1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
<applet width=100 height=100 code=i18n.class>
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7 |
This is a multi-stage test. Click on "done" when you have completed
8 |
reading these instructions.<br>
9 |
10 |
First, policytool will be invoked. During the entire test,
11 |
make sure that all the buttons, menu options, error messages,
12 |
and output messages are comprehensible
13 |
(you can read all the english text fine).
14 |
If at any time an exception is thrown, or if any message
15 |
is incomprehensible, then the test failed. Otherwise,
16 |
the test passed.
17 |
18 |
Press "Pass" if ... press "Fail" otherwise.
19 |
20 |
21 |
<li> Pull down the 'File' and 'KeyStore' menus and check values
22 |
<li> Pull down 'File' menu and select 'View Warning Log'. Confirm FileNotFound.
23 |
<li> Pull down 'File' menu and select 'New'.
24 |
<li> Pull down 'File' menu and select 'View Warning Log'. Confirm empty.
25 |
<li> Click on 'Add Policy Entry' and check pop-up window
26 |
<li> Click on 'Edit Permission' and 'Remove Permission' and check error messages
27 |
<li> Click on 'Add Permission' and check pop-up window
28 |
<li> Pull down 'Permission' menu and check values
29 |
<li> Select 'AWTPermission', pull down 'Target Name' and check values
30 |
<li> Select 'FilePermission', pull down 'Target Name' and 'Actions' and check values.
31 |
<li> Select 'NetPermission', pull down 'Target Name' and check values
32 |
<li> Select 'PropertyPermission', pull down 'Actions' and check values
33 |
<li> Select 'ReflectPermission', pull down 'Target Name' and check values
34 |
<li> Select 'RuntimePermission', pull down 'Target Name' and check values
35 |
<li> Select 'SecurityPermission', pull down 'Target Name' and check values
36 |
<li> Select 'SerializablePermission', pull down 'Target Name' and check values
37 |
<li> Select 'SocketPermission', pull down 'Actions' and check values
38 |
<li> Type "www.example.com" for SocketPermission 'TargetName',
39 |
and "connect" for 'Actions'
40 |
<li> Click OK
41 |
<li> Check new entry
42 |
<li> Click once on new entry
43 |
<li> Click on 'Edit Permission' and confirm values
44 |
<li> Select AudioPermission. Confirm 'Target Name' and 'Actions' cleared.
45 |
<li> Select "play" from Target menu.
46 |
<li> Click OK, confirm changed permission.
47 |
<li> Type "hello" for 'CodeBase', click on 'Done', and check error message
48 |
<li> Type "hello" for 'SignedBy', click on 'Done', and check warning message
49 |
<li> Click, on 'Edit Policy Entry' and 'Remove Policy Entry'
50 |
and check error messages
51 |
<li> Select policy entry, click on 'Edit Policy Entry', and check pop-up window
52 |
<li> Select policy entry, click on 'Remove Policy Entry',
53 |
and check pop-up window
54 |
<li> Do not remove the entry, click 'Cancel'.
55 |
<li> Pull down 'File' menu and select 'Exit'. Confirm Save option.
56 |
Click 'Cancel'.
57 |
<li> Select 'File' menu value 'Save', enter "/tmp/policy1" as the filename,
58 |
and check status message
59 |
<li> Select 'File' menu value 'New'
60 |
<li> Click 'Add Policy Entry', type in "hello" for 'SignedBy' field,
61 |
click 'Done'. Confirm warning.
62 |
<li> Select 'File' menu value 'Open' and confirm save option
63 |
(do not save changes)
64 |
<li> Type "/tmp/policy1" for the filename and confirm warning message
65 |
<li> Pull down 'File' menu, select 'View Warning Log'
66 |
and confirm KeyStore alias warning
67 |
<li> Pull down 'KeyStore' menu and select 'Edit'
68 |
<li> Enter 'foo' as KeyStore URL and check error
69 |
<li> Using keytool create JKS keystore
70 |
<li> Enter KeyStore URL but leave other fields empty. Should succeed.
71 |
<li> Pull down 'KeyStore' menu and select 'Edit'
72 |
<li> Confirm URL and Type values.
73 |
<li> Enter 'foo' as the provider and check error message.
74 |
<li> Enter 'SUN' as the provider. Should succeed.
75 |
<li> Pull down 'KeyStore' menu and select 'Edit'
76 |
<li> Confirm URL, Type, and Provider values.
77 |
<li> Enter 'foo' as the password URL and check error message.
78 |
<li> Enter URL with bad password and check error message.
79 |
<li> Enter URL with good password. Should succeed.
80 |
<li> Pull down 'KeyStore' menu and select 'Edit'
81 |
<li> Confirm URL, Type, Provider, and Password URL values.
82 |
<li> Click OK
83 |
<li> Pull down 'File' menu and select 'Save As'. Enter /tmp/policy2.
84 |
Confirm status message.
85 |
<li> Pull down 'File' menu and select 'New'.
86 |
<li> Pull down 'File' menu and select 'Open'. Enter /tmp/policy2.
87 |
Confirm warning message.
88 |
<li> Click on 'Add Policy Entry', enter Codebase 'http://foo',
89 |
SignedBy 'bar'. Click on 'Done' and confirm alias warning.
90 |
<li> Double-Click on just created policy entry, confirm edit window appears.
91 |
<li> Change SignedBy to an alias in previously created keystore.
92 |
<li> Click on Done and confirm it worked with no warning.
93 |
<li> Double-Click on "SignedBy hello" policy entry and
94 |
confirm edit window appears.
95 |
<li> Click on Edit/Remove Principal, confirm errors.
96 |
<li> Click on 'Add Principal' and check new window.
97 |
<li> Click on 'OK' and confirm error message (no principal name)
98 |
<li> Enter valid KeyStore alias as principal name, click OK and
99 |
confirm status message.
100 |
<li> Confirm new principal in Principals list.
101 |
<li> Click on 'Done' (creating policy entry), confirm alias warning.
102 |
<li> View warning log and confirm X500Principal/KeyStore alias message.
103 |
<li> Confirm principal added to policy entry in main window listing.
104 |
<li> Double click on that entry.
105 |
<li> Enter codebase "file:/foobar".
106 |
<li> Click on 'Add Principal'. Select KerberosPrincipal. enter 'foo' as name.
107 |
Click OK.
108 |
<li> Confirm new principal in list.
109 |
<li> Double-click on new principal. Select X500Principal.
110 |
Confirm name cleared. Type 'foo' as name. Click OK. Confirm error.
111 |
type 'cn=foo' as name. Click OK. should succeed.
112 |
<li> Confirm changed principal in list.
113 |
<li> Click on 'Add Permission', and add any FilePermission.
114 |
<li> Click on 'Done' in Policy Entry window. Confirm alias warning.
115 |
<li> Confirm entries in main window listing.
116 |
<li> Select 'File' menu value 'Exit'
117 |
<li> Save Changes, confirm status message.
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |