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Working On Java[TM] Management Extensions (JMX[TM)) Using NetBeans IDE
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make/netbeans/README for getting started with NetBeans IDE and OpenJDK,
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and workings with OpenJDK NetBeans projects.
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This README focusses on working on the OpenJDK JMX API using NetBeans IDE.
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This NetBeans project for OpenJDK JMX allows you to modify, build, and test
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the JMX API in a standalone manner. It can also be used to generate
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the JMX API documentation for preview.
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The JMX API does not contain native code. It is a pure java library.
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You do not need to install all the Java SE sources to work on JMX,
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you only need the following subset:
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If you don't want to build the whole JDK, you will also need a
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pre-built version of OpenJDK (or JDK 7). Edit your
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file (create it if you don't have one yet) and set the bootstrap.jdk variable
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point to that JDK:
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Then from within NetBeans IDE open the JMX project, and invoke the
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"Build Project" and "Test Project" target. Note that running all the
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tests for JMX takes a while. The build may also fail if it doesn't
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find a directory named src/${platform}. This may happen if you haven't
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installed all OpenJDK sources. In this case, you can simply
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create an empty directory with the name expected by the build mechanism.
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Which tests are run are defined by the jtreg.test variable declared
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in make/netbeans/jmx/build.properties. Note that JMX tests are all
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placed under test/javax/management/. test/java/lang/management/
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and test/com/sun/management/ contain some tests that happen to
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use JMX and we therefore recommend to run these tests too.
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If you are working on a JMX fix, don't forget to create a
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corresponding jtreg unit test under test/javax/management/.
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You can look at existing tests to see how this is done.
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The set of actions defined in this project are:
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* Build Project:
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- Compiles JMX API source files and puts the class files under
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- Generates a JMX jar file under dist/lib/jmx.jar. To use your modified
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JMX classes instead of the built-in JDK classes you will need
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to put this jar file in front of the bootclasspath:
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java -Xbootclasspath/p:dist/lib/jmx.jar mytestapp.MyAppMainClass
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* Generate Javadoc for Project
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- Generates the JMX API Documentation under
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* Test Project
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- Runs the JMX and Management and Monitoring jtreg unit tests.
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- The results are written under build/${platform}-${arch}/jtreg/jmx
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and the HTML test report can be found at
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* Clean Project
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- Cleans the files created by this projet under build/
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Some files may remain.
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Please make sure to follow carefully the governance rules documented at
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