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This directory builds the new version of the Windows AWT. It's been built
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successfully with Visual C++ 4.1, but since it uses very little of VC++'s
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runtime, it will probably work with other versions of that compiler.
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Included in this project is a generated file, make.depend, which lists
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all interdependencies of the source files. This file is generated *on
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Solaris* with the following commands:
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% sccs edit make.depend
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% gnumake -f Depend.mak
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% sccs delget make.depend
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This step only needs to be run when new files are added to the project,
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or include statements are changed.
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Also, if new CClassHeader dependencies are added for Java class files
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that are not built from a Java source file listed in java_awt.jmk or
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windows_awt.jmk then you need to update the FILES_java list in the
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"else" part of the "ifdef JFILES" branch in Depend.mak.
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At some point we should look at a way to share the explicit list of
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exported files between Depend.mak and GNUmakefile.
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In order to run this command, the executable
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/usr/openwin/bin/makedepend is required to be in your $PATH.
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