+ − 1
Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ − 2
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+ − 4
This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ − 5
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
+ − 6
published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ − 7
+ − 8
This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ − 9
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ − 10
+ − 11
version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
+ − 12
accompanied this code).
+ − 13
+ − 14
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
+ − 15
2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ − 16
Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ − 17
+ − 18
Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
+ − 19
CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or
+ − 20
have any questions.
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This readme file should provide all the information needed to build
+ − 27
the HotSpot VM for Windows 95/Windows NT from its teamware workspace.
+ − 28
It is intended as a starting point for people who want to learn how
+ − 29
to work with the current HotSpot source workspace and who need to
+ − 30
build the VM locally. It is not intended as a tutorial for licensees.
+ − 31
+ − 32
Last update: 03/28/05
+ − 33
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+ − 36
+ − 37
The VM builds under the following platforms:
+ − 38
- Windows NT 4.0 on Intel x486 or greater
+ − 39
- x486 PC (or greater), 32MByte or more
+ − 40
+ − 41
+ − 42
+ − 43
+ − 44
For building/testing the following tools need to be available:
+ − 45
- Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (with nmake version 1.62.7022 or greater)
+ − 46
- MKS Toolkit 6.1 or greater
+ − 47
see: /net/reinstall/export/vol0/pc-archive/software/mks6.1 (NFS)
+ − 48
or: \\reinstall\pc-archive\software\mks6.1 (NT)
+ − 49
+ − 50
+ − 51
+ − 52
+ − 53
The workspace works with the following version of the JDK:
+ − 54
(NOTE: these are out of date)
+ − 55
- JDK1.2FCS "V" build
+ − 56
see: /usr/local/java/jdk1.2/win32
+ − 57
+ − 58
and the following version(s) of HotJava:
+ − 59
- hjb1.1.4
+ − 60
- hjb1.1.5
+ − 61
see /usr/local/java/hjb1.1.x/win32
+ − 62
+ − 63
+ − 64
__Environment variables_________________________________________________________
+ − 65
+ − 66
The following environment variables need to be set up for the IDE
+ − 67
build process. For batch builds these do not need to be set.
+ − 68
+ − 69
HotSpotMksHome points to the (NFS or PC-local) directory where the MKS
+ − 70
executables (like sh.exe and grep.exe) are installed
+ − 71
+ − 72
Optionally you may set the following variables in your environment and they
+ − 73
will be picked up by the create.bat script used to generate the vm.vcproj files.
+ − 74
See the section on building within MS Developer Studio for more details.
+ − 75
+ − 76
HotSpotWorkSpace points to the (NFS) directory where the workspace is located
+ − 77
HotSpotBuildSpace points to the (PC-local) directory where the vm is built
+ − 78
HotSpotReleaseBinDest points to the (NFS or PC-local) directory where the product DLL is
+ − 79
+ − 80
HotSpotDebugBinDest points to the (NFS or PC-local) directory where the debug DLL is
+ − 81
+ − 82
+ − 83
NOTE: For both batch and IDE builds, java and javac must be in your
+ − 84
PATH, and the versions found by default must work. (If this turns out
+ − 85
to be a problem, we can define HotSpotJava and HotSpotJavaC for
+ − 86
+ − 87
+ − 88
__Building the JVM from the command line________________________________________
+ − 89
+ − 90
1) choose a directory in which you want to build the vm
+ − 91
(the build process will create a subdirectory)
+ − 92
+ − 93
2) To build the 'core' version (debug || optimized)
+ − 94
%HotSpotWorkSpace%\build\windows\build <flavor> core %HotSpotWorkSpace% <jdk_dir>
+ − 95
To build the 'compiler2' version (debug || optimized)
+ − 96
%HotSpotWorkSpace%\build\windows\build <flavor> compiler2 %HotSpotWorkSpace% <jdk_dir>
+ − 97
+ − 98
where <jdk_dir> is a full path to a JDK in which bin/java and
+ − 99
bin/javac are present and working.
+ − 100
+ − 101
3) If you have problems with building, first try:
+ − 102
vcvars32 <CR> (sets path for VC++)
+ − 103
+ − 104
4) In addition to jvm.dll, the Serviceability Agent (SA) based JDI connector
+ − 105
and command line tools are built if dbgeng.h and dbgeng.lib
+ − 106
can be located, and BUILD_WIN_SA=1 is specified. We look for dbgeng.h here:
+ − 107
+ − 108
$(SYSTEMROOT)\..\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\include
+ − 109
+ − 110
The first directory is part of Visual Studio VC .NET 2003.
+ − 111
The second is used on Windows-amd64.
+ − 112
+ − 113
+ − 114
__Building the JVM from within MS Developer Studio______________________________
+ − 115
+ − 116
0) Set environment variables as described above
+ − 117
+ − 118
1) Run the following script:
+ − 119
%HotSpotWorkSpace%\build\windows\create <type> { <workspace> <buildspace> <productbindest> <debugbindest> }
+ − 120
where type is one of core, compiler1, compiler2. If you leave off the
+ − 121
"<workspace> <buildspace> <productbindest> <debugbindest>" part, the script expects to find their
+ − 122
values in the HotSpotWorkSpace, HotSpotBuildSpace, HotSpotReleaseBinDest, and HotSpotDebugBinDest environment
+ − 123
variables. The resulting vm.vcproj does not depend on these values in the environment.
+ − 124
+ − 125
This will populate the build space with the appropriate makefiles
+ − 126
and run nmake in it. This builds and runs makedeps, which now
+ − 127
generates the appropriate vm.vcproj into the build space. It also
+ − 128
builds and runs adlc.
+ − 129
+ − 130
To regenerate the .incl and .dsp files after changing the include
+ − 131
databases, just run nmake in the build space.
+ − 132
+ − 133
The build process now relies on java and javac. For the IDE builds,
+ − 134
the full path to a JDK (in which bin/java and bin/javac are present
+ − 135
and working) can be specified either explicitly with the
+ − 136
ALT_BOOTDIR environment variable (like the JDK build process), via
+ − 137
the JDK build's default BOOTDIR environment variable, via JAVA_HOME,
+ − 138
or implicitly via the PATH.
+ − 139
+ − 140
(Note that there are now many more command line options to MakeDeps
+ − 141
on the Windows platform than before. These have been bundled into
+ − 142
makefiles/makedeps.make, but it is still necessary to keep this in
+ − 143
sync with the batch makefiles, in vm/generated.)
+ − 144
+ − 145
If you have problems with building (i.e,. finding nmake), first try:
+ − 146
vcvars32 <CR> (sets path for VC++)
+ − 147
+ − 148
2) Double-click the vm.vcproj file in the %HotSpotBuildSpace% directory
+ − 149
to open MS Developer Studio.
+ − 150
+ − 151
3) build desired or all versions:
+ − 152
menu Build -> Batch Build... -> Build (or Rebuild All)
+ − 153
+ − 154
4) jvm.dll is in the %HotSpotReleaseBinDest% or %HotSpotDebugBinDest% directory
+ − 155
depending on which configuration you built (release or debug).
+ − 156
+ − 157
Note: do not edit any of the files (especially the vm.vcproj file) in the
+ − 158
build space, since they are all either autogenerated or copied from
+ − 159
the work space. If necessary, modify the original Makefiles in
+ − 160
%HotSpotWorkSpace%\build\windows\projectfiles, or the shared
+ − 161
makedeps arguments in
+ − 162
+ − 163
+ − 164
Note that it appears that some options set in the IDE (for example,
+ − 165
the default executable) show up not in the .dsp file, but in the .opt
+ − 166
file, so the automatic regeneration of the .dsp file should not
+ − 167
destroy the project settings. However, makedeps.make should be edited
+ − 168
to supply per-file compiler options.
+ − 169
+ − 170
To build adlc from within the IDE for debugging purposes:
+ − 171
+ − 172
1) in MS Developer Studio, open ADLCompiler.dsw:
+ − 173
menu File -> Open Workspace...
+ − 174
select & double-click ADLCompiler.dsw
+ − 175
+ − 176
2) rebuild all (debug mode is enough)
+ − 177
menu Build -> Rebuild All (make sure Win32 Debug version is selected)
+ − 178
+ − 179
+ − 180
__Testing the VM________________________________________________________________
+ − 181
+ − 182
To test the VM using the Tonga Testsuite, use testlook. testlook is a very
+ − 183
simple testing framework on top of Tonga which allows us to use one (Tonga)
+ − 184
test file, that can be extended with attributes.
+ − 185
+ − 186
1) copy %HotSpotWorkSpace%\test\testlook.bat onto PC (preferably
+ − 187
%HotSpotBuildSpace%\bin, which should ideally be in the path)
+ − 188
+ − 189
2) run testlook <cr> or testlook help <cr> for details
+ − 190
+ − 191
3) to run testlook you need to have Tonga mounted:
+ − 192
net use T: \\tapas\export1\psqe
+ − 193
+ − 194
+ − 195
__HotJava under HotSpot_________________________________________________________
+ − 196
+ − 197
To run HotJava, use the .bat file %HotSpotWorkSpace%\test\h.bat. Copy
+ − 198
it into %HotSpotBuildSpace%/<flavor> (which ideally is in the path) and run
+ − 199
HotJava: h java <flags> (e.g., h java_g -Xint).
+ − 200
+ − 201
+ − 202
__Preferred directory setup under Windows NT____________________________________
+ − 203
+ − 204
Within the HotSpot group we are using the following directory setup:
+ − 205
+ − 206
D:\jdk1.2 - where we install the JDK
+ − 207
+ − 208
The following drives are mounted for testing/putbacks/etc.:
+ − 209
+ − 210
net use T: \\tapas\export1\psqe
+ − 211
net use Y: \\rschmidt\GammaBase
+ − 212
net use Z: \\animorphic\animorphic