changeset 31506 4e07f827a794
equal deleted inserted replaced
31505:98c52b994430 31506:4e07f827a794
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4 #
     5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
     8 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10 #
    11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15 # accompanied this code).
    16 #
    17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20 #
    21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    22 # or visit if you need additional information or have any
    23 # questions.
    24 #
    25 # ##########################################################
    27 # ##########################################################
    28 #
    29 class name javax/sql/rowset/BaseRowSet
    30 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 421 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
    31 field name UNICODE_STREAM_PARAM descriptor I constantValue 0 flags 19
    32 field name BINARY_STREAM_PARAM descriptor I constantValue 1 flags 19
    33 field name ASCII_STREAM_PARAM descriptor I constantValue 2 flags 19
    34 field name binaryStream descriptor Ljava/io/InputStream; flags 4
    35 field name unicodeStream descriptor Ljava/io/InputStream; flags 4
    36 field name asciiStream descriptor Ljava/io/InputStream; flags 4
    37 field name charStream descriptor Ljava/io/Reader; flags 4
    38 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1
    39 method name initParams descriptor ()V flags 4
    40 method name addRowSetListener descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSetListener;)V flags 1
    41 method name removeRowSetListener descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSetListener;)V flags 1
    42 method name notifyCursorMoved descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 4
    43 method name notifyRowChanged descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 4
    44 method name notifyRowSetChanged descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 4
    45 method name getCommand descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 1
    46 method name setCommand descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    47 method name getUrl descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    48 method name setUrl descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    49 method name getDataSourceName descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 1
    50 method name setDataSourceName descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    51 method name getUsername descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 1
    52 method name setUsername descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1
    53 method name getPassword descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 1
    54 method name setPassword descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1
    55 method name setType descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    56 method name getType descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    57 method name setConcurrency descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    58 method name isReadOnly descriptor ()Z flags 1
    59 method name setReadOnly descriptor (Z)V flags 1
    60 method name getTransactionIsolation descriptor ()I flags 1
    61 method name setTransactionIsolation descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    62 method name getTypeMap descriptor ()Ljava/util/Map; flags 1 signature ()Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;
    63 method name setTypeMap descriptor (Ljava/util/Map;)V flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)V
    64 method name getMaxFieldSize descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    65 method name setMaxFieldSize descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    66 method name getMaxRows descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    67 method name setMaxRows descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    68 method name setEscapeProcessing descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    69 method name getQueryTimeout descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    70 method name setQueryTimeout descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    71 method name getShowDeleted descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    72 method name setShowDeleted descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    73 method name getEscapeProcessing descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    74 method name setFetchDirection descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    75 method name getFetchDirection descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    76 method name setFetchSize descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    77 method name getFetchSize descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    78 method name getConcurrency descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    79 method name setNull descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    80 method name setNull descriptor (IILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    81 method name setBoolean descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    82 method name setByte descriptor (IB)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    83 method name setShort descriptor (IS)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    84 method name setInt descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    85 method name setLong descriptor (IJ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    86 method name setFloat descriptor (IF)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    87 method name setDouble descriptor (ID)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    88 method name setBigDecimal descriptor (ILjava/math/BigDecimal;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    89 method name setString descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    90 method name setBytes descriptor (I[B)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    91 method name setDate descriptor (ILjava/sql/Date;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    92 method name setTime descriptor (ILjava/sql/Time;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    93 method name setTimestamp descriptor (ILjava/sql/Timestamp;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    94 method name setAsciiStream descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    95 method name setAsciiStream descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    96 method name setBinaryStream descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    97 method name setBinaryStream descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
    98 method name setUnicodeStream descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 deprecated true runtimeAnnotations @Ljava/lang/Deprecated;
    99 method name setCharacterStream descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   100 method name setCharacterStream descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   101 method name setObject descriptor (ILjava/lang/Object;II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   102 method name setObject descriptor (ILjava/lang/Object;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   103 method name setObject descriptor (ILjava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   104 method name setRef descriptor (ILjava/sql/Ref;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   105 method name setBlob descriptor (ILjava/sql/Blob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   106 method name setClob descriptor (ILjava/sql/Clob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   107 method name setArray descriptor (ILjava/sql/Array;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   108 method name setDate descriptor (ILjava/sql/Date;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   109 method name setTime descriptor (ILjava/sql/Time;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   110 method name setTimestamp descriptor (ILjava/sql/Timestamp;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   111 method name clearParameters descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   112 method name getParams descriptor ()[Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   113 method name setNull descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   114 method name setNull descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   115 method name setBoolean descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   116 method name setByte descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;B)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   117 method name setShort descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;S)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   118 method name setInt descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   119 method name setLong descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   120 method name setFloat descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;F)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   121 method name setDouble descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;D)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   122 method name setBigDecimal descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/math/BigDecimal;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   123 method name setString descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   124 method name setBytes descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;[B)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   125 method name setTimestamp descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Timestamp;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   126 method name setAsciiStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   127 method name setBinaryStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   128 method name setCharacterStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   129 method name setAsciiStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   130 method name setBinaryStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   131 method name setCharacterStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   132 method name setNCharacterStream descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   133 method name setObject descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   134 method name setObject descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   135 method name setObject descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   136 method name setBlob descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   137 method name setBlob descriptor (ILjava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   138 method name setBlob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   139 method name setBlob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Blob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   140 method name setBlob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   141 method name setClob descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   142 method name setClob descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   143 method name setClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   144 method name setClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Clob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   145 method name setClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   146 method name setDate descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Date;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   147 method name setDate descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Date;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   148 method name setTime descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Time;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   149 method name setTime descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Time;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   150 method name setTimestamp descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/Timestamp;Ljava/util/Calendar;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   151 method name setSQLXML descriptor (ILjava/sql/SQLXML;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   152 method name setSQLXML descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/SQLXML;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   153 method name setRowId descriptor (ILjava/sql/RowId;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   154 method name setRowId descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/RowId;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   155 method name setNString descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   156 method name setNString descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   157 method name setNCharacterStream descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   158 method name setNCharacterStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   159 method name setNCharacterStream descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   160 method name setNClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/sql/NClob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   161 method name setNClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   162 method name setNClob descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   163 method name setNClob descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   164 method name setNClob descriptor (ILjava/sql/NClob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   165 method name setNClob descriptor (ILjava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   166 method name setURL descriptor (ILjava/net/URL;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   168 class name javax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet
   169 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSet,javax/sql/rowset/Joinable flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   170 field name COMMIT_ON_ACCEPT_CHANGES descriptor Z constantValue true flags 19 deprecated true runtimeAnnotations @Ljava/lang/Deprecated;
   171 method name populate descriptor (Ljava/sql/ResultSet;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   172 method name execute descriptor (Ljava/sql/Connection;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   173 method name acceptChanges descriptor ()V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException flags 401
   174 method name acceptChanges descriptor (Ljava/sql/Connection;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException flags 401
   175 method name restoreOriginal descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   176 method name release descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   177 method name undoDelete descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   178 method name undoInsert descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   179 method name undoUpdate descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   180 method name columnUpdated descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   181 method name columnUpdated descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   182 method name toCollection descriptor ()Ljava/util/Collection; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 signature ()Ljava/util/Collection<*>;
   183 method name toCollection descriptor (I)Ljava/util/Collection; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 signature (I)Ljava/util/Collection<*>;
   184 method name toCollection descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Collection; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 signature (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Collection<*>;
   185 method name getSyncProvider descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProvider; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   186 method name setSyncProvider descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   187 method name size descriptor ()I flags 401
   188 method name setMetaData descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSetMetaData;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   189 method name getOriginal descriptor ()Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   190 method name getOriginalRow descriptor ()Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   191 method name setOriginalRow descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   192 method name getTableName descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   193 method name setTableName descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   194 method name getKeyColumns descriptor ()[I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   195 method name setKeyColumns descriptor ([I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   196 method name createShared descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/RowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   197 method name createCopy descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   198 method name createCopySchema descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   199 method name createCopyNoConstraints descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   200 method name getRowSetWarnings descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   201 method name getShowDeleted descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   202 method name setShowDeleted descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   203 method name commit descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   204 method name rollback descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   205 method name rollback descriptor (Ljava/sql/Savepoint;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   206 method name rowSetPopulated descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSetEvent;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   207 method name populate descriptor (Ljava/sql/ResultSet;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   208 method name setPageSize descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   209 method name getPageSize descriptor ()I flags 401
   210 method name nextPage descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   211 method name previousPage descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   213 class name javax/sql/rowset/FilteredRowSet
   214 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   215 method name setFilter descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/Predicate;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   216 method name getFilter descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/Predicate; flags 401
   218 class name javax/sql/rowset/JdbcRowSet
   219 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSet,javax/sql/rowset/Joinable flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   220 method name getShowDeleted descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   221 method name setShowDeleted descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   222 method name getRowSetWarnings descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   223 method name commit descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   224 method name getAutoCommit descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   225 method name setAutoCommit descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   226 method name rollback descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   227 method name rollback descriptor (Ljava/sql/Savepoint;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   229 class name javax/sql/rowset/JoinRowSet
   230 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   231 field name CROSS_JOIN descriptor I constantValue 0 flags 19
   232 field name INNER_JOIN descriptor I constantValue 1 flags 19
   233 field name LEFT_OUTER_JOIN descriptor I constantValue 2 flags 19
   234 field name RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN descriptor I constantValue 3 flags 19
   235 field name FULL_JOIN descriptor I constantValue 4 flags 19
   236 method name addRowSet descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/Joinable;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   237 method name addRowSet descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSet;I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   238 method name addRowSet descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSet;Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   239 method name addRowSet descriptor ([Ljavax/sql/RowSet;[I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   240 method name addRowSet descriptor ([Ljavax/sql/RowSet;[Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   241 method name getRowSets descriptor ()Ljava/util/Collection; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401 signature ()Ljava/util/Collection<*>;
   242 method name getRowSetNames descriptor ()[Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   243 method name toCachedRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   244 method name supportsCrossJoin descriptor ()Z flags 401
   245 method name supportsInnerJoin descriptor ()Z flags 401
   246 method name supportsLeftOuterJoin descriptor ()Z flags 401
   247 method name supportsRightOuterJoin descriptor ()Z flags 401
   248 method name supportsFullJoin descriptor ()Z flags 401
   249 method name setJoinType descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   250 method name getWhereClause descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   251 method name getJoinType descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   253 class name javax/sql/rowset/Joinable
   254 header extends java/lang/Object flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   255 method name setMatchColumn descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   256 method name setMatchColumn descriptor ([I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   257 method name setMatchColumn descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   258 method name setMatchColumn descriptor ([Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   259 method name getMatchColumnIndexes descriptor ()[I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   260 method name getMatchColumnNames descriptor ()[Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   261 method name unsetMatchColumn descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   262 method name unsetMatchColumn descriptor ([I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   263 method name unsetMatchColumn descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   264 method name unsetMatchColumn descriptor ([Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   266 class name javax/sql/rowset/Predicate
   267 header extends java/lang/Object flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   268 method name evaluate descriptor (Ljavax/sql/RowSet;)Z flags 401
   269 method name evaluate descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   270 method name evaluate descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   272 class name javax/sql/rowset/RowSetFactory
   273 header extends java/lang/Object flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   274 method name createCachedRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   275 method name createFilteredRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/FilteredRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   276 method name createJdbcRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/JdbcRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   277 method name createJoinRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/JoinRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   278 method name createWebRowSet descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   280 class name javax/sql/rowset/RowSetMetaDataImpl
   281 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSetMetaData,java/io/Serializable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   282 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1
   283 method name setColumnCount descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   284 method name setAutoIncrement descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   285 method name setCaseSensitive descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   286 method name setSearchable descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   287 method name setCurrency descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   288 method name setNullable descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   289 method name setSigned descriptor (IZ)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   290 method name setColumnDisplaySize descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   291 method name setColumnLabel descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   292 method name setColumnName descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   293 method name setSchemaName descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   294 method name setPrecision descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   295 method name setScale descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   296 method name setTableName descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   297 method name setCatalogName descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   298 method name setColumnType descriptor (II)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   299 method name setColumnTypeName descriptor (ILjava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   300 method name getColumnCount descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   301 method name isAutoIncrement descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   302 method name isCaseSensitive descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   303 method name isSearchable descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   304 method name isCurrency descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   305 method name isNullable descriptor (I)I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   306 method name isSigned descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   307 method name getColumnDisplaySize descriptor (I)I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   308 method name getColumnLabel descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   309 method name getColumnName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   310 method name getSchemaName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   311 method name getPrecision descriptor (I)I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   312 method name getScale descriptor (I)I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   313 method name getTableName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   314 method name getCatalogName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   315 method name getColumnType descriptor (I)I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   316 method name getColumnTypeName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   317 method name isReadOnly descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   318 method name isWritable descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   319 method name isDefinitelyWritable descriptor (I)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   320 method name getColumnClassName descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   321 method name unwrap descriptor (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 signature <T:Ljava/lang/Object;>(Ljava/lang/Class<TT;>;)TT;
   322 method name isWrapperFor descriptor (Ljava/lang/Class;)Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 signature (Ljava/lang/Class<*>;)Z
   324 class name javax/sql/rowset/RowSetProvider
   325 header extends java/lang/Object flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   326 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 4
   327 method name newFactory descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetFactory; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 9
   328 method name newFactory descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;)Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetFactory; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 9
   330 class name javax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning
   331 header extends java/sql/SQLException flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   332 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1
   333 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1
   334 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1
   335 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V flags 1
   336 method name getNextWarning descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning; flags 1
   337 method name setNextWarning descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/RowSetWarning;)V flags 1
   339 class name javax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet
   340 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/rowset/CachedRowSet flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   341 field name PUBLIC_XML_SCHEMA descriptor Ljava/lang/String; constantValue --//Oracle\u0020;Corporation//XSD\u0020;Schema//EN flags 19
   342 field name SCHEMA_SYSTEM_ID descriptor Ljava/lang/String; constantValue flags 19
   343 method name readXml descriptor (Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   344 method name readXml descriptor (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException,java/io/IOException flags 401
   345 method name writeXml descriptor (Ljava/sql/ResultSet;Ljava/io/Writer;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   346 method name writeXml descriptor (Ljava/sql/ResultSet;Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException,java/io/IOException flags 401
   347 method name writeXml descriptor (Ljava/io/Writer;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   348 method name writeXml descriptor (Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException,java/io/IOException flags 401
   350 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SQLInputImpl
   351 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/SQLInput flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   352 method name <init> descriptor ([Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/Map;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 signature ([Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)V
   353 method name readString descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   354 method name readBoolean descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   355 method name readByte descriptor ()B thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   356 method name readShort descriptor ()S thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   357 method name readInt descriptor ()I thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   358 method name readLong descriptor ()J thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   359 method name readFloat descriptor ()F thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   360 method name readDouble descriptor ()D thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   361 method name readBigDecimal descriptor ()Ljava/math/BigDecimal; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   362 method name readBytes descriptor ()[B thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   363 method name readDate descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Date; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   364 method name readTime descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Time; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   365 method name readTimestamp descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Timestamp; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   366 method name readCharacterStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/Reader; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   367 method name readAsciiStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/InputStream; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   368 method name readBinaryStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/InputStream; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   369 method name readObject descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   370 method name readRef descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Ref; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   371 method name readBlob descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Blob; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   372 method name readClob descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Clob; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   373 method name readArray descriptor ()Ljava/sql/Array; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   374 method name wasNull descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   375 method name readURL descriptor ()Ljava/net/URL; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   376 method name readNClob descriptor ()Ljava/sql/NClob; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   377 method name readNString descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   378 method name readSQLXML descriptor ()Ljava/sql/SQLXML; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   379 method name readRowId descriptor ()Ljava/sql/RowId; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   381 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SQLOutputImpl
   382 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/SQLOutput flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   383 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/util/Map;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Vector<*>;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;*>;)V
   384 method name writeString descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   385 method name writeBoolean descriptor (Z)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   386 method name writeByte descriptor (B)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   387 method name writeShort descriptor (S)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   388 method name writeInt descriptor (I)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   389 method name writeLong descriptor (J)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   390 method name writeFloat descriptor (F)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   391 method name writeDouble descriptor (D)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   392 method name writeBigDecimal descriptor (Ljava/math/BigDecimal;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   393 method name writeBytes descriptor ([B)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   394 method name writeDate descriptor (Ljava/sql/Date;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   395 method name writeTime descriptor (Ljava/sql/Time;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   396 method name writeTimestamp descriptor (Ljava/sql/Timestamp;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   397 method name writeCharacterStream descriptor (Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   398 method name writeAsciiStream descriptor (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   399 method name writeBinaryStream descriptor (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   400 method name writeObject descriptor (Ljava/sql/SQLData;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   401 method name writeRef descriptor (Ljava/sql/Ref;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   402 method name writeBlob descriptor (Ljava/sql/Blob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   403 method name writeClob descriptor (Ljava/sql/Clob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   404 method name writeStruct descriptor (Ljava/sql/Struct;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   405 method name writeArray descriptor (Ljava/sql/Array;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   406 method name writeURL descriptor (Ljava/net/URL;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   407 method name writeNString descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   408 method name writeNClob descriptor (Ljava/sql/NClob;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   409 method name writeRowId descriptor (Ljava/sql/RowId;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   410 method name writeSQLXML descriptor (Ljava/sql/SQLXML;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   412 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialArray
   413 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/Array,java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   414 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Array;Ljava/util/Map;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1 signature (Ljava/sql/Array;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)V
   415 method name free descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   416 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Array;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   417 method name getArray descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   418 method name getArray descriptor (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)Ljava/lang/Object;
   419 method name getArray descriptor (JI)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   420 method name getArray descriptor (JILjava/util/Map;)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (JILjava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)Ljava/lang/Object;
   421 method name getBaseType descriptor ()I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   422 method name getBaseTypeName descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   423 method name getResultSet descriptor (JI)Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   424 method name getResultSet descriptor (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;
   425 method name getResultSet descriptor ()Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   426 method name getResultSet descriptor (JILjava/util/Map;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (JILjava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)Ljava/sql/ResultSet;
   427 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1
   428 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1
   429 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1
   431 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialBlob
   432 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/Blob,java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   433 method name <init> descriptor ([B)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   434 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Blob;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   435 method name getBytes descriptor (JI)[B thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   436 method name length descriptor ()J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   437 method name getBinaryStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/InputStream; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   438 method name position descriptor ([BJ)J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   439 method name position descriptor (Ljava/sql/Blob;J)J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   440 method name setBytes descriptor (J[B)I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   441 method name setBytes descriptor (J[BII)I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   442 method name setBinaryStream descriptor (J)Ljava/io/OutputStream; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   443 method name truncate descriptor (J)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   444 method name getBinaryStream descriptor (JJ)Ljava/io/InputStream; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   445 method name free descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   446 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1
   447 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1
   448 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1
   450 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialClob
   451 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/Clob,java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   452 method name <init> descriptor ([C)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   453 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Clob;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   454 method name length descriptor ()J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   455 method name getCharacterStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/Reader; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   456 method name getAsciiStream descriptor ()Ljava/io/InputStream; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   457 method name getSubString descriptor (JI)Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   458 method name position descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;J)J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   459 method name position descriptor (Ljava/sql/Clob;J)J thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   460 method name setString descriptor (JLjava/lang/String;)I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   461 method name setString descriptor (JLjava/lang/String;II)I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   462 method name setAsciiStream descriptor (J)Ljava/io/OutputStream; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   463 method name setCharacterStream descriptor (J)Ljava/io/Writer; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   464 method name truncate descriptor (J)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   465 method name getCharacterStream descriptor (JJ)Ljava/io/Reader; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   466 method name free descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   467 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1
   468 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1
   469 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1
   471 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialDatalink
   472 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   473 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/net/URL;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   474 method name getDatalink descriptor ()Ljava/net/URL; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   475 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1
   476 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1
   477 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1
   479 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException
   480 header extends java/sql/SQLException flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   481 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1
   482 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1
   484 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialJavaObject
   485 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   486 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   487 method name getObject descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   488 method name getFields descriptor ()[Ljava/lang/reflect/Field; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 runtimeAnnotations @Lsun/reflect/CallerSensitive;
   489 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1
   490 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1
   491 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1
   493 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialRef
   494 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/Ref,java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   495 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Ref;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException,java/sql/SQLException flags 1
   496 method name getBaseTypeName descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   497 method name getObject descriptor (Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)Ljava/lang/Object;
   498 method name getObject descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   499 method name setObject descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   500 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1
   501 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1
   502 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1
   504 class name javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialStruct
   505 header extends java/lang/Object implements java/sql/Struct,java/io/Serializable,java/lang/Cloneable flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   506 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/Struct;Ljava/util/Map;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/sql/Struct;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)V
   507 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/sql/SQLData;Ljava/util/Map;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/sql/SQLData;Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)V
   508 method name getSQLTypeName descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   509 method name getAttributes descriptor ()[Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1
   510 method name getAttributes descriptor (Ljava/util/Map;)[Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/serial/SerialException flags 1 signature (Ljava/util/Map<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class<*>;>;)[Ljava/lang/Object;
   511 method name equals descriptor (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z flags 1
   512 method name hashCode descriptor ()I flags 1
   513 method name clone descriptor ()Ljava/lang/Object; flags 1
   515 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactory
   516 header extends java/lang/Object flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   517 field name ROWSET_SYNC_PROVIDER descriptor Ljava/lang/String; constantValue rowset.provider.classname flags 19
   518 field name ROWSET_SYNC_VENDOR descriptor Ljava/lang/String; constantValue rowset.provider.vendor flags 19
   519 field name ROWSET_SYNC_PROVIDER_VERSION descriptor Ljava/lang/String; constantValue rowset.provider.version flags 19
   520 method name registerProvider descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 29
   521 method name getSyncFactory descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactory; flags 9
   522 method name unregisterProvider descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 29
   523 method name getInstance descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProvider; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 9
   524 method name getRegisteredProviders descriptor ()Ljava/util/Enumeration; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 9 signature ()Ljava/util/Enumeration<Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProvider;>;
   525 method name setLogger descriptor (Ljava/util/logging/Logger;)V flags 9
   526 method name setLogger descriptor (Ljava/util/logging/Logger;Ljava/util/logging/Level;)V flags 9
   527 method name getLogger descriptor ()Ljava/util/logging/Logger; thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 9
   528 method name setJNDIContext descriptor (Ljavax/naming/Context;)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException flags 29
   530 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncFactoryException
   531 header extends java/sql/SQLException flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   532 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1
   533 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1
   535 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProvider
   536 header extends java/lang/Object flags 421 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   537 field name GRADE_NONE descriptor I constantValue 1 flags 19
   538 field name GRADE_CHECK_MODIFIED_AT_COMMIT descriptor I constantValue 2 flags 19
   539 field name GRADE_CHECK_ALL_AT_COMMIT descriptor I constantValue 3 flags 19
   540 field name GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_MODIFIED descriptor I constantValue 4 flags 19
   541 field name GRADE_LOCK_WHEN_LOADED descriptor I constantValue 5 flags 19
   542 field name DATASOURCE_NO_LOCK descriptor I constantValue 1 flags 19
   543 field name DATASOURCE_ROW_LOCK descriptor I constantValue 2 flags 19
   544 field name DATASOURCE_TABLE_LOCK descriptor I constantValue 3 flags 19
   545 field name DATASOURCE_DB_LOCK descriptor I constantValue 4 flags 19
   546 field name UPDATABLE_VIEW_SYNC descriptor I constantValue 5 flags 19
   547 field name NONUPDATABLE_VIEW_SYNC descriptor I constantValue 6 flags 19
   548 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1
   549 method name getProviderID descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 401
   550 method name getRowSetReader descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/RowSetReader; flags 401
   551 method name getRowSetWriter descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/RowSetWriter; flags 401
   552 method name getProviderGrade descriptor ()I flags 401
   553 method name setDataSourceLock descriptor (I)V thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException flags 401
   554 method name getDataSourceLock descriptor ()I thrownTypes javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException flags 401
   555 method name supportsUpdatableView descriptor ()I flags 401
   556 method name getVersion descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 401
   557 method name getVendor descriptor ()Ljava/lang/String; flags 401
   559 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncProviderException
   560 header extends java/sql/SQLException flags 21 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   561 method name <init> descriptor ()V flags 1
   562 method name <init> descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)V flags 1
   563 method name <init> descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncResolver;)V flags 1
   564 method name getSyncResolver descriptor ()Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncResolver; flags 1
   565 method name setSyncResolver descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncResolver;)V flags 1
   567 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/SyncResolver
   568 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSet flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   569 field name UPDATE_ROW_CONFLICT descriptor I constantValue 0 flags 19
   570 field name DELETE_ROW_CONFLICT descriptor I constantValue 1 flags 19
   571 field name INSERT_ROW_CONFLICT descriptor I constantValue 2 flags 19
   572 field name NO_ROW_CONFLICT descriptor I constantValue 3 flags 19
   573 method name getStatus descriptor ()I flags 401
   574 method name getConflictValue descriptor (I)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   575 method name getConflictValue descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   576 method name setResolvedValue descriptor (ILjava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   577 method name setResolvedValue descriptor (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   578 method name nextConflict descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   579 method name previousConflict descriptor ()Z thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   581 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/TransactionalWriter
   582 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSetWriter flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   583 method name commit descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   584 method name rollback descriptor ()V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   585 method name rollback descriptor (Ljava/sql/Savepoint;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   587 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/XmlReader
   588 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSetReader flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   589 method name readXML descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet;Ljava/io/Reader;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401
   591 class name javax/sql/rowset/spi/XmlWriter
   592 header extends java/lang/Object implements javax/sql/RowSetWriter flags 601 classAnnotations @Ljdk/Profile+Annotation;(value=I3)
   593 method name writeXML descriptor (Ljavax/sql/rowset/WebRowSet;Ljava/io/Writer;)V thrownTypes java/sql/SQLException flags 401