             },
    80             { "-Xmx32m",
    81               "-XshowSettings",
    82               "-Dpound.in.quote=This property contains #.",
    83               "-version"
    84             }
    85         },
    86         { // open quote with continuation directive
    87           // multiple options in a line
    88             { "-cp \"c:\\\\java lib\\\\all;\\",
    89               "     c:\\\\lib\"",
    90               "-Xmx32m -XshowSettings",
    91               "-version"
    92             },
    93             { "-cp",
    94               "c:\\java lib\\all;c:\\lib",
    95               "-Xmx32m",
    96               "-XshowSettings",
    97               "-version"
    98             }
    99         },
   100         { // no continuation on open quote
   101           // multiple lines in a property
   102             { "-cp \"c:\\\\open quote\\\\all;",
   103               "     # c:\\\\lib\"",
   104               "-Dmultiple.lines=\"line 1\\nline 2\\n\\rline 3\"",
   105               "-Dopen.quote=\"Open quote to EOL",
   106               "-Dcontinue.with.leadingWS=\"Continue with\\",
   107               "  \\ leading WS.",
   108               "-Dcontinue.without.leadingWS=\"Continue without \\",
   109               "   leading WS.",
   110               "-Descape.seq=\"escaped chars: \\\"\\a\\b\\c\\f\\t\\v\\9\\6\\23\\82\\28\\377\\477\\278\\287\\n\"",
   111               "-version"
   112             },
   113             { "-cp",
   114               "c:\\open quote\\all;",
   115               "-Dmultiple.lines=line 1",
   116               // line 2 and line 3 shoule be in output, but not as arg[x]=
   117               "-Dopen.quote=Open quote to EOL",
   118               "-Dcontinue.with.leadingWS=Continue with leading WS.",
   119               "-Dcontinue.without.leadingWS=Continue without leading WS.",
   120               // cannot verify \n and \r as that break output lines
   121               "-Descape.seq=escaped chars: \"abc\f\tv96238228377477278287",
   122               "-version"
   123             }
   124         },
   125         { // No need to escape if not in quote
   126           // also quote part of a token
   127             { "-cp c:\\\"partial quote\"\\all",
   128               "-Xmx32m -XshowSettings",
   129               "-version"
   130             },
   131             { "-cp",
   132               "c:\\partial quote\\all",
   133               "-Xmx32m",
   134               "-XshowSettings",
   135               "-version"
   136             }
   137         },
   138         { // No recursive expansion
   139             { "-Xmx32m",
   140               "-cp",
   141               " # @cpfile should remains @cpfile",
   142               "@cpfile",
   143               "-version"
   144             },
   145             { "-Xmx32m",
   146               "-cp",
   147               "@cpfile",
   148               "-version"
   149             }
   150         },
   151         { // Mix quotation
   152             { "-Dsingle.in.double=\"Mix 'single' in double\"",
   153               "-Ddouble.in.single='Mix \"double\" in single'",
   154               "-Dsingle.in.single='Escape \\\'single\\\' in single'",
   155               "-Ddouble.in.double=\"Escape \\\"double\\\" in double\""
   156             },
   157             { "-Dsingle.in.double=Mix 'single' in double",
   158               "-Ddouble.in.single=Mix \"double\" in single",
   159               "-Dsingle.in.single=Escape 'single' in single",
   160               "-Ddouble.in.double=Escape \"double\" in double"
   161             },
   162         },
   163         { // \t\f as whitespace and in escape
   164             { "-Xmx32m\t-Xint\f-version",
   165               "-Dcontinue.with.leadingws=\"Line1\\",
   166               " \t\fcontinue with \\f<ff> and \\t<tab>"
   167             },
   168             { "-Xmx32m",
   169               "-Xint",
   170               "-version",
   171               "-Dcontinue.with.leadingws=Line1continue with \f<ff> and \t<tab>"
   172             }
   173         }
   174     };
   176     public List<List<List<String>>> loadCases() {
   177         List<List<List<String>>> rv = new ArrayList<>();
   178         for (String[][] testCaseArray: testCases) {
   179             List<List<String>> testCase = new ArrayList<>(2);
   180             testCase.add(Arrays.asList(testCaseArray[0]));
   181             testCase.add(Arrays.asList(testCaseArray[1]));
   182             rv.add(testCase);
   183         }
   185         // long lines
   186         String bag = "-Dgarbage=";
   187         String ver = "-version";
   188         // a token 8192 long
   189         char[] data = new char[8192 - bag.length()];
   190         Arrays.fill(data, 'O');
   191         List<String> scratch = new ArrayList<>();
   192         scratch.add("-Xmx32m");
   193         scratch.add(bag + String.valueOf(data));
   194         scratch.add(ver);
   195         rv.add(Collections.nCopies(2, scratch));
   197         data = new char[8192 + 1024];
   198         Arrays.fill(data, 'O');
   199         scratch = new ArrayList<>();
   200         scratch.add(bag + String.valueOf(data));
   201         scratch.add(ver);
   202         rv.add(Collections.nCopies(2, scratch));
   204         return rv;
   205     }
   207     // ensure the arguments in the file are read in correctly
   208     private void verifyParsing(List<String> lines, List<String> args) throws IOException {
   209         File argFile = createArgFile(lines);
   210         String fname = "@" + argFile.getName();
   211         Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>();
   212         env.put(JLDEBUG_KEY, "true");
   214         TestResult tr;
   215         if (args.contains("-version")) {
   216             tr = doExec(env, javaCmd, fname);
   217         } else {
   218             tr = doExec(env, javaCmd, fname, "-version");
   219         }
   220         tr.checkPositive();
   221         verifyOutput(args, tr);
   223         String lastArg = args.contains("-version") ? "-Dlast.arg" : "-version";
   224         tr = doExec(env, javaCmd, "-Xint", fname, lastArg);
   225         List<String> scratch = new ArrayList<>();
   226         scratch.add("-Xint");
   227         scratch.addAll(args);
   228         scratch.add(lastArg);
   229         verifyOutput(scratch, tr);
   231         argFile.delete();
   232     }
   234     @Test
   235     public void testSyntax() throws IOException {
   236         List<List<List<String>>> allcases = loadCases();
   237         for (List<List<String>> test: allcases) {
   238             verifyParsing(test.get(0), test.get(1));
   239         }
   240     }
   242     @Test
   243     public void badCases() throws IOException {
   244         List<String> lines = Arrays.asList(
   245             "-Dno.escape=\"Forgot to escape backslash\\\" -version");
   246         File argFile = createArgFile(lines);
   247         String fname = "@" + argFile.getName();
   248         Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>();
   249         env.put(JLDEBUG_KEY, "true");
   251         TestResult tr = doExec(env, javaCmd, fname);
   252         tr.contains("argv[1] = -Dno.escape=Forgot to escape backslash\" -version");
   253         tr.checkNegative();
   254         if (!tr.testStatus) {
   255             System.out.println(tr);
   256             throw new RuntimeException("test fails");
   257         }
   258         argFile.delete();
   259     }
   261     public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
   262         ArgFileSyntax a = new ArgFileSyntax();
   263         a.run(args);
   264         if (testExitValue > 0) {
   265             System.out.println("Total of " + testExitValue + " failed");
   266             System.exit(1);
   267         } else {
   268             System.out.println("All tests pass");
   269         }
   270     }
   271 }