1 # |
2 # Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |
4 # |
5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as |
7 # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this |
8 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided |
9 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. |
10 # |
11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT |
12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or |
13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License |
14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that |
15 # accompanied this code). |
16 # |
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version |
18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. |
20 # |
21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA |
22 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any |
23 # questions. |
24 # |
25 # ########################################################## |
27 # ########################################################## |
28 # |
29 class name javax/sql/rowset/BaseRowSet |
30 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 421 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
31 field name UNICODE_STREAM_PARAM descriptor I constantValue 0 flags 19 |
32 field name BINARY_STREAM_PARAM descriptor I constantValue 1 flags 19 |
33 field name ASCII_STREAM_PARAM descriptor I constantValue 2 flags 19 |
34 field name binaryStream descriptor Ljava/io/InputStream; flags 4 |
35 field name unicodeStream descriptor Ljava/io/InputStream; flags 4 |
36 field name asciiStream descriptor Ljava/io/InputStream; flags 4 |
37 field name charStream descriptor Ljava/io/Reader; flags 4 |
38 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1 |
39 method name initParams descriptor ()V flags 4 |
40 method name addRowSetListener descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSetListener;)V flags 1 |
41 method name removeRowSetListener descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSetListener;)V flags 1 |
42 method name notifyCursorMoved descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 4 |
43 method name notifyRowChanged descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 4 |
44 method name notifyRowSetChanged descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 4 |
45 method name getCommand descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 1 |
46 method name setCommand descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
47 method name getUrl descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
48 method name setUrl descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
49 method name getDataSourceName descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 1 |
50 method name setDataSourceName descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
51 method name getUsername descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 1 |
52 method name setUsername descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1 |
53 method name getPassword descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 1 |
54 method name setPassword descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1 |
55 method name setType descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
56 method name getType descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
57 method name setConcurrency descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
58 method name isReadOnly descriptor ()Z flags 1 |
59 method name setReadOnly descriptor (Z)V flags 1 |
60 method name getTransactionIsolation descriptor ()I flags 1 |
61 method name setTransactionIsolation descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
62 method name getTypeMap descriptor ()Ljava/util/Map; flags 1 signature ()Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>; |
63 method name setTypeMap descriptor (Ljava/util/Map;)V flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)V |
64 method name getMaxFieldSize descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
65 method name setMaxFieldSize descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
66 method name getMaxRows descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
67 method name setMaxRows descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
68 method name setEscapeProcessing descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
69 method name getQueryTimeout descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
70 method name setQueryTimeout descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
71 method name getShowDeleted descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
72 method name setShowDeleted descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
73 method name getEscapeProcessing descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
74 method name setFetchDirection descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
75 method name getFetchDirection descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
76 method name setFetchSize descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
77 method name getFetchSize descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
78 method name getConcurrency descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
79 method name setNull descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
80 method name setNull descriptor (IILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
81 method name setBoolean descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
82 method name setByte descriptor (IB)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
83 method name setShort descriptor (IS)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
84 method name setInt descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
85 method name setLong descriptor (IJ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
86 method name setFloat descriptor (IF)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
87 method name setDouble descriptor (ID)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
88 method name setBigDecimal descriptor (ILjava/math/BigDecimal;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
89 method name setString descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
90 method name setBytes descriptor (I[B)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
91 method name setDate descriptor (ILjava/sql/Date;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
92 method name setTime descriptor (ILjava/sql/Time;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
93 method name setTimestamp descriptor (ILjava/sql/Timestamp;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
94 method name setAsciiStream descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
95 method name setAsciiStream descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
96 method name setBinaryStream descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
97 method name setBinaryStream descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
98 method name setUnicodeStream descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 deprecated true runtimeAnnotations @Ljava/lang/Deprecated; |
99 method name setCharacterStream descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
100 method name setCharacterStream descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
101 method name setObject descriptor (ILjava/lang/Object;II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
102 method name setObject descriptor (ILjava/lang/Object;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
103 method name setObject descriptor (ILjava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
104 method name setRef descriptor (ILjava/sql/Ref;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
105 method name setBlob descriptor (ILjava/sql/Blob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
106 method name setClob descriptor (ILjava/sql/Clob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
107 method name setArray descriptor (ILjava/sql/Array;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
108 method name setDate descriptor (ILjava/sql/Date;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
109 method name setTime descriptor (ILjava/sql/Time;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
110 method name setTimestamp descriptor (ILjava/sql/Timestamp;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
111 method name clearParameters descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
112 method name getParams descriptor ()[Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
113 method name setNull descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
114 method name setNull descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
115 method name setBoolean descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
116 method name setByte descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;B)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
117 method name setShort descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;S)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
118 method name setInt descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
119 method name setLong descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
120 method name setFloat descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;F)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
121 method name setDouble descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;D)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
122 method name setBigDecimal descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/math/BigDecimal;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
123 method name setString descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
124 method name setBytes descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
125 method name setTimestamp descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Timestamp;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
126 method name setAsciiStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
127 method name setBinaryStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
128 method name setCharacterStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
129 method name setAsciiStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
130 method name setBinaryStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
131 method name setCharacterStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
132 method name setNCharacterStream descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
133 method name setObject descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
134 method name setObject descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
135 method name setObject descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
136 method name setBlob descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
137 method name setBlob descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
138 method name setBlob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
139 method name setBlob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Blob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
140 method name setBlob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
141 method name setClob descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
142 method name setClob descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
143 method name setClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
144 method name setClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Clob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
145 method name setClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
146 method name setDate descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Date;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
147 method name setDate descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Date;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
148 method name setTime descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Time;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
149 method name setTime descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Time;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
150 method name setTimestamp descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Timestamp;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
151 method name setSQLXML descriptor (ILjava/sql/SQLXML;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
152 method name setSQLXML descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/SQLXML;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
153 method name setRowId descriptor (ILjava/sql/RowId;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
154 method name setRowId descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/RowId;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
155 method name setNString descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
156 method name setNString descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
157 method name setNCharacterStream descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
158 method name setNCharacterStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
159 method name setNCharacterStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
160 method name setNClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/NClob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
161 method name setNClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
162 method name setNClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
163 method name setNClob descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
164 method name setNClob descriptor (ILjava/sql/NClob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
165 method name setNClob descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
166 method name setURL descriptor (ILjava/net/URL;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
167 |
168 class name javax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet |
169 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSet,javax/sql/rowset/Joinable flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
170 field name COMMIT_ON_ACCEPT_CHANGES descriptor Z constantValue true flags 19 deprecated true runtimeAnnotations @Ljava/lang/Deprecated; |
171 method name populate descriptor (Ljava/sql/ResultSet;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
172 method name execute descriptor (Ljava/sql/Connection;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
173 method name acceptChanges descriptor ()V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException flags 401 |
174 method name acceptChanges descriptor (Ljava/sql/Connection;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException flags 401 |
175 method name restoreOriginal descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
176 method name release descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
177 method name undoDelete descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
178 method name undoInsert descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
179 method name undoUpdate descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
180 method name columnUpdated descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
181 method name columnUpdated descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
182 method name toCollection descriptor ()Ljava/util/Collection; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 signature ()Ljava/util/Collection<*>; |
183 method name toCollection descriptor (I)Ljava/util/Collection; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 signature (I)Ljava/util/Collection<*>; |
184 method name toCollection descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Collection; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 signature (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Collection<*>; |
185 method name getSyncProvider descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProvider; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
186 method name setSyncProvider descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
187 method name size descriptor ()I flags 401 |
188 method name setMetaData descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSetMetaData;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
189 method name getOriginal descriptor ()Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
190 method name getOriginalRow descriptor ()Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
191 method name setOriginalRow descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
192 method name getTableName descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
193 method name setTableName descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
194 method name getKeyColumns descriptor ()[I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
195 method name setKeyColumns descriptor ([I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
196 method name createShared descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/RowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
197 method name createCopy descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
198 method name createCopySchema descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
199 method name createCopyNoConstraints descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
200 method name getRowSetWarnings descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
201 method name getShowDeleted descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
202 method name setShowDeleted descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
203 method name commit descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
204 method name rollback descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
205 method name rollback descriptor (Ljava/sql/Savepoint;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
206 method name rowSetPopulated descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSetEvent;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
207 method name populate descriptor (Ljava/sql/ResultSet;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
208 method name setPageSize descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
209 method name getPageSize descriptor ()I flags 401 |
210 method name nextPage descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
211 method name previousPage descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
212 |
213 class name javax/sql/rowset/FilteredRowSet |
214 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
215 method name setFilter descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/Predicate;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
216 method name getFilter descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/Predicate; flags 401 |
217 |
218 class name javax/sql/rowset/JdbcRowSet |
219 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSet,javax/sql/rowset/Joinable flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
220 method name getShowDeleted descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
221 method name setShowDeleted descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
222 method name getRowSetWarnings descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
223 method name commit descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
224 method name getAutoCommit descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
225 method name setAutoCommit descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
226 method name rollback descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
227 method name rollback descriptor (Ljava/sql/Savepoint;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
228 |
229 class name javax/sql/rowset/JoinRowSet |
230 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
231 field name CROSS_JOIN descriptor I constantValue 0 flags 19 |
232 field name INNER_JOIN descriptor I constantValue 1 flags 19 |
233 field name LEFT_OUTER_JOIN descriptor I constantValue 2 flags 19 |
234 field name RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN descriptor I constantValue 3 flags 19 |
235 field name FULL_JOIN descriptor I constantValue 4 flags 19 |
236 method name addRowSet descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/Joinable;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
237 method name addRowSet descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSet;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
238 method name addRowSet descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSet;Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
239 method name addRowSet descriptor ([Ljavax/sql/RowSet;[I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
240 method name addRowSet descriptor ([Ljavax/sql/RowSet;[Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
241 method name getRowSets descriptor ()Ljava/util/Collection; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 signature ()Ljava/util/Collection<*>; |
242 method name getRowSetNames descriptor ()[Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
243 method name toCachedRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
244 method name supportsCrossJoin descriptor ()Z flags 401 |
245 method name supportsInnerJoin descriptor ()Z flags 401 |
246 method name supportsLeftOuterJoin descriptor ()Z flags 401 |
247 method name supportsRightOuterJoin descriptor ()Z flags 401 |
248 method name supportsFullJoin descriptor ()Z flags 401 |
249 method name setJoinType descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
250 method name getWhereClause descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
251 method name getJoinType descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
252 |
253 class name javax/sql/rowset/Joinable |
254 header extends java/lang/Object flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
255 method name setMatchColumn descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
256 method name setMatchColumn descriptor ([I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
257 method name setMatchColumn descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
258 method name setMatchColumn descriptor ([Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
259 method name getMatchColumnIndexes descriptor ()[I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
260 method name getMatchColumnNames descriptor ()[Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
261 method name unsetMatchColumn descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
262 method name unsetMatchColumn descriptor ([I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
263 method name unsetMatchColumn descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
264 method name unsetMatchColumn descriptor ([Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
265 |
266 class name javax/sql/rowset/Predicate |
267 header extends java/lang/Object flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
268 method name evaluate descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSet;)Z flags 401 |
269 method name evaluate descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
270 method name evaluate descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
271 |
272 class name javax/sql/rowset/RowSetFactory |
273 header extends java/lang/Object flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
274 method name createCachedRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
275 method name createFilteredRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/FilteredRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
276 method name createJdbcRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/JdbcRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
277 method name createJoinRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/JoinRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
278 method name createWebRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
279 |
280 class name javax/sql/rowset/RowSetMetaDataImpl |
281 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSetMetaData,java/io/Serializable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
282 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1 |
283 method name setColumnCount descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
284 method name setAutoIncrement descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
285 method name setCaseSensitive descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
286 method name setSearchable descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
287 method name setCurrency descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
288 method name setNullable descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
289 method name setSigned descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
290 method name setColumnDisplaySize descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
291 method name setColumnLabel descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
292 method name setColumnName descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
293 method name setSchemaName descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
294 method name setPrecision descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
295 method name setScale descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
296 method name setTableName descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
297 method name setCatalogName descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
298 method name setColumnType descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
299 method name setColumnTypeName descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
300 method name getColumnCount descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
301 method name isAutoIncrement descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
302 method name isCaseSensitive descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
303 method name isSearchable descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
304 method name isCurrency descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
305 method name isNullable descriptor (I)I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
306 method name isSigned descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
307 method name getColumnDisplaySize descriptor (I)I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
308 method name getColumnLabel descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
309 method name getColumnName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
310 method name getSchemaName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
311 method name getPrecision descriptor (I)I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
312 method name getScale descriptor (I)I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
313 method name getTableName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
314 method name getCatalogName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
315 method name getColumnType descriptor (I)I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
316 method name getColumnTypeName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
317 method name isReadOnly descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
318 method name isWritable descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
319 method name isDefinitelyWritable descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
320 method name getColumnClassName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
321 method name unwrap descriptor (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 signature <T:Ljava/lang/Object;>(Ljava/lang/Class<TT;>;)TT; |
322 method name isWrapperFor descriptor (Ljava/lang/Class;)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 signature (Ljava/lang/Class<*>;)Z |
323 |
324 class name javax/sql/rowset/RowSetProvider |
325 header extends java/lang/Object flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
326 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 4 |
327 method name newFactory descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetFactory; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 9 |
328 method name newFactory descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetFactory; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 9 |
329 |
330 class name javax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning |
331 header extends java/sql/SQLException flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
332 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1 |
333 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1 |
334 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1 |
335 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V flags 1 |
336 method name getNextWarning descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning; flags 1 |
337 method name setNextWarning descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning;)V flags 1 |
338 |
339 class name javax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet |
340 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
341 field name PUBLIC_XML_SCHEMA descriptor Ljava/lang/String; constantValue --//Oracle\u0020;Corporation//XSD\u0020;Schema//EN flags 19 |
342 field name SCHEMA_SYSTEM_ID descriptor Ljava/lang/String; constantValue http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdbc/webrowset.xsd flags 19 |
343 method name readXml descriptor (Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
344 method name readXml descriptor (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException,java/io/IOException flags 401 |
345 method name writeXml descriptor (Ljava/sql/ResultSet;Ljava/io/Writer;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
346 method name writeXml descriptor (Ljava/sql/ResultSet;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException,java/io/IOException flags 401 |
347 method name writeXml descriptor (Ljava/io/Writer;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
348 method name writeXml descriptor (Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException,java/io/IOException flags 401 |
349 |
350 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SQLInputImpl |
351 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/SQLInput flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
352 method name <init> descriptor ([Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/Map;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 signature ([Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)V |
353 method name readString descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
354 method name readBoolean descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
355 method name readByte descriptor ()B thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
356 method name readShort descriptor ()S thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
357 method name readInt descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
358 method name readLong descriptor ()J thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
359 method name readFloat descriptor ()F thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
360 method name readDouble descriptor ()D thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
361 method name readBigDecimal descriptor ()Ljava/math/BigDecimal; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
362 method name readBytes descriptor ()[B thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
363 method name readDate descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Date; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
364 method name readTime descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Time; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
365 method name readTimestamp descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Timestamp; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
366 method name readCharacterStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/Reader; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
367 method name readAsciiStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/InputStream; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
368 method name readBinaryStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/InputStream; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
369 method name readObject descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
370 method name readRef descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Ref; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
371 method name readBlob descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Blob; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
372 method name readClob descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Clob; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
373 method name readArray descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Array; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
374 method name wasNull descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
375 method name readURL descriptor ()Ljava/net/URL; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
376 method name readNClob descriptor ()Ljava/sql/NClob; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
377 method name readNString descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
378 method name readSQLXML descriptor ()Ljava/sql/SQLXML; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
379 method name readRowId descriptor ()Ljava/sql/RowId; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
380 |
381 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SQLOutputImpl |
382 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/SQLOutput flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
383 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/util/Map;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Vector<*>;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;*>;)V |
384 method name writeString descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
385 method name writeBoolean descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
386 method name writeByte descriptor (B)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
387 method name writeShort descriptor (S)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
388 method name writeInt descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
389 method name writeLong descriptor (J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
390 method name writeFloat descriptor (F)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
391 method name writeDouble descriptor (D)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
392 method name writeBigDecimal descriptor (Ljava/math/BigDecimal;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
393 method name writeBytes descriptor ([B)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
394 method name writeDate descriptor (Ljava/sql/Date;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
395 method name writeTime descriptor (Ljava/sql/Time;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
396 method name writeTimestamp descriptor (Ljava/sql/Timestamp;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
397 method name writeCharacterStream descriptor (Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
398 method name writeAsciiStream descriptor (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
399 method name writeBinaryStream descriptor (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
400 method name writeObject descriptor (Ljava/sql/SQLData;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
401 method name writeRef descriptor (Ljava/sql/Ref;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
402 method name writeBlob descriptor (Ljava/sql/Blob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
403 method name writeClob descriptor (Ljava/sql/Clob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
404 method name writeStruct descriptor (Ljava/sql/Struct;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
405 method name writeArray descriptor (Ljava/sql/Array;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
406 method name writeURL descriptor (Ljava/net/URL;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
407 method name writeNString descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
408 method name writeNClob descriptor (Ljava/sql/NClob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
409 method name writeRowId descriptor (Ljava/sql/RowId;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
410 method name writeSQLXML descriptor (Ljava/sql/SQLXML;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
411 |
412 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialArray |
413 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/Array,java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
414 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Array;Ljava/util/Map;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 signature (Ljava/sql/Array;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)V |
415 method name free descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
416 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Array;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
417 method name getArray descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
418 method name getArray descriptor (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)Ljava/lang/Object; |
419 method name getArray descriptor (JI)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
420 method name getArray descriptor (JILjava/util/Map;)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (JILjava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)Ljava/lang/Object; |
421 method name getBaseType descriptor ()I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
422 method name getBaseTypeName descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
423 method name getResultSet descriptor (JI)Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
424 method name getResultSet descriptor (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet; |
425 method name getResultSet descriptor ()Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
426 method name getResultSet descriptor (JILjava/util/Map;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (JILjava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet; |
427 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1 |
428 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1 |
429 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1 |
430 |
431 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialBlob |
432 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/Blob,java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
433 method name <init> descriptor ([B)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
434 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Blob;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
435 method name getBytes descriptor (JI)[B thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
436 method name length descriptor ()J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
437 method name getBinaryStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/InputStream; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
438 method name position descriptor ([BJ)J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
439 method name position descriptor (Ljava/sql/Blob;J)J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
440 method name setBytes descriptor (J[B)I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
441 method name setBytes descriptor (J[BII)I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
442 method name setBinaryStream descriptor (J)Ljava/io/OutputStream; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
443 method name truncate descriptor (J)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
444 method name getBinaryStream descriptor (JJ)Ljava/io/InputStream; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
445 method name free descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
446 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1 |
447 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1 |
448 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1 |
449 |
450 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialClob |
451 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/Clob,java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
452 method name <init> descriptor ([C)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
453 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Clob;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
454 method name length descriptor ()J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
455 method name getCharacterStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/Reader; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
456 method name getAsciiStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/InputStream; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
457 method name getSubString descriptor (JI)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
458 method name position descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;J)J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
459 method name position descriptor (Ljava/sql/Clob;J)J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
460 method name setString descriptor (JLjava/lang/String;)I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
461 method name setString descriptor (JLjava/lang/String;II)I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
462 method name setAsciiStream descriptor (J)Ljava/io/OutputStream; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
463 method name setCharacterStream descriptor (J)Ljava/io/Writer; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
464 method name truncate descriptor (J)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
465 method name getCharacterStream descriptor (JJ)Ljava/io/Reader; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
466 method name free descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
467 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1 |
468 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1 |
469 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1 |
470 |
471 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialDatalink |
472 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
473 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/net/URL;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
474 method name getDatalink descriptor ()Ljava/net/URL; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
475 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1 |
476 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1 |
477 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1 |
478 |
479 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException |
480 header extends java/sql/SQLException flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
481 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1 |
482 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1 |
483 |
484 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialJavaObject |
485 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
486 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
487 method name getObject descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
488 method name getFields descriptor ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 runtimeAnnotations @Lsun/reflect/CallerSensitive; |
489 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1 |
490 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1 |
491 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1 |
492 |
493 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialRef |
494 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/Ref,java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
495 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Ref;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 |
496 method name getBaseTypeName descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
497 method name getObject descriptor (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)Ljava/lang/Object; |
498 method name getObject descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
499 method name setObject descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
500 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1 |
501 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1 |
502 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1 |
503 |
504 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialStruct |
505 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/Struct,java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
506 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Struct;Ljava/util/Map;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/sql/Struct;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)V |
507 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/SQLData;Ljava/util/Map;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/sql/SQLData;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)V |
508 method name getSQLTypeName descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
509 method name getAttributes descriptor ()[Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 |
510 method name getAttributes descriptor (Ljava/util/Map;)[Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)[Ljava/lang/Object; |
511 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1 |
512 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1 |
513 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1 |
514 |
515 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactory |
516 header extends java/lang/Object flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
517 field name ROWSET_SYNC_PROVIDER descriptor Ljava/lang/String; constantValue rowset.provider.classname flags 19 |
518 field name ROWSET_SYNC_VENDOR descriptor Ljava/lang/String; constantValue rowset.provider.vendor flags 19 |
519 field name ROWSET_SYNC_PROVIDER_VERSION descriptor Ljava/lang/String; constantValue rowset.provider.version flags 19 |
520 method name registerProvider descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 29 |
521 method name getSyncFactory descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactory; flags 9 |
522 method name unregisterProvider descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 29 |
523 method name getInstance descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProvider; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 9 |
524 method name getRegisteredProviders descriptor ()Ljava/util/Enumeration; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 9 signature ()Ljava/util/Enumeration<Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProvider;>; |
525 method name setLogger descriptor (Ljava/util/logging/Logger;)V flags 9 |
526 method name setLogger descriptor (Ljava/util/logging/Logger;Ljava/util/logging/Level;)V flags 9 |
527 method name getLogger descriptor ()Ljava/util/logging/Logger; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 9 |
528 method name setJNDIContext descriptor (Ljavax/naming/Context;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 29 |
529 |
530 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException |
531 header extends java/sql/SQLException flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
532 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1 |
533 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1 |
534 |
535 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProvider |
536 header extends java/lang/Object flags 421 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
537 field name GRADE_NONE descriptor I constantValue 1 flags 19 |
538 field name GRADE_CHECK_MODIFIED_AT_COMMIT descriptor I constantValue 2 flags 19 |
539 field name GRADE_CHECK_ALL_AT_COMMIT descriptor I constantValue 3 flags 19 |
540 field name GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_MODIFIED descriptor I constantValue 4 flags 19 |
541 field name GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_LOADED descriptor I constantValue 5 flags 19 |
542 field name DATASOURCE_NO_LOCK descriptor I constantValue 1 flags 19 |
543 field name DATASOURCE_ROW_LOCK descriptor I constantValue 2 flags 19 |
544 field name DATASOURCE_TABLE_LOCK descriptor I constantValue 3 flags 19 |
545 field name DATASOURCE_DB_LOCK descriptor I constantValue 4 flags 19 |
546 field name UPDATABLE_VIEW_SYNC descriptor I constantValue 5 flags 19 |
547 field name NONUPDATABLE_VIEW_SYNC descriptor I constantValue 6 flags 19 |
548 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1 |
549 method name getProviderID descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 401 |
550 method name getRowSetReader descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/RowSetReader; flags 401 |
551 method name getRowSetWriter descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/RowSetWriter; flags 401 |
552 method name getProviderGrade descriptor ()I flags 401 |
553 method name setDataSourceLock descriptor (I)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException flags 401 |
554 method name getDataSourceLock descriptor ()I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException flags 401 |
555 method name supportsUpdatableView descriptor ()I flags 401 |
556 method name getVersion descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 401 |
557 method name getVendor descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 401 |
558 |
559 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException |
560 header extends java/sql/SQLException flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
561 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1 |
562 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1 |
563 method name <init> descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncResolver;)V flags 1 |
564 method name getSyncResolver descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncResolver; flags 1 |
565 method name setSyncResolver descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncResolver;)V flags 1 |
566 |
567 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncResolver |
568 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSet flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
569 field name UPDATE_ROW_CONFLICT descriptor I constantValue 0 flags 19 |
570 field name DELETE_ROW_CONFLICT descriptor I constantValue 1 flags 19 |
571 field name INSERT_ROW_CONFLICT descriptor I constantValue 2 flags 19 |
572 field name NO_ROW_CONFLICT descriptor I constantValue 3 flags 19 |
573 method name getStatus descriptor ()I flags 401 |
574 method name getConflictValue descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
575 method name getConflictValue descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
576 method name setResolvedValue descriptor (ILjava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
577 method name setResolvedValue descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
578 method name nextConflict descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
579 method name previousConflict descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
580 |
581 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/TransactionalWriter |
582 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSetWriter flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
583 method name commit descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
584 method name rollback descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
585 method name rollback descriptor (Ljava/sql/Savepoint;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
586 |
587 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/XmlReader |
588 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSetReader flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
589 method name readXML descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet;Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
590 |
591 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/XmlWriter |
592 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSetWriter flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3) |
593 method name writeXML descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet;Ljava/io/Writer;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 |
594 |