changeset 42418 4330273ee80c
parent 42417 8e1573096052
parent 42401 925e4d87ebac
child 42419 5c71ea43933b
equal deleted inserted replaced
42417:8e1573096052 42418:4330273ee80c
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
    23  * questions.
    24  */
    26 package javax.crypto;
    28 import java.util.*;
    29 import java.util.jar.*;
    30 import java.io.*;
    31 import java.net.URL;
    32 import java.nio.file.*;
    33 import java.security.*;
    35 import java.security.Provider.Service;
    37 import sun.security.jca.*;
    38 import sun.security.jca.GetInstance.Instance;
    40 /**
    41  * This class instantiates implementations of JCE engine classes from
    42  * providers registered with the java.security.Security object.
    43  *
    44  * @author Jan Luehe
    45  * @author Sharon Liu
    46  * @since 1.4
    47  */
    49 final class JceSecurity {
    51     static final SecureRandom RANDOM = new SecureRandom();
    53     // The defaultPolicy and exemptPolicy will be set up
    54     // in the static initializer.
    55     private static CryptoPermissions defaultPolicy = null;
    56     private static CryptoPermissions exemptPolicy = null;
    58     // Map<Provider,?> of the providers we already have verified
    59     // value == PROVIDER_VERIFIED is successfully verified
    60     // value is failure cause Exception in error case
    61     private static final Map<Provider, Object> verificationResults =
    62             new IdentityHashMap<>();
    64     // Map<Provider,?> of the providers currently being verified
    65     private static final Map<Provider, Object> verifyingProviders =
    66             new IdentityHashMap<>();
    68     private static final boolean isRestricted;
    70     /*
    71      * Don't let anyone instantiate this.
    72      */
    73     private JceSecurity() {
    74     }
    76     static {
    77         try {
    78             AccessController.doPrivileged(
    79                 new PrivilegedExceptionAction<> () {
    80                     @Override
    81                     public Void run() throws Exception {
    82                         setupJurisdictionPolicies();
    83                         return null;
    84                     }
    85                 }
    86             );
    88             isRestricted = defaultPolicy.implies(
    89                 CryptoAllPermission.INSTANCE) ? false : true;
    90         } catch (Exception e) {
    91             throw new SecurityException(
    92                     "Can not initialize cryptographic mechanism", e);
    93         }
    94     }
    96     static Instance getInstance(String type, Class<?> clazz, String algorithm,
    97             String provider) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
    98             NoSuchProviderException {
    99         Service s = GetInstance.getService(type, algorithm, provider);
   100         Exception ve = getVerificationResult(s.getProvider());
   101         if (ve != null) {
   102             String msg = "JCE cannot authenticate the provider " + provider;
   103             throw (NoSuchProviderException)
   104                                 new NoSuchProviderException(msg).initCause(ve);
   105         }
   106         return GetInstance.getInstance(s, clazz);
   107     }
   109     static Instance getInstance(String type, Class<?> clazz, String algorithm,
   110             Provider provider) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
   111         Service s = GetInstance.getService(type, algorithm, provider);
   112         Exception ve = JceSecurity.getVerificationResult(provider);
   113         if (ve != null) {
   114             String msg = "JCE cannot authenticate the provider "
   115                 + provider.getName();
   116             throw new SecurityException(msg, ve);
   117         }
   118         return GetInstance.getInstance(s, clazz);
   119     }
   121     static Instance getInstance(String type, Class<?> clazz, String algorithm)
   122             throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
   123         List<Service> services = GetInstance.getServices(type, algorithm);
   124         NoSuchAlgorithmException failure = null;
   125         for (Service s : services) {
   126             if (canUseProvider(s.getProvider()) == false) {
   127                 // allow only signed providers
   128                 continue;
   129             }
   130             try {
   131                 Instance instance = GetInstance.getInstance(s, clazz);
   132                 return instance;
   133             } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
   134                 failure = e;
   135             }
   136         }
   137         throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Algorithm " + algorithm
   138                 + " not available", failure);
   139     }
   141     /**
   142      * Verify if the JAR at URL codeBase is a signed exempt application
   143      * JAR file and returns the permissions bundled with the JAR.
   144      *
   145      * @throws Exception on error
   146      */
   147     static CryptoPermissions verifyExemptJar(URL codeBase) throws Exception {
   148         ProviderVerifier pv = new ProviderVerifier(codeBase, true);
   149         pv.verify();
   150         return pv.getPermissions();
   151     }
   153     /**
   154      * Verify if the JAR at URL codeBase is a signed provider JAR file.
   155      *
   156      * @throws Exception on error
   157      */
   158     static void verifyProvider(URL codeBase, Provider p) throws Exception {
   159         // Verify the provider JAR file and all
   160         // supporting JAR files if there are any.
   161         ProviderVerifier pv = new ProviderVerifier(codeBase, p, false);
   162         pv.verify();
   163     }
   165     private static final Object PROVIDER_VERIFIED = Boolean.TRUE;
   167     /*
   168      * Verify that the provider JAR files are signed properly, which
   169      * means the signer's certificate can be traced back to a
   170      * JCE trusted CA.
   171      * Return null if ok, failure Exception if verification failed.
   172      */
   173     static synchronized Exception getVerificationResult(Provider p) {
   174         Object o = verificationResults.get(p);
   175         if (o == PROVIDER_VERIFIED) {
   176             return null;
   177         } else if (o != null) {
   178             return (Exception)o;
   179         }
   180         if (verifyingProviders.get(p) != null) {
   181             // this method is static synchronized, must be recursion
   182             // return failure now but do not save the result
   183             return new NoSuchProviderException("Recursion during verification");
   184         }
   185         try {
   186             verifyingProviders.put(p, Boolean.FALSE);
   187             URL providerURL = getCodeBase(p.getClass());
   188             verifyProvider(providerURL, p);
   189             // Verified ok, cache result
   190             verificationResults.put(p, PROVIDER_VERIFIED);
   191             return null;
   192         } catch (Exception e) {
   193             verificationResults.put(p, e);
   194             return e;
   195         } finally {
   196             verifyingProviders.remove(p);
   197         }
   198     }
   200     // return whether this provider is properly signed and can be used by JCE
   201     static boolean canUseProvider(Provider p) {
   202         return getVerificationResult(p) == null;
   203     }
   205     // dummy object to represent null
   206     private static final URL NULL_URL;
   208     static {
   209         try {
   210             NULL_URL = new URL("http://null.oracle.com/");
   211         } catch (Exception e) {
   212             throw new RuntimeException(e);
   213         }
   214     }
   216     // reference to a Map we use as a cache for codebases
   217     private static final Map<Class<?>, URL> codeBaseCacheRef =
   218             new WeakHashMap<>();
   220     /*
   221      * Returns the CodeBase for the given class.
   222      */
   223     static URL getCodeBase(final Class<?> clazz) {
   224         synchronized (codeBaseCacheRef) {
   225             URL url = codeBaseCacheRef.get(clazz);
   226             if (url == null) {
   227                 url = AccessController.doPrivileged(
   228                     new PrivilegedAction<>() {
   229                         @Override
   230                         public URL run() {
   231                             ProtectionDomain pd = clazz.getProtectionDomain();
   232                             if (pd != null) {
   233                                 CodeSource cs = pd.getCodeSource();
   234                                 if (cs != null) {
   235                                     return cs.getLocation();
   236                                 }
   237                             }
   238                             return NULL_URL;
   239                         }
   240                     });
   241                 codeBaseCacheRef.put(clazz, url);
   242             }
   243             return (url == NULL_URL) ? null : url;
   244         }
   245     }
   247     // This is called from within an doPrivileged block.
   248     private static void setupJurisdictionPolicies() throws Exception {
   250         // Sanity check the crypto.policy Security property.  Single
   251         // directory entry, no pseudo-directories (".", "..", leading/trailing
   252         // path separators). normalize()/getParent() will help later.
   253         String cryptoPolicyProperty = Security.getProperty("crypto.policy");
   254         Path cpPath = Paths.get(cryptoPolicyProperty);
   256         if ((cryptoPolicyProperty == null) ||
   257                 (cpPath.getNameCount() != 1) ||
   258                 (cpPath.compareTo(cpPath.getFileName()) != 0)) {
   259             throw new SecurityException(
   260                 "Invalid policy directory name format: " +
   261                 cryptoPolicyProperty);
   262         }
   264         // Prepend java.home to get the full path.  normalize() in
   265         // case an extra "." or ".." snuck in somehow.
   266         String javaHomeProperty = System.getProperty("java.home");
   267         Path javaHomePolicyPath = Paths.get(javaHomeProperty, "conf",
   268                 "security", "policy").normalize();
   269         Path cryptoPolicyPath = Paths.get(javaHomeProperty, "conf", "security",
   270                 "policy", cryptoPolicyProperty).normalize();
   272         if (cryptoPolicyPath.getParent().compareTo(javaHomePolicyPath) != 0) {
   273             throw new SecurityException(
   274                 "Invalid cryptographic jurisdiction policy directory path: " +
   275                 cryptoPolicyProperty);
   276         }
   278         if (!Files.isDirectory(cryptoPolicyPath)
   279                 || !Files.isReadable(cryptoPolicyPath)) {
   280             throw new SecurityException(
   281                 "Can't read cryptographic policy directory: " +
   282                 cryptoPolicyProperty);
   283         }
   285         try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(
   286                 cryptoPolicyPath, "{default,exempt}_*.policy")) {
   287             for (Path entry : stream) {
   288                 try (InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(
   289                         Files.newInputStream(entry))) {
   290                     String filename = entry.getFileName().toString();
   292                     CryptoPermissions tmpPerms = new CryptoPermissions();
   293                     tmpPerms.load(is);
   295                     if (filename.startsWith("default_")) {
   296                         // Did we find a default perms?
   297                         defaultPolicy = ((defaultPolicy == null) ? tmpPerms :
   298                                 defaultPolicy.getMinimum(tmpPerms));
   299                     } else if (filename.startsWith("exempt_")) {
   300                         // Did we find a exempt perms?
   301                         exemptPolicy = ((exemptPolicy == null) ? tmpPerms :
   302                                 exemptPolicy.getMinimum(tmpPerms));
   303                     } else {
   304                         // This should never happen.  newDirectoryStream
   305                         // should only throw return "{default,exempt}_*.policy"
   306                         throw new SecurityException(
   307                             "Unexpected jurisdiction policy files in : " +
   308                             cryptoPolicyProperty);
   309                     }
   310                 } catch (Exception e) {
   311                     throw new SecurityException(
   312                         "Couldn't parse jurisdiction policy files in: " +
   313                         cryptoPolicyProperty);
   314                 }
   315             }
   316         } catch (DirectoryIteratorException ex) {
   317             // I/O error encountered during the iteration,
   318             // the cause is an IOException
   319             throw new SecurityException(
   320                 "Couldn't iterate through the jurisdiction policy files: " +
   321                 cryptoPolicyProperty);
   322         }
   324         // Must have a default policy
   325         if ((defaultPolicy == null) || defaultPolicy.isEmpty()) {
   326             throw new SecurityException(
   327                 "Missing mandatory jurisdiction policy files: " +
   328                 cryptoPolicyProperty);
   329         }
   331         // If there was an empty exempt policy file, ignore it.
   332         if ((exemptPolicy != null) && exemptPolicy.isEmpty()) {
   333             exemptPolicy = null;
   334         }
   335     }
   337     static CryptoPermissions getDefaultPolicy() {
   338         return defaultPolicy;
   339     }
   341     static CryptoPermissions getExemptPolicy() {
   342         return exemptPolicy;
   343     }
   345     static boolean isRestricted() {
   346         return isRestricted;
   347     }
   348 }