changeset 42483 3850c235c3fb
parent 42482 15297dde0d55
parent 42479 a80dbf731cbe
child 42489 a9e4de33da2e
equal deleted inserted replaced
42482:15297dde0d55 42483:3850c235c3fb
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     4  *
     5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
     7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
     8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
     9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
    10  *
    11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
    15  * accompanied this code).
    16  *
    17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
    18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
    20  *
    21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
    22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
    23  * questions.
    24  */
    26 package java.net.http;
    28 import java.io.IOException;
    29 import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
    30 import java.net.ProtocolException;
    31 import java.net.http.WebSocket.Listener;
    32 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    33 import java.nio.CharBuffer;
    34 import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
    35 import java.util.Optional;
    36 import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
    37 import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
    38 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
    39 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
    40 import java.util.function.Supplier;
    42 import static java.lang.System.Logger.Level.ERROR;
    43 import static java.net.http.WSUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;
    44 import static java.net.http.WSUtils.logger;
    46 /*
    47  * Receives incoming data from the channel and converts it into a sequence of
    48  * messages, which are then passed to the listener.
    49  */
    50 final class WSReceiver {
    52     private final Listener listener;
    53     private final WebSocket webSocket;
    54     private final Supplier<WSShared<ByteBuffer>> buffersSupplier =
    55             new WSSharedPool<>(() -> ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(32768), 2);
    56     private final RawChannel channel;
    57     private final RawChannel.RawEvent channelEvent;
    58     private final WSSignalHandler handler;
    59     private final AtomicLong demand = new AtomicLong();
    60     private final AtomicBoolean readable = new AtomicBoolean();
    61     private boolean started;
    62     private volatile boolean closed;
    63     private final WSFrame.Reader reader = new WSFrame.Reader();
    64     private final WSFrameConsumer frameConsumer;
    65     private WSShared<ByteBuffer> buf = WSShared.wrap(EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER);
    66     private WSShared<ByteBuffer> data; // TODO: initialize with leftovers from the RawChannel
    68     WSReceiver(Listener listener, WebSocket webSocket, Executor executor,
    69                RawChannel channel) {
    70         this.listener = listener;
    71         this.webSocket = webSocket;
    72         this.channel = channel;
    73         handler = new WSSignalHandler(executor, this::react);
    74         channelEvent = createChannelEvent();
    75         this.frameConsumer = new WSFrameConsumer(new MessageConsumer());
    76     }
    78     private void react() {
    79         synchronized (this) {
    80             while (demand.get() > 0 && !closed) {
    81                 try {
    82                     if (data == null) {
    83                         if (!getData()) {
    84                             break;
    85                         }
    86                     }
    87                     reader.readFrame(data, frameConsumer);
    88                     if (!data.hasRemaining()) {
    89                         data.dispose();
    90                         data = null;
    91                     }
    92                     // In case of exception we don't need to clean any state,
    93                     // since it's the terminal condition anyway. Nothing will be
    94                     // retried.
    95                 } catch (WSProtocolException e) {
    96                     // Translate into ProtocolException
    97                     closeExceptionally(new ProtocolException().initCause(e));
    98                 } catch (Exception e) {
    99                     closeExceptionally(e);
   100                 }
   101             }
   102         }
   103     }
   105     void request(long n) {
   106         long newDemand = demand.accumulateAndGet(n, (p, i) -> p + i < 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : p + i);
   107         handler.signal();
   108         assert newDemand >= 0 : newDemand;
   109     }
   111     private boolean getData() throws IOException {
   112         if (!readable.get()) {
   113             return false;
   114         }
   115         if (!buf.hasRemaining()) {
   116             buf.dispose();
   117             buf = buffersSupplier.get();
   118             assert buf.hasRemaining() : buf;
   119         }
   120         int oldPosition = buf.position();
   121         int oldLimit = buf.limit();
   122         int numRead = channel.read(buf.buffer());
   123         if (numRead > 0) {
   124             data = buf.share(oldPosition, oldPosition + numRead);
   125             buf.select(buf.limit(), oldLimit); // Move window to the free region
   126             return true;
   127         } else if (numRead == 0) {
   128             readable.set(false);
   129             channel.registerEvent(channelEvent);
   130             return false;
   131         } else {
   132             assert numRead < 0 : numRead;
   133             throw new WSProtocolException
   134                     ("7.2.1.", "Stream ended before a Close frame has been received");
   135         }
   136     }
   138     void start() {
   139         synchronized (this) {
   140             if (started) {
   141                 throw new IllegalStateException("Already started");
   142             }
   143             started = true;
   144             try {
   145                 channel.registerEvent(channelEvent);
   146             } catch (IOException e) {
   147                 throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
   148             }
   149             try {
   150                 listener.onOpen(webSocket);
   151             } catch (Exception e) {
   152                 closeExceptionally(new RuntimeException("onOpen threw an exception", e));
   153             }
   154         }
   155     }
   157     private void close() { // TODO: move to WS.java
   158         closed = true;
   159     }
   161     private void closeExceptionally(Throwable error) {  // TODO: move to WS.java
   162         close();
   163         try {
   164             listener.onError(webSocket, error);
   165         } catch (Exception e) {
   166             logger.log(ERROR, "onError threw an exception", e);
   167         }
   168     }
   170     private final class MessageConsumer implements WSMessageConsumer {
   172         @Override
   173         public void onText(WebSocket.MessagePart part, WSShared<CharBuffer> data) {
   174             decrementDemand();
   175             CompletionStage<?> cs;
   176             try {
   177                 cs = listener.onText(webSocket, data.buffer(), part);
   178             } catch (Exception e) {
   179                 closeExceptionally(new RuntimeException("onText threw an exception", e));
   180                 return;
   181             }
   182             follow(cs, data, "onText");
   183         }
   185         @Override
   186         public void onBinary(WebSocket.MessagePart part, WSShared<ByteBuffer> data) {
   187             decrementDemand();
   188             CompletionStage<?> cs;
   189             try {
   190                 cs = listener.onBinary(webSocket, data.buffer(), part);
   191             } catch (Exception e) {
   192                 closeExceptionally(new RuntimeException("onBinary threw an exception", e));
   193                 return;
   194             }
   195             follow(cs, data, "onBinary");
   196         }
   198         @Override
   199         public void onPing(WSShared<ByteBuffer> data) {
   200             decrementDemand();
   201             CompletionStage<?> cs;
   202             try {
   203                 cs = listener.onPing(webSocket, data.buffer());
   204             } catch (Exception e) {
   205                 closeExceptionally(new RuntimeException("onPing threw an exception", e));
   206                 return;
   207             }
   208             follow(cs, data, "onPing");
   209         }
   211         @Override
   212         public void onPong(WSShared<ByteBuffer> data) {
   213             decrementDemand();
   214             CompletionStage<?> cs;
   215             try {
   216                 cs = listener.onPong(webSocket, data.buffer());
   217             } catch (Exception e) {
   218                 closeExceptionally(new RuntimeException("onPong threw an exception", e));
   219                 return;
   220             }
   221             follow(cs, data, "onPong");
   222         }
   224         @Override
   225         public void onClose(WebSocket.CloseCode code, CharSequence reason) {
   226             decrementDemand();
   227             try {
   228                 close();
   229                 listener.onClose(webSocket, Optional.ofNullable(code), reason.toString());
   230             } catch (Exception e) {
   231                 logger.log(ERROR, "onClose threw an exception", e);
   232             }
   233         }
   234     }
   236     private void follow(CompletionStage<?> cs, WSDisposable d, String source) {
   237         if (cs == null) {
   238             d.dispose();
   239         } else {
   240             cs.whenComplete((whatever, error) -> {
   241                 if (error != null) {
   242                     String m = "CompletionStage returned by " + source + " completed exceptionally";
   243                     closeExceptionally(new RuntimeException(m, error));
   244                 }
   245                 d.dispose();
   246             });
   247         }
   248     }
   250     private void decrementDemand() {
   251         long newDemand = demand.decrementAndGet();
   252         assert newDemand >= 0 : newDemand;
   253     }
   255     private RawChannel.RawEvent createChannelEvent() {
   256         return new RawChannel.RawEvent() {
   258             @Override
   259             public int interestOps() {
   260                 return SelectionKey.OP_READ;
   261             }
   263             @Override
   264             public void handle() {
   265                 boolean wasNotReadable = readable.compareAndSet(false, true);
   266                 assert wasNotReadable;
   267                 handler.signal();
   268             }
   270             @Override
   271             public String toString() {
   272                 return "Read readiness event [" + channel + "]";
   273             }
   274         };
   275     }
   276 }