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Use the test directory as you would for any other JDK regression test
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suite. All bugs integrated into this workspace should have a
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corresponding test case checked in. Ideally, every putback done should
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also include a run of the regression suite to make sure nothing was
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This directory stores any useful templates for JSSE regression tests.
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This template is to allow the quick set up of generic
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client/server tests. It forks off one thread to either be the
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client or the server side (user-controlled), then runs the
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tests in the main thread.
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Modify the doClientSide and doServerSide as appropriate.
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This directory stores keystore/truststores needed by the JSSE
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regression suite. By consolidating the main keystores here, any
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expired certificates can be regenerated quickly.
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Please feel free to add any useful information here.