changeset 57361 53dccc90a5be
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57360:5d043a159d5c 57361:53dccc90a5be
     1 package jdk.jfr.internal.util;
     3 import java.util.AbstractCollection;
     4 import java.util.Collection;
     5 import java.util.Objects;
     6 import java.util.Set;
     7 import java.util.Map;
     8 import java.util.Iterator;
     9 import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
    10 import java.util.function.Consumer;
    11 import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
    12 import java.util.Random;
    14 public class PrimitiveHashMap<V> {
    16     static final long W = 64L;
    17     static final long A = 4633630788178346939L;
    18     final Random rand = new Random();
    20     private static int getIndex(long key, long hashFunction, long shift, long mask) {
    21         return (int)(((A * key) + (hashFunction & mask)) >>> shift);
    22     }
    23     private long getRandomHashFunction() {
    24         return rand.nextLong();
    25     }
    26     /**
    27      * The maximum capacity, used if a higher value is implicitly specified
    28      * by either of the constructors with arguments.
    29      */
    30     static final int MAX_SIZE_EXPONENT = 30;
    31     static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 1 << MAX_SIZE_EXPONENT;
    33     static final int DEFAULT_SIZE_EXPONENT = 4;
    34     static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 1 << DEFAULT_SIZE_EXPONENT; // aka 16
    35     /**
    36      * The load factor used when none specified in constructor.
    37      */
    38     static final float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;
    39     static class Log2 {
    41         static long log2base10(long exponent) {
    42             return 1L << exponent;
    43         }
    44         static int log2(int value) {
    45             int i = 0;
    46             int lastMultiple = 0;
    47             while (i < MAX_SIZE_EXPONENT) {
    48                 int multiple = (int)log2base10(i);
    49                 if ((value & multiple) != 0) {
    50                     lastMultiple = i;
    51                 }
    52                 ++i;
    53             }
    54             return ((int)log2base10(lastMultiple) ^ value) != 0 ? lastMultiple + 1 : lastMultiple;
    55         }
    56     }
    57         /**
    58      * Returns a power of two size for the given target capacity.
    59      */
    60     static final int tableSizeFor(int cap) {
    61         int n = -1 >>> Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(cap - 1);
    62         return (n < 0) ? 1 : (n >= MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) ? MAXIMUM_CAPACITY : n + 1;
    63     }
    64     static final int tableExponent(int cap) {
    65         return Log2.log2(cap);
    66     }
    68     static class Node<V> {
    69         final long key;
    70         V value;
    72         Node(long key, V value) {
    73             this.key = key;
    74             this.value = value;
    75         }
    77         public final long getKey()     { return key; }
    78         public final V getValue()      { return value; }
    79         public final String toString() { return key + "=" + value; }
    80     }
    82     private Node<V>[] table;
    83     private int size;
    84     private int threshold;
    85     private long shift;
    86     private long shiftMask;
    87     private int tableLengthMask;
    88     int modCount;
    89     private final float loadFactor;
    90     long h1 = 0;
    91     long h2 = 0;
    93     public PrimitiveHashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
    94         if (initialCapacity < 0) {
    95             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal initial capacity: " + initialCapacity);
    96         }
    97         if (initialCapacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
    98             initialCapacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;
    99         }
   100         if (loadFactor <= 0 || Float.isNaN(loadFactor)) {
   101             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal load factor: " + loadFactor);
   102         }
   103         this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
   104         this.threshold = tableSizeFor(initialCapacity);
   105         h1 = getRandomHashFunction();
   106         h2 = getRandomHashFunction();
   107         resize();
   108     }
   110     public PrimitiveHashMap(int initialCapacity) {
   111         this(initialCapacity, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
   112     }
   114     public PrimitiveHashMap() {
   116     }
   118     public final void forEach(BiConsumer<? super Long, ? super V> action) {
   119         Node<V>[] tab;
   120         if (action == null)
   121             throw new NullPointerException();
   122         if (size > 0 && (tab = table) != null) {
   123             int mc = modCount;
   124             for (int i = 0; i < table.length; ++i) {
   125                 if (table[i] == null) continue;
   126                 action.accept(table[i].getKey(), table[i].getValue());
   127             }
   128             if (modCount != mc)
   129                 throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
   130         }
   131     }
   133     public final void forEach(Consumer<? super V> action) {
   134         Node<V>[] tab;
   135         if (action == null)
   136             throw new NullPointerException();
   137         if (size > 0 && (tab = table) != null) {
   138             int mc = modCount;
   139             for (int i = 0; i < table.length; ++i) {
   140                 if (table[i] == null) continue;
   141                 action.accept(table[i].getValue());
   142             }
   143             if (modCount != mc)
   144                 throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
   145         }
   146     }
   148     public final long[] keys() {
   149         long[] keys = new long[size];
   150         int j = 0;
   151         for (int i = 0; i < table.length; ++i) {
   152             if (table[i] == null) continue;
   153             keys[j++] = table[i].getKey();
   154         }
   155         assert(j == size);
   156         assert(keys.length == size);
   157         return keys;
   158     }
   160     public Collection<V> values () {
   161         final PrimitiveHashMap<V> thisMap = this;
   162         return new AbstractCollection<V>() {
   163             private PrimitiveHashMap<V> map = thisMap;
   164             public Iterator<V> iterator() {
   165                 return new Iterator<V>() {
   166                     private int i = 0;
   167                     private long [] k = keys();
   168                     public boolean hasNext() {
   169                         return i < k.length;
   170                     }
   171                     public V next() {
   172                         assert(i < k.length);
   173                         return map.get(k[i++]);
   174                     }
   175                 };
   176             }
   177             public int size() {
   178                 return map.size();
   179             }
   180             public boolean isEmpty() {
   181                 return size() != 0;
   182             }
   183             public void clear() {
   184                 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
   185             }
   186             public boolean contains(Object v) {
   187                 for (V value : map.values()) {
   188                     if (v == value) {
   189                         return true;
   190                     }
   191                 }
   192                 return false;
   193             }
   194         };
   195     }
   196     private int doubleHash(long key, int i) {
   197         int h1_idx = getIndex(key, h1, shift, shiftMask);
   198         assert(h1_idx < table.length);
   199         int h2_idx = 0;
   200         if (i != 0) {
   201             h2_idx = getIndex(key, h2, shift, shiftMask);
   202             h2_idx |= 1;
   203             assert((h2_idx & 1) == 1);
   204         }
   205         assert(h2_idx < table.length);
   206         final int idx = (h1_idx + (i * h2_idx)) & tableLengthMask;
   207         assert(idx >= 0);
   208         assert(idx < table.length);
   209         return idx;
   210     }
   212      /**
   213      * Initializes or doubles table size.  If null, allocates in
   214      * accord with initial capacity target held in field threshold.
   215      * Otherwise, because we are using power-of-two expansion, the
   216      * elements from each bin must either stay at same index, or move
   217      * with a power of two offset in the new table.
   218      *
   219      * @return the table
   220      */
   221     final Node<V>[] resize() {
   222         Node<V>[] oldTab = table;
   223         int oldCap = (oldTab == null) ? 0 : oldTab.length;
   224         int oldThr = threshold;
   225         int newCap, newThr = 0;
   226         if (oldCap > 0) {
   227             if (oldCap >= MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
   228                 threshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
   229                 return oldTab;
   230             }
   231             else if ((newCap = oldCap << 1) < MAXIMUM_CAPACITY &&
   232                      oldCap >= DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY)
   233                 newThr = oldThr << 1; // double threshold
   234         }
   235         else if (oldThr > 0) // initial capacity was placed in threshold
   236             newCap = oldThr;
   237         else {               // zero initial threshold signifies using defaults
   238             newCap = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY;
   239             newThr = (int)(DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR * DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY);
   240         }
   241         if (newThr == 0) {
   242             float ft = (float)newCap * loadFactor;
   243             newThr = (newCap < MAXIMUM_CAPACITY && ft < (float)MAXIMUM_CAPACITY ?
   244                       (int)ft : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
   245         }
   246         threshold = newThr;
   247         @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes","unchecked"})
   248         Node<V>[] newTab = (Node<V>[])new Node[newCap];
   249         table = newTab;
   250         tableLengthMask = newCap - 1;
   251         this.shift = W - tableExponent(newCap);
   252         this.shiftMask = Log2.log2base10(shift) - 1;
   253         if (oldTab != null) {
   254             for (int j = 0; j < oldCap; ++j) {
   255                 Node<V> e;
   256                 if ((e = oldTab[j]) != null) {
   257                     oldTab[j] = null;
   258                     reinsert(e);
   259                 }
   260             }
   261         }
   262         return newTab;
   263     }
   265     // used by table resize
   266     private void reinsert(Node<V> e) {
   267         assert(size < table.length);
   268         for (int i = 0; i < table.length; ++i) {
   269             int idx = doubleHash(e.getKey(), i);
   270             assert(idx >= 0);
   271             assert(idx < table.length);
   272             if (table[idx] == null) {
   273                 table[idx] = e;
   274                 return;
   275             }
   276             assert(table[idx].key != e.getKey());
   277         }
   278     }
   280     public V put(long key, V value) {
   281         Node<V> existing = insert(key, value);
   282         return existing != null ? existing.value : null;
   283     }
   285     private Node<V> insert(long key, V value) {
   286         return insert(new Node<V>(key, value), key);
   287     }
   289     private Node<V> insert(Node<V> e, final long key) {
   290         assert(size < table.length);
   291         assert(e.getKey() == key);
   292         Node<V> existing = null;
   293         for (int i = 0; i < table.length; ++i) {
   294             int idx = doubleHash(key, i);
   295             assert(idx >= 0);
   296             assert(idx < table.length);
   297             if (table[idx] == null) {
   298                 table[idx] = e;
   299                 ++size;
   300                 break;
   301             } else {
   302                if (table[idx].key == key) {
   303                    existing = table[idx];
   304                    table[idx] = e;
   305                    break;
   306                }
   307             }
   308         }
   309         if (size > threshold) {
   310             resize();
   311         }
   312         return existing;
   313     }
   315     private Node<V> find(long key) {
   316         Node<V> result = null;
   317         for (int i = 0; i < table.length; ++i) {
   318             int idx = doubleHash(key, i);
   319             assert(idx >= 0);
   320             assert(idx < table.length);
   321             result = table[idx];
   322             if (result == null || result.key == key) {
   323                 break;
   324             }
   325         }
   326         return result;
   327     }
   330     public V get(long key) {
   331         Node<V> existing = find(key);
   332         return existing != null ? existing.value : null;
   333     }
   335     public boolean containsKey(long key) {
   336         return find(key) != null;
   337     }
   338     public int size() {
   339         return this.size;
   340     }
   341 }